Incomplete Docs for "Earl Weaver Baseball", but better than the previous
Game Play
R - display speeed of last pitch.
I - instant replay.
S - stop game.
W - display wind speed/direction.
T - time out.
U - consult umpire.
H - `Ask Earl' [defense]
V - `Ask Earl' [offense]
B - examine lineup
L - lineup change
F1 - consult pitcher. \
F2 - argue with home umpire. \
F3 - argue with 1st base umpire. - Red Team
F4 - argue with 2nd base umpire. /
F5 - argue with 3rd base umpire. _/
F6 - consult pitcher. \
F7 - argue with home umpire. \
F8 - argue with 1st base umpire. - Blue Team
F9 - argue with 2nd base umpire. /
F10 - argue with 3rd base umpire. _/
TAB or SPACE while playing to set your play.

Pitching --->
Pitch wildly but fast - hit the button like crazy
Pitch a slider - when pitching hold the joystick down while holding down
the joystick button (or mouse)
Pitch a high one - when pitching hold the joystick up while holding down
the joystick/mouse button
Pitch a curve right - when pitching do the normal junk, but just before
you let go push right
Pitch a curve left - same as above but push the joystick left just
before you let go
Pitch a knuckle ball (i am pretty sure) - when pitching do the normal
shit, but just before you
let go hit the joystick/mouse
button fast.
Hitting the ball
It is pretty self-explantory, but if you want to hit (ie: a inside curve)
you must push the button and move the joystick in the direction of the