
Protection Codes

Page 4 Line 1 Word 7 BEGAN
Page 6 Line 2 Word 7 LEFT
Page 7 Line 1 Word 5 USING
Page 7 Line 1 Word 4 MOVED
Page 8 Line 1 Word 2 TEAM
Page 9 Line 1 Word 4 PLAYED
Page 9 Line 2 Word 3 COLOUR
Page 10 Line 1 Word 1 RECRUIT
Page 11 Line 1 Word 5 ICON
Page 12 Line 1 Word 5 PARTY
Page 13 Line 1 Word 5 SOME
Page 13 Line 1 Word 3 OFTEN
Page 13 Line 2 Word 4 PLACE
Page 14 Line 3 Word 1 SPELLS
Page 14 Line 1 Word 3 LAST

Ishar : Legend of the Fortress


Azalhgorm took a deep breath and began his tale.

"This land was once called Arborea. Morgoth, Lord of Evil and Chaos,
decided to make Arborea his own. His dark powers soon subdued the
land. But Jarel, Prince of the Elves fought against this evil
succesful in his quest for the magic crystals of Harmony, he and his
faithful companionsfinally destroyed Morgoth in an unforgettable
battle (*).

Jarel's companions are still alive and their names are engraved in
everyones memory...Akeer, Olbar, Zach, Irvan, Thorm and Jon the
Alchemist. After his victory Jarel became ruler of the whole land,
which he renamed Kendoria. Under the leadership of Jarel and a wise
Elven government the many peoples of Kendoria lived health and

Sadly Jarel was killed in a hunting accident, and as his succesors
struggled violently for power anarchy spread through the whole land.
Taking advantage of the troubled situation people of many different
races crossed into Kendoria from nearby, poorer lands. Many were
traders or farmers...but some were adventurers and mercenaries. Such
a one was Krogh...a shady and powerfull figure... "

Azalhgorm paused. He was troubled by these memories of the past...he
coughed slightly and his deep, low voice echoed once again...

"Krogh has grown rich and powerful and built a temple on the
Kingdoms borders. The temple is called "Ishar" which means Unknown
in the Elven tongue. Krogh is evil and like Morgoth in the past,
threatens Kendoria. his powers are great...he seeks the return of
darkness. Leave now for Ishar and regain the throne of Jarel.

" It was already dark. I could barely see Azalhgorrns face as,
feeling puzzled, I bid him farewell and began my long joutney to the
mysterious land of Kendoria.



- ATARI/AMIGA: Insert disk A into drive, then turn on your computer.

- PC : * FLOPPY DISK: After booting with MS-DOS, insert disk A into
drive A (or B) then enter START.

* HARD DISK: To install the game on your hard disk, insert disk A
into drive A (or B), then enter INSTALL <source drive> <destination
B: D:). Follow the instructions displayed on your screen. To start
the game from your hard disk, just open the subdi- rectory
containing the game, and enter START.

- MACINTOSH: start the game by double-clicking on the START icon,
then select the PLAY option in the COMMANDS menu.

To install the game on your hard disk, copy all the files from the
disks to a directory of your choice (directly on to your hard disk).

You can then start the game by double-clicking on the START icon
within that directory.


- The program stops while loading: check your MS-DOS commands to see
if resi- dent programs are loaded when booting your system. They can
take too much memory for the program to run correctly.

- The program stops when playing PCM (digitized) sounds: You can
cancel these sounds by starting the game with the START S command
instead of START.

- Joystick problems: you can disconnect the joystick port by
starting the game with the START J command instead of START.

- Mouse problems: Start the garne with the START M command instead

- You can also use all these parameters: START MSJ.


PAUSE KEY: Press on the <ESC> key.


- MOUSE: The game can be completely controlled with the mouse. Use
the left mouse button to select an item, and the right mouse button
to cancel the selected action or close the current menus.

- JOYSTICK: You can move the arrow on the screen with the joystick.
The fire button acts like the left mouse button. The <ALT> key works
like the right mouse button.

- KEYBOARD: The numeric pad keys (I to 9) are similar to the mouse
controls. The SHIFT key (used to write in upper case) works like the
left n mouse button, the ALT key like the right button.

The F1 to F10 keys activate the ACTION and ATTACK options for the 5

The CONTROL key used with the numeric pad keys allows you activate
the following options:

* Open the Tactical Panel with the 7 key.

* Open the Save Menu with the 9 key.

* Move on the 3D screen with the keys 1 to 6, just like the six
directions on the control panel.


- To pick up a visible item, just click on it. The mouse pointer
will then take the form of the item. You can place it directly
within a character's inventory by clicking on the character's face,
or W by clicking on his name (displays the character sheet).

- To use an item on another object (a key on a door, for example),
select the item on the character sheet and move it to the place you
want to use it, then confirm by clicking on the left mouse button.


MOVES: A character is moved using the directional arrows (5 to 10).
You can move forward (6), move to the right (7) and to the left (5),
turn 45� right (10) and left (8), or move backwards (9).

The compass (2) displays the current picture orientation.Some type
of terrain is im- passable, like water, high bushes and dense

The name of the area your party is currently exploring is displayed
on the scroll (1)


You can alter the tactical disposition of your party. To do this,
click on the small box (3). You will then see a 5 X 5 board with
small symbols representing each character in the party (See 14 on
next page). Select the character's symbol and place it on the board.
The characters standing on the top squares of the board will be to
the front of the team. They will also be first during battles. The
characters at the back will have better protection (if no one
attacks you from behind!), but they will not be able to fight in
close combat, unless they are equipped with t'nrowing weapons (see

To move in single file, you must place the character's symbols on
the board along a vertical line. The character at the front of the
team will be attacked first in battles, and he is the only character
able to fight in close combat.


To load or save a game, click on the disk icon (4). Follow the
instructions displayed on the screen. You will have to insert a
formatted disk. You can save as many garnes as you want.

AMIGA users will have to wait a few seconds after inserting a disk,
while the drive reads the data.

HARD DISK users saved games will be directly saved in the same
directory or sub-directory as the game.


A team may include a maximum of five characters. You begin the game
with only one.

The name of each character is displayed at the bottom of the screen
(16). His face appears in the medallion (13). If there is no
character, the medallion displays a rock face (21).Note the small
symbol (14) displayed at the left bottom of the screen, representing
the character in the tactical panel (see "TACTICS").

The bar (15) shows hit points level. Watch this carefully, because
the character dies when this bar reaches zero. In that case, a skull
appears in the box (22). You can pick up the items carried by the
dead character using his character sheet, as long as you stay in the
same place. As soon as you move, the dead character and his posse-
sions will be lost forever. If all characters are killed, the game
is over.

When you click on the medallion, you can open two other windows.The
first one displays the following information:

- Physiology: The boxes (17) show the player's condition after a
spell has been cast on him (see "SPELLS SYMBOLS").

- Spells: When a spell has been prepared - or written in runes (See
"CAST A SPELL" in the "ACTIONS" section), the spell symbol is
displayed in the left box ( 18). To cast this spell, just click on

- Items held in the hand (box 19). You can trade or place items
directly with these icons (See "CHARACTER SHEET").

The second window (20) displays vital information: physical and
mental condition, experience and money.

Physical condition affects combat performances. This level goes down
as you move. When it reaches zero, the hit points start to go down.
To raise the level, you must sleep, eat, or drink special potions.

Mental condition affects effectivity and length of spells. You can
regain points when you sleep, or by drinking special potions.


All battles are played in real time. To hit your opponent(s) click
on the "ATTACK" box (12). The colour of the box changes during the
attack. When the colour returns to the original colour, your
character may hit the opponent again.

The character strikes the opponent(s) with the weapon he is
currently holding. De- pending on the weapon, the character can hit
faster or slower. A two handed weapon is slower than a single hand
weapon, but it is also more effective, causing more darnage to the
enemy. If the character holds a different weapon in each hand, he
will hit twice as fast as if he only had one weapon in hand. If the
character holds no weapon, he will attack with his fists.

To strike an opponent, the character must beat the front of the
party (See "TAC- TICS"). The characters behind the leader can use
throwing weapons. You can easily recognize these by the small lines
drawn on them. They symbolize speed. To throw a weapon, click on
"ATTACK". The mouse pointer changes. You must then select the
opponent you want to strike. The enemy chosen can be quite far away.

Hits are shown on the screen by a small blood "puddle", in which the
damage points are displayed. Damage varies according to many factors
:the weapon's power, strength and agility level (especially for
thrown weapons), the character's weapons skills, opponent's


To perform a specific action, click on the "ACTION" icon (11) for
the selected character. A window opens and displays the following

- GIVE ITEM: The character sheet is displayed. Choose the item and
click on the character receiving the item.

- GIVE MONEY: This option is similar to the Give Item option, but
you must in- dicate the amount of money to give with the "+" and "-"
signs, then click on the "COIN" icon.

- KILL: Select the character you want to kill. WARNING: The
character's psychology is important when you perform this action: if
one of your characters is a good friend of the victim (See
"ALIGNMENT"), he may himself kill the murderer, and so on! You could
end up with most of your characters being murdered by each other!

- DISMISS: The other characters in the team vote if you want to
dismiss a character. This vote depends on the level of friendship
with the character you want to dis- miss (See: ALIGNMENT). A
dismissed character is taken out of the game, and you will not be
able to recruit him again.

Dismissing a character is less risky than killing him. But sometimes
you will be in a situation where you can not dismiss a character,
and you cannot pick up the items he is carrying. Still, you may
often have to dismiss characters during the game.

- RECRUIT: It is impossible to recruit all the characters you meet
in this game. Just as when you want to dismiss a character, the
other members of your team will vote. Be careful, because even
traitors could join your team. Their usual behaviour is to disappear
suddenly whith some of your possesions.

- CAST SPELL: This action may only be performed by specific
character classes (clerics, wizards...). Choose a spell: some of
them are automatic (radar), but most of them require you to spot the
opponent on the screen (combat spells) or the character within the
party (protection spells). The mouse pointer then changes to a torch.

You can also prepare a spell using runes, with the option "RUNES".
It will then be available in the spell icon (18).

To cast a spell, a character must have enough psychic energy. If his
psychic energy level is too low, the spell will have no effect. The
efficiency and length of the spell also depends on intelligence
level (wizards) and wisdom level (clerics).

There are about thirty available spells, available for different
levels (See "SPELLS DECSRIPTION"). You can learn these spells during
magical training courses(See "TRAINING").

- LOCKPICK: the mouse pointer turns into a lockpick. You must click
on the lock you wish to open.

- ORIENTATION: the character will give you information about the
area you are exploring.

- FIRST AID: Select the character to be healed. A character cannot
be healed twice with this option, unless he has been injured since
the last healing. The efficiency of the "LOCKPICK", ORIENTATION" and
"FIRST AID" options depend on the character's skill level in each
specific field.


The relationship between the characters is very important in the
game: they vote to disrniss or recruit other characters, they can
kill each other, and sometimes even re- fuse to fight against
members of their own races. This relationship is based on the
traditional RPG (Role Playing Games) alignment tables (good and
bad). The align- ment of a character depends on his race and his
class (for example, dwarfs are not very friendly with elves).

You can gather information about your character's alignments by
visiting "psycho analysts".



Click on the "Buy" icon. A list of the available products is
displayed, with their cost. Select the item you want to buy, and
click on the character box (the character who is buying), or click
on the character name to open his character sheet. If the character
does not have enough money, the operation is automatically canceled.


In the taverns, you have a choice of 4 different actions:

- LISTEN: This option allows you to gather useful information.

- RECRUIT: The tavern is the one of the best places to recruit
characters. Select the character you want to recruit. The members of
your team then vote. The result depends on this vote. If your team
agrees, the character will join them.

- EAT: You must buy a meal for the whole party. If there is not
enough money, then the team will not eat. If so, the food will be
shared between the characters. If a character has not enough money,
his share will be paid by the other members of the party, starting
with the first character on the team panel.

- SLEEP: This option is similar to the Eat option. You must rent a
room for the whole party.


You can meet various characters in the houses. Most of the time,
they will give you precious information (though often you will have
to pay for it!). Sometimes you will find useful items you can pick
up. Just click on the item you want to take, and give it to one of
your characters.

The "Psycho analysts" will give you their advice for a regular fee.
The payment sys- tem is similar to the tavern options.


Training is essential to reach higher skill levels. There are five
different training courses: strength, agility, intelligence, wisdom
and spells.

Select the character you wish to train. If he doesn't have enough
money to pay for the training, or doesn't have the necessary skills,
the training is automatically can- celed.

For spells training, you must choose the spell you want to learn
after selecting the character. This type of training is only
available to certain classes (see "CAST SPELL").


Each character in your party has his own character sheet. To open
the character sheet, simply click on the character's name (16).


The character description is displayed on three sheets. To browse
through the pages, click on the "BOOKS" icon (27). The complete
character description includes:

- the character's identity: his name, race and class

- the character's current level and experience level

- the character's health: physical & mental energy and vitality.

- the character's attributes and skills. The skill level determines
the effectivness of a character (Ex: a strong character will cause
more damage to the opponent during combat, a robust character will
be more resistant).

These parameters change during the game, depending on combat, and
your successes and failures. There are eight skills available in the
game: lockpick, orientation, first aid, foreign languages
(readlspoken), shooting (bowslcrossbows) and weapons skills (one
handed/two handed/weapons). The three first skills are used through
the "ACTION" menu (11).

MONEY (17):

The "MONEY" icon (31) displays the amount of money owned by the
characters in the party. When you click on this icon, you open a
"money management" menu.

With the 3-arrows icon, you can easily share your money between the
characters in your party. You can also give a specific amount of
money to one of the characters.

Use the "+" and "-" signs to enter the correct amount, then click on
the "COIN" icon. The mouse pointer will turn into a coin. Click with
this coin on the character receiving the money.

ITEMS (box 24):

A character often has some items when he first joins the party.
When you find a new item, you can place it in one of the nine boxes.
Some items can be regrouped in a single box: food (5 maximum),
potions (10 maximum) and arrows (20 maximum).

In this case, the number of items is displayed at the bottom right
of the box.

To select an item, click on it, or, if you hold regrouped items,
select the number of items you want to use.You will then be able to:

- drop (destruction) the item by putting it in the "TRASH" icon (30).

- see a description of an item by holding the mouse button down, and
moving the item onto "VIEW" icon (29).

- eat and drink by placing any food item or potion on the "ABSORB"
icon (28).

Note: this icon can also be used for blowing. When a character eats,
he regains vitality points.

- equip the character with some items. You must place the clothes,
armours and helmets on the character's body (25).

- place the item in your hands. Place it on the "HANDS" icon (26)
and click. If the item is cumbersome (two handed swords), the second
hand is shaded and cannot be used.

- give the item to another character (on his character sheet). Click
on the name of the character receiving the item, then place it in
the character's inventory.

- put the item directly in another character's hands. Place the item
on the charac- ter's "HANDS" icon (19) and click on the mouse. If
you click on an item when you are already holding one, the exchange
is automatic.


To create a potion, you must have the magic transparent flask (there
is only one in the game!), to use as a container. Mix the
ingredients by clicking the different potions you own on the magic
flask. This flask is reusable after drinking its contents. Read the
magical recipes book at the end of this manual carefully, because
some mixtures may have very strange resulls...


Spells will last a certain length of time, depending on the
character's magical powers (See "CAST SPELL"). There are ten
different levels for spell casters (l to 10). Some spells are only
available to certain classes. You can learn new spells by training.

CLERIC SPELLS (also available for rangers and paladins):

- Healing (Level l, 3 and 4): this spell will raise the number of
hit points of the selected character.

- Protection (Level 1, 3 and 5): This spell gives protection during
combat. Another spell allows you to protect the whole party (Level

- Sleep (Level l): Your opponent will fall asleep.

- Cure poison (Level 2): This spell cures if the character has been
infected by a po- tion or bitten by an enemy.

- Repulse (Level 8): This spell will send all your opponents to hell.

- Dissolve (Level 6): turns one of your team into a gas cloud. He
can pass through opponents without any injury.

- Attack spells: Flame Wall (Level 8) and Psychic Hammer (Level 6).

- Inversion (Level 4): the alignment of the character is reversed. A
friend becomes an opponent, the enemy turns into a companion.

- Confusion (Level 3): The enemy loses all control. He does not
remember who's side he is on, and hits randomly at friends and

- Invisible ParLy (Level 5).

- Radar (Level 3).

- Resurrection (Level 10): With this spell, a dead character can be
brought back to life.

WIZARD SPELLS (also available to Monks and Priests):

- Attack Spells: Burning Hands (Level 1), Magic Missile (Level 1),
Fireball (Level 3), Flame Spirit (Level 10), Psychic Hand (Level 9),
Blindness (Level 9) and Binding (Level 5).

- Lightning: This combat spell hits all the enemy.

- Charm (Level 1): this spell is useful to gain some imformation
without having to pay for it.

- Invisibility (Level 4): A character can still be wounded, even if
he is invisible.

- Mental Shield (Level 6): This spell gives protection against magic
spells cast by your opponents.

- Regeneration (Level 7): This spell raises the nurnber of hit
points for a certain amount of time.

- Invisibility Detection (Level 4): This spell allows you to see any
invisible enemies.

- Invulnerability (Level 6).


Figure 1: Protection Figure 2: Inversion
Figure 3: Binding Figure 4: Blindness
Figure 5: Invisibility Figure 6: Dissolve
Figure 7: Invulnerability Figure 8: Psychic Shield
Figure 9: Regeneration Figure 10: Poison

(See SYMBOLS.TIF that is supplied with this Humble-Dox release).


A = toad eye B = salamander oil
C = trapdoor spider web D = dried mistletoe
E = rat brain F = gargoyle claws
G = turtle slobber H = powdered dragon bones

Main recipes (you can mix the ingredients in any order)

- "Schloumz": 1 dose B + 1 dose D + 2 doses F
- "Olmaq": 2 doses D + 2 doses E
- "Clopatos": 1 dose B + 1 dose D + 1 dose E + 1 dose F
- "Exqiz": 2 doses B + 1 dose D + 1 dose E
- "Foklim": 1 dose A + 1 dose B + 1 dose D
- "Drouli": 1 dose B + 1 dose C + 2 doses D + 1 dose E
- "Izdolia": 1 dose B + 1 dose C + 1 dose E + 1 dose H
- "Trillix": 2 doses B + 1 dose D + 1 dose E + 1 dose F
- "Worgaz": 2 doses B + 1 dose D + 1 dose F + 1 dose H
- "Zarklug": 2 doses B + 1 dose D + 1 dose E + 1 dose G
- "Krakos": 2 doses E + 1 dose F + 1 dose H
- "Bymph": 2 doses B + 1 dose D
- "Ghoslam": 1 dose B + 1 dose D + 1 dose E
- "Lhwyxz": 1 dose B + 1 dose D + 1 dose G
- "Arbool ": 1 dose A + 1 dose B + 1 dose D + 1 dose H
