Typed in by PARASITE of LSD.

Lucky day or what, the local computer shop was giving away some Kid
Gloves posters, and printed on the back of them, the complete
instructions, Thanx VULCAN.

You must help Kid get back to his own time and the safety of
his uncles house. On the way home you will travel through many eras in
time and journey to great places. But there will also be obstacles
blocking your path.
As you start the game, if you look around the screen you will
see the number of lives Kid has left, in the top-left of the screen.
To the top-right you will see the number of the screen you are on. At
the bottom, from left to right are: keys, magic spells, extra life
tokens, your score, cash and smart bombs. A full description of those
Various creatures roam around each screen but the most of
these can usually be destroyed with whatever weapon you are carrying
at the time. Differant creatures require differant amounts of hits to
kill, and some are immune to your weapons. The only way to know when
you are hurting a creature is when you hit it. It will emit a quick
white flash if it's being harmed. When the creature has been hit
enough it will die.
Along the way there are various obstacles which need to be
overcome. Some may be jumped over or walked around, but others need to
be dealt with in special ways. Some of the obstacles that appear to be
solid and blocking your path may be opened with keys. If you can
remove the obstacle, then it will dissapear when you touch it if you
are carrying a key. This will use the key up and you should be careful
not to use every key, as not every obstacle needs to be removed.
Orange blocks fall down when touched. There are a couple of
these in screen two, as well as throughout the rest of the game, and
should usually be used to help you reach the platforms which are just
too high. Be carefut though - you'll lose a life if a block falls on
your head.
Some ledges dissapear when you touch them, thus causing
anything that was resting on them to fall down. Again beware that
nothing falls on your head.
There are also some special blocks, doors and chains which
just dissapear after you have been on-screen for 10-15 seconds, thus
enabling you to continue. You will have to survive the assaults of
creatures in the vicinity whilst you are awaiting the obstructions to
Sometimes there may be too many creatures in your way, in this
case it is best to use a smart bomb (if you have one), but smart bombs
will only kill creatures you can kill with ordinary weapons.
Ice creams and fruit can be collected on most screens for
bonus points. Also cash bags and dollar signd can be collected, and
spent in the shops, So long as you can find one. In the shop you can
purchase spells, keys, exter lives, smart bombs, and weapons with the
cash collected.
Finally it is possible to buy or collect extra life tokens.
For every four of these you get, you will get an extra life.
Every time you enter a screen, your position will be stored
along with the amount of keys, spells, cash, and smart bombs that you
are holding. If you die on that screen, you will be returned to the
position where you entered the screen and you will lose a life. Every
time you leave a screen, any creatures killed on that screen will
remain perminantly dead throughout the rest of the game.


Left Left
Right Right
Up Jump or climb ladder
Down Climb down ladder
Fire Fire your weapon

Space Smart bomb
Return Cast spell
Backspace Go back in time! - This lets kid go back
To where he was three screens ago - just in
Case you forgot to collect a key etc.
F1 Pause/unpause


DEATHCOIN: You start the game with this wwapon, you can fire up to
two at any one time and they will bounce around the screen for a short
amount of time or until they hit something. They aren't very strong,
but will knock out most small creatures with a single blow.

FLAMES: These fire in a straight line, slightly stronget than a

DEATHSTAR: Just like the Deathcoin, you can bounce up to two
Deathstars around the screen, but are a lot more powerful.

MEGALASER: This fires a long straight line and cuts through most
creatures in one shot.

Before you cast a spell, you don't know which one is going to be cast.
There are six differant ones, and as it is cast the spell name appears
on the screen, the game pauses, and anything the spell is going to
effected on the screen will flash for a few seconds. Sometimes there
is nothing on the screen for the spell to effect, in which case
nothing will happen.

SESAME: Any locked obstacles will be tirned into oranges, this is
useful if you run out of keys.

SAFETY: Anything on the floor which is normally hazardous to stand on
(eg. fire) will stop animating and become harmeless to walk over.

TIMBER: Certain moving obstacles on th screen will fall on the floor.
Most of the time this helps get the obstacle out of the way, but
sometimes it can trap you, if this happens press the back in time

YUM YUM: Anything on the screen that flashes will turn into oranges.

SLOW MOTION: Any moving object that flashes on the screen will move in
slow motion for a few seconds. No other spells can be cast until this
spell has run out.

FREEZE: Any moving object that flashes on the screen will freeze for a
few seconds. No other spells can be cast until this spell has run out.