Amiga International Soccer

F1 - Tune 1
F2 - Tune 2
F3 - Tune 3
F5 Player 1 versus computer
F6 Player 1 versus player 2
F7 Players 1 and 2 versus computer
F8 Players 1 and 2 versus player 3
F9 Player 1 2 and 3 versus computer
F10 Players 1 and 2 versus players 3 and 4

Note: Options F8, F9, F10 need the 4-player adaptor

Cursor Up - increases music volume
Cursor Down - decreases music volume

Tab - music or sound effects

Keypad 8 - highers the screen
Keypad 2 - lowers the screen

Q - Quit

P - Pause or Restart

T - show time, score, half, and condition

Provided by Anne Bonny, sysop of The Pirate Zone
and Sol Negrine (A-HA) of England