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Presents the docs for:


Typed by NEC and supplied by, erm....... NEC!

Carcharodon White Sharks CREDITS

Project manager Silicon Warriors
Additional Design Boris Kunkel
Original Code Jurgen Hauser
Special Programming Christian Hagenah
Grafix + effects Florian Gartner
Stunts Will Weber


Demonwares White Sharks represents a new era in computer shoot 'em ups.
You'll find some of the fastest and most exciting arcade actin this side of
your local arcade, but with the depth of gameplay previously unheard of in a
game of this type.
The lifeof a White Shark pilot is pretty uncomplicated - your one role in
life is to stay alive for as long as possible, taking out as many of the
enemys aircraft before you meet your own doom. Until you've clocked up many
flying hours, your mission will enevitably end in your destruction, but learn
from these defeats and you will eventually be victorious. As your skills
develop, you'll discover tactics and techniques that will help you overcome
the overwhelming forces that you must confront.


Insert your White Sharks program disk into the internal drive and turn on
your Amiga. After a few seconds disk access, you will see the White Sharks
loading screen. A few moments later, the game will have loaded.

White Sharks has a new kind of weapons systems. You have at your disposal
four basic weapons which can be used at any point in the game, plus four
additional weapons that can only be used for a limited period of time, before
the ammunition levels are depleted.

You can access any of these weapons at any point - theres no need to
desperately fight through hoards of well armed foes with a pea shooter of a
laser before you can pick up extra weapons. You can therefore plan your
strategy based around the weapons at your disposal, saving the more powerful
weapon systems for more difficult foes.

Before you go into battle, you can arm your ship with the choice in weaponary.
When the title screen or the Hi-score screen appears, press E on your Amiga
keyboard and the extra weapons menu will appear. This screen is split into
several distinct sections. On the left hand side of the screen you'll see
the weapons available and on the right the weapons selcted for a particular
level. Below this is a graphic representation of the weapon system in use.

LEVEL - You can arm your ship seperately for each level. Clicking on each
level icon will display the default settings, but you can change these to
suit your own particular needs.

FIXED EQUIPMENT - This is your basic weapon. No matter how many times you
use it, it will always be available to you.

EXTRA EQUIPMENT - If your basic fire power isn't up to the job, then you can
invest in some extra hardware. These can be selected at any time, but they
can only be used for a limited period before they stop working.

You may have noticed that every weapon system on the left hand side of the
screen has a number beneath it. This shows how many are currently available
in your weapons store. When you first enter the Extra Weapons menu, most have
already been allocated, but you can free any that are in use and then
reallocate them anywhere yourself.

To do this, move the cursor over to the right hand side of the screen and
click on the weapon icon which is to be de-allocated. There are four for each
type of weapon system (fixed and extra). If the value below the icon is one,
then the icon will be removed and the coresponding icon on the left hand side
of the screen will be increased. If the value is greater than 1, it will be
decreased but the icon will remain.

If you wish to retain your choice in weapons so that it is automatically set
evrytime you load the game, press S to save the configuration to a Blank

Once you have finished editing your weapons system, click on the joystick icon
and you will be returned to the game title screen. You can now set up the
type of control system you wish to use froma choice of four different weapon
systems. They are as follows.

BLASTER CONTROL - Press F1 and the screen will flash red to acknowlege
selection. Blaster control allows you to blast away normally, but when you
hold down the fire button a little longer, you will hear a bell. This means
that you can now choose one of your extra weapons. You will see a white
square surrounding one of the four weapons available. To select the weapon
you require, move the white square over the weapon you require and release
the fire button. During this selection process, you will be temporarily be
rendered invulnerable to all aggressive fire, but dont hang around as this
does not last for long.

FREAKY BLASTER CONTROL - Press F2 and the screen should flash green. During
play, pressing the fire button quickly will fire off a stream of fire. If
you then Waggle ( !!! ) the joystick from left to right, you can select the
weapon system you require. Now just move the joystick left or right to

CONTINUOUS CONTROL - Press F3 and the screen will flash blue. During play
this will cause the game to work like an auto-fire without you having to
press the fire button. To change weapons system, just press the fire
button and move the joystick left or right

PRETENTIOUS CONTROL - Press F4 and the screen will flash purple. Pretentious
control is a mixture between Freaky Blaster control and Continous control -
you have continous fire without having to press the fire button and extra
weapons are selected by waggling the joystick as described above.

TWO PLAYER MODE - To start the game with two players, just hit the fire
button on joystick two. To play a one player, just hit fire on joystick

TRAINER MODE - If you have solved levels 1, 2, and 3, you can practise them
again by pressing the corresponding numeric keypad number. Press the fire
button and the game will carry on where you selected. The score will be
IGNORED in this part of them game.

THE GAME - Once you're happy with both the ships armanents and the method of
control you wish to use, press the fire button on your joystick and the game
will start. After a few seconds, the game screen will appear with the
message 'Get ready' displayed. Press the fire button once you are actually
ready and the action starts.


1. You can start the game immediately after the title screen has appeared by
hitting the fire button.

2. The extra weapons are only available for a short period of time, so use
them when you need them.

3. You dont have to wait for a weapon to get to zero before switching to use
another one. But be careful, or you will lose the lot.

4. You can allocate a weapon system more than once on the same level without
taking up extra space on your ship.

5. If you want to pause the game at any point ( To make a cup of tea for
example! ), then press the Space bar to pause. Likewise the Space bar will
also resume the game if you so wish.

6. If things aint going well, hit ESCAPE to quit the current game.

7. If your game ends, then hit the fire button straight away to stay on that
level. If you achieve a hi-score, then you will have to enter your name
first then you may carry on.