
1. Turn the AMIGA on
2. Insert Kickstart Version 1.1 disk at the Kickstart prompt.
3. Insert the Chessmaster 2000 disk at the Workbench prompt. The
Chessmaster 2000 will load and run in a few moments.

To maintain the value of your investment, The Chessmaster 2000 has been
copy-protected. Back-up disks are available through the Software Tool-works.
Send $5.00 and proof of purchase.
If you have further questions regarding steps 1-3 consult your AMIGA manual
or computer dealer


The Chessmaster 2000 requires the AMIGA with 512K of memory.
Kickstart version 1.1 must be used.


All features of The Chessmaster 2000 are activated through AMIGA style menus.
Menus are available from the Menu Bar, at the top of the screen, when
the right mouse button is depressed.
To select a choice from a menu, point to a menu title and, while keeping
the right mouse button depressed, move to one of the available menu items.
As you do this, the item will be highlighted.
Select the command or option by releasing the right mouse button when the
command or option is displayed. For some items, sub-menus will appear.
Consult the Introduction to the AMIGA manual included with your computer
or your computer dealer for further information on how to operate the mouse
and select commands or options from AMIGA menus.


Some menu items allow keyboard shortcuts.
If this is the case, a shortcut keystroke will be shown next to the menu
item. Use these shortcut commands by pressing the right Amiga key (A) down
(like a shift key) and then pressing the appropriate letter key.
By typing these selection-shortcut-keys you may activate the function of
your choice without using the menus.


To move the chess pieces, position the mouse cursor "hand"
over the piece and "grab" it by depressing the left mouse button.
Move the piece to its new location and release button.
If you are familiar with algebraic chess notation (i.e., 'e2-e4')
you may type your moves in that notation.


When legal, move your king to his destination square.
The rook will move into place automatically.


When legal, capture an opposing pawn, with your pawn, after it moves
out 2 squares on its first play, by moving your pawn ahead and diagonally
behind it. The pawn will be captured "in passing".


If you move a pawn to the eighth rank, The Chessmaster 2000 will
show you the pieces to which you can promote your pawn.
Click on your choice to promote the pawn.



Begin New Game:

Resets Chessmaster and starts a new game.
Choose Your Opponent

Select your opponent as:

The Chessmaster, Human (The Chessmaster 2000 referees the game),
or Autoplay (The Chessmaster 2000 plays itself).

Choose Play Level:

This feature allows you to select game difficulty.
The Chessmaster 2000 has 12 levels of play numbered 1 through 12.
Level 1 is the easiest. See also Newcomer and Easy Mode.

Choose Side:

Allows you to change sides with The Chessmaster 2000.
Easy Mode On/Off:

Select this feature to turn on/off The Chessmaster
2000's ability to "think ahead" while it waits for you to make a
Newcomer Style On/Off:
Select to have The Chessmaster 2000 play its
easiest game.

The Style of Play is Normal/Best/Coffeehouse:

Select The Chessmaster
2000's style of play to be:
Normal-mixes best and random moves.
Best-always makes its best move.
Coffeehouse-makes more random moves.

Opening Book On/Off:

Selecting the opening book On allows The
Chessmaster 2000 to consult its extensive library of proven
opening moves and tactics.

Force Computer Move ((A)f):

Makes the Chessmaster 2000 move
immediately at your command.

Take Back Last Move (Backspace):

This feature takes back the last move made by either you or the
Chessmaster 2000.

If a move is taken back, it may be replaced
by selecting Replay The Move ((A)r). If you
take back the Chessmaster 2000's last move it
will start thinking of a new move, but will make
no move until you force it to move by pressing A�f.
This is because it does not know whether you want
to continue to take back moves.

Replay The Move ((A)f):

If any moves have been taken back, and no new
move made, you may select this to replay the taken-back moves.

Load A Saved Game:

The Drawer called ClassicGames contains the 100
classic games described in the accompanying booklet. The
Drawer called MySavedGames will contain games you have pre-
viously saved. Select the appropriate Drawer from the menu
using the mouse.

When the appropriate Drawer has been selected, all the games
in that Drawer will be displayed on the screen. Select, with
the mouse again, the desired game and then select LOAD on the

Once the game is Loaded, you may continue playing it from the
point at which it was saved. Or you may select Replay (Ar)
to replay the game. You may stop this sequence at any point
and continue the game yourself.

The classic games begin at the initial game position. To see
each move, press A r repeatedly.

Save This Game:

Use this command to save the game in progress to the
disk. Select, with the mouse, the Drawer title MySavedGames.
Next, select inside the black line entitled FILE: and type the
name you wish to give your saved game. Select SAVE, using the
mouse, to save the game to disk.

There is room on the Chessmaster 2000 program diskette for you
to save about 50 games. You may, however, remove the program
diskette and save over 500 games on each freshly formatted
disk that you choose to insert.

Erase a Saved Game:

Use this command to erase any games previously
saved to disk whenever you no longer wish to preserve the
games or you want to recover disk space so new games can be

Exits the program.


The Board is now 2D/3D:

Switches back and forth between a 2 and 3
dimensional graphic display of the chessboard.

Board Coordinates On/Off:

Switches the border display on and off.

Chess Clocks On/Off:

Switches the clock on and off.

Change Piece Colors for Black/White:

Allows you to change the piece
colors of the Chessmaster 2000's display. (See Save These
Settings for information on how to preserve the color com-
binations you select for the next time you play the Chess-
master 2000.)

Change Square Colors for Black/White:

Allows you to change the square
colors of the Chessmaster 2000's display. (See Save These
Settings for information on how to preserve the color com-
binations you select for the next time you play the Chess-
master 2000.)

Restore Colors to Wood/Metal:

Changes the board and piece to colors
to simulate either a wood or metal chess set.

Rotate the Board:

Rotates the board 90 degrees clockwise, 90 degrees
counterclockwise or completely around as selected.

Set Up a Position:

Selecting this will allow you to set up the chess-
board to play out classic strategies or chess problems.
Pieces may be placed on the board by "grabbing" them with the
hand pointer and placing them on the board. Pressing the
right mouse button will show the setup menu bar labeled Setup

Set Up the Initial Position:

Sets up the standard starting position for a new game.

Clear the Board:

Clears the board of all pieces.

Choose Side to Move First:

Select to choose which side will
make the first move, after setting up is complete.

Leave Setup Mode:

Returns you to the playing board.


Show Captured Pieces Ac):

Select to view all captured pieces.

Show Moves So Far (Aq):

Displays a list of all moves made. Use
scroll bars on right side of the window to move through list.

Show Chessmaster Thinking (As):

Select to view the Chessmaster's Thinking process.


The Chessmaster 2000 may not be
thinking deeply, or at all, if the Play Level is set low, or
the present game is following opening hook moves.

Three "lines of play" are displayed. First is the "Best"
line, which is the best the Chessmaster 2000 has come up with
in its thinking so far. If you force the Chessmaster 2000 to
move by pressing the A f key, it will make the first move in
its best line.

The "Current"line is the line it is considering at this
instant. Because this line is a "snapshot" of an incomplete
thought, the moves and score for the Current line will not
always make sense.

The "Previous" line is the line from the previous move made by
the Chessmaster 2000. This is the same as the "Best
variation" displayed by A�v. It has nothing to do with the
Chessmaster's thinking for its next move.

The lines of play are displayed as a sequence of move, a
score, and search Depth.

In the sequence of moves, the first move is the one the Chess-
master 2000 might make next, followed by your reply, and its
answer to your reply, and so on. Of course, you might not
make the predicted reply, and even if you do, the Chessmaster
2000 might think of a better answer in the meantime, so the
further you go down the moves, the less likely it is that
those exact moves all will actually be made.

The Score reflects how far the Chessmaster 2000 thinks it will
be ahead or behind if the line of play is played out to the
last move shown. The score is computed in pawns and fractions
so a score of 1.00 means the Chessmaster 2000 will be ahead
pawn (or the equivalent), and -3.00 means it will be down the
equivalent of one piece. Fractional scores come from the
Chessmaster 2000's evaluation of positional considerations.

The search Depth is the minimum number of plies, or half
moves, the Chessmaster 2000 will look ahead. A depth of 3,
for example, means it will look at its move, your reply, and
it's answer: three half moves. It may look farther if it
sees something interesting, like a check or capture. When the
Chessmaster 2000 has looked at all the moves at the current
search depth, it will start a new search one ply deeper if it
thinks it has time to finish.

Show Best Variation (Av):

This displays the line of play predicted by
the Chessmaster 2000 when it made its last move. Also shown
are the Score, which indicates how far the Chessmaster 2000
thinks it is ahead or behind, and the Depth of search, which
shows how many half moves ahead it looked when planning that

The first move in the line of play is the best move it made.
The next move is what it thinks your best reply would be. If
you ask for a hint, this is the first move the Chessmaster
2000 will suggest.

For more about the display of a line of play, see "Show Chess-
master Thinking", above.

Suggest a Move (Ah):

Provides a hint for your next move by moving the
suggested piece and then replacing it in its original location.
The first hint offered is what the Chessmaster 2000 considers
to be your strongest move possible. Other suggested moves may
provide you with an unexpected strategy but are not likely to
be as good.

Teaching On/Off:

When on, and a piece is selected to move, a shadow
of that piece appears to show you all squares to which it may
legally move.

The Sound is Now Voice/Music/Bell/Silence:

This feature lets you
change the sound from the Chessmaster voice to music to a bell
sound, or to shut it off entirely. Sound is heard when a
piece is moved, a mistake is made, a piece is captured, a king
is in Check, a mate occurs, on piece promotion, checkmate,
stalemate, or when a New Game is begun.

Notation Algebraic/Abbreviated Algebraic:

This feature switches the
format of the move list from Algebraic to Abbreviated
Algebraic. When typing in moves, however, you must always use
the Algebraic format.

Enter Your Name:

Select to enter your name on-screen. You may enter
a name up to 11 characters, including spaces and punctuation.

If the Boss Wanders By (Ap):

A panic button for tight situations. Be
prepared, however, to speak knowledgeably on the subject of
real estate investment analysis.


Analyze a Game (Aa):

The purpose of "Analyze a Game" is to play a
game with the Chessmaster 2000, or another person, and then
have the Chessmaster 2000 analyze each move made, and the
strength of each player's position. You can analyze a game
played with another person by selecting a "human" opponent
(See Choose Your Opponent) and entering the moves of the game
into the Chessmaster 2000.

Begin Analysis:

Select this feature after a game has been played,
partly played, or loaded form disk, and some or all moves have
been taken back. (See Take Back All Moves below.)

For each move analyzed, the Chessmaster 2000 will show the
best move (with score and best line of play), and then play
the actual move. (If a move is made from the Chessmaster's
opening book, no line of play is shown.) For more about the
line of play, see "Show Chessmaster Thinking" above.

Analysis is displayed on the screen, and on the Chessmaster
2000 program disk in the text file CM.ANL (if Disk file
CM.ANL output is selected ON from the Analysis sub-menu).


The higher the level of play you have selected (see
Choose Play Level) the deeper the Chessmaster 2000's analysis
will be. You may want to let your computer run for hours, or
overnight, to get a better analysis.

Save Analysis in CM.ANL:

Select to send analysis to the Chessmaster
2000 program disk in a file called CM.ANL. Each time this
feature is selected CM.ANL is overwritten with new analysis.
The format of CM.ANL is standard ASCII, and may be read at the
AmigaDOS level with your word processor, or the AmigaDOS
command TYPE CM.ANL.

Choose Side to Analyze; Both/Black/White:

Selects analysis for both sides, or one, or the other.

Take Back LAST Move (Backspace):

Takes back the last move made by either you or the Chessmaster 2000.

Take Back ALL Moves:

Takes back all moves, to the beginning of the game.
You are ready to start Analysis.

Quit Analysis:

Select to stop Analysis.

Solve for Mate (Am):

Use this feature to solve chess problems in
which mate will occur in a certain number of moves. Solving
for mate is like playing a short chess game. First use "Set
Up a Position" to set up the position from the chess problem.
Then select the number of moves the Chessmaster 2000 to mate
in, and which side it plays. Finally select Start Solving
For Mate. The Chessmaster 2000 will think for a while and
then make a move. Next you make a counter move, and so on
until checkmate. You can take back moves to make other
counter moves.

Start Solving for Mate:

Select to start the Solve for Mate process.

Mate in how many moves?:

Chooses how far ahead the Chess-master 2000 will look for a mate.

Choose Side to Mate Black/White:

Chooses which side the Chessmaster 2000 plays.

Quit Solve Mate:

Leaves Solve Mate and return to normal play.

Print Moves so Far:

Prints all moves so far in the current game.
Make sure your printer is ready before selecting this feature.

Print Each Move On/Off:

Prints each move as a game is played.
Make sure your printer is ready before selecting this feature.

Save These Settings:

Saves the current setup of the Chessmaster
2000's features including display and play features, such as
play level, board dimension, sound options, colors, play
modes, etc. The next time the Chessmaster 2000 is run, it
will be set as it as when you last used it.

"Factory Setting":

Selection will restore the Chessmaster 2000
settings to the same ones it had when it left The Software
Toolworks. These settings will be active the next time you
run the Chessmaster 2000.

On-Screen Menu Index

Play options are shown on the left. Menu titles and shortcut key-
strokes for each option are shown on the right.

Analyze a Game Aa
Best Variation Av
Border Coordinates BOARD
Change the Colors BOARD
Clock Display On/Off BOARD
Dimension of Board is now 2D/3D BOARD
Display Captured Ac
Easy Mode On/Off PLAYING
Enter your Name DISPLAY
Factory Setting EXTRAS
Games on Disk PLAYING
Hint/Advice Ah
Level of Play PLAYING
List Moves So Far DISPLAY
Load a Game from Disk PLAYING
Make The Chessmaster Move Now Af
Newcomer Style is Off/On PLAYING
Notation is Now Algebraic/Abbr. Algebraic DISPLAY
Opening Book is On/Off PLAYING
Opponent is Chessmaster PLAYING
Panic Button Ap
Print All Moves So Far to the Printer EXTRAS
Printing is now Off/On EXTRAS
Replay Next Move Ar
Rotate Board Clockwise DISPLAY
Rotate Board Counter-Clockwise DISPLAY
Save this Set-Up EXTRAS
Save the Current Game to Disk PLAYING
Setting Up the Board BOARD
Show Chessmaster Thinking As
Side to Move First White/Black BOARD/SETUP
Side You are now playing is White/Black PLAYING
Sound is Now Music/Bell/Silence DISPLAY
Style of Play is Normal/Best/Varied PLAYING
Take Back the Last Move Backspace
Teaching is Now Off/On DISPLAY
Turn the Board Around At