The Doc Machine Strikes Again With

MORPH from Millennium

Loading Instructions

1. Turn off the computer and disconnect all unnecessary peripherals. We
recommend that you leave your computer turned off for thirty seconds in
case a virus has installed itself into the computer's memory - this will
kill a virus if one is present.

2. Insert Disk # 1 into the drive and switch the computer on. (The game
will now begin to load.

3. When the computer prompts you to "Insert Disk #2", eject Disk #1 and
insert Disk #2. The game will continue to load automatically.

4. You may bypass the intro sequence at any time after the title page by
pressing the space bar.

The Story

When Morris Rolph - Morph to his friends - called round to see his uncle,
the eccentric Professor Krankenpot, he was surprised to see how excited he
looked "Come in my boy, come in. It's finished at last!" he said, ushering
him in from the gathering storm. As Morph followed him into his laboratory
he wondered if it could really be true, that after months of hard work the
professor had finally succeeded in building a teleport machine.

"Watch this!" the professor said, putting Eric the white mouse on to one of
the two metal platforms at either end of the enormous room. Morph`s eyes
opened wide as the professor parted some curtains revealing a wall full of
cogs and gears that were attached to a massive machine.

The professor pulled a metal lever on the wall, and the machine whirred
into life. Eric disappeared with a squeak into a haze of sparkling stars
and the machine fell silent.

Morph held his breath - would everything work alright? He hoped Eric would
be safe! The professor looked around with a triumphant gleam in his eye as
he pulled the second lever and the machine gave a cough, spluttered, and
the sparkles began to form on the platform at the other end of the room.
Morph breathed a huge sigh of relief as the brave little mouse snapped back
into reality , twitching its little nose in the air defiantly.

"You did it!" he gasped in amazement. As Eric scampered around the
labratory, Morph`s brain raced. Just think of the fun he could have with
this machine! He could get into football matches free, get out of school
quickly and as for practical jokes, the teleport machine was brilliant.
"Can I have a go now?" he yelled, jumping onto the platform.

Professor Krankenpot shook his head "I'm sorry Morris", he said "It might
not be safe. I haven't tested it on humans yet, only Eric. Now where is
that creature?".

Just then the professor caught sight of the mouse. He was about to jump
off the top of the machine onto the first metal lever. "Nooo," the
professor yelled, but it was too late! The white mouse leapt onto the
lever which slowly sank down. Once more the machine clunked into action
and Morph vanished into the swirling stars. The room fell silent once more
save for the lashing of the rain against the window panes.

The professor stood frozen to the spot in horror until he was roused by a
loud clop of thunder that shook the house to its foundations. "I must get
Morris back", he thought, dashing across the room to the second lever. He
was just tightening his grip on it when a bolt of lightning ripped through
the sky, tore through the roof and smashed into the mochine! The force of
the bolt sent sparks flying through the air and the machine exploded,
scattering its components around the surrounding countryside. Aghast, the
professor creid out "Morph, are you alright? Did I pull the lever in
time?". As the room cleared the professor saw a cloud of twinkling atoms
and electrons all that remained of Morph!

"On no" my poor nephew," the professor cried "What has become of you?"

"Don`t worry I'm here and I'm feeling fine." Professor Krankenpot was
interrupted by a familiar voice. It was Morph "I'm in some sort of state
of limbo," he explained "I can't regain my body but I can pull my molecules
closer together and change my shape. I'll go and find all the parts while
you check the rest of the machine. Once I've collected the missing pieces
you can repair the machine and bring me back. It'll be alright, just you

The Game

The objective of the game is for Morph to re-assemble the teleport machine
enabling him to return to the form of a small boy. To achieve this, Morph
has to collect each of the machine's many pieces, in the form of cogs,
which have been scattered over a number of game levels. To do this you

1. Collect the cog

2. Complete the level within the given number of transformations (shown by
the star at the right hand side of the panel)

3. Use no more of any individual transformations than allowed (shown on
left hand side of panel)

The levels themselves are spread over four different areas, each of which
have their own particularly tricky hazards and puzzles to complete:

The Gardens

A fun packed area filled with all sorts of bushes, flowers and flowing
water. Watch out for the bush fires and the prickly bramble bushes and
other hidden hazards as they're sure to pop your plans to progress

The Factory

A labyrinth of pipes, heaters, coolers and impenetrable steel doors.
There's plenty of electrical equipment such as conveyor belts, lifts and
fans to negotiate, all the time avoiding pipes and shafts which can easily
sidetrack you

The Sewers

A dark and dank subterraneon level filled with slime and a maze of pipes.
Be aware of the treacherous side shows and tunnels, and make sure you avoid
the broken glass

The Laboratories

The laboratory is filled with bubbling glassware, electrical testing
equipment, chemicals and shelves stocked high with books and lab equipment.
You will need all your skills and quick wits to navigate your way though it

Choice of Level

At the beginning of the game the screen shows the four areas. At the
centre of the screen is Morph's home. By simply pushing in the appropriate
direction on the joystick you can chose which area to enter. This screen
also shows how many of the machine parts, shown as cogs, have been
collected from each of the areas. The cogs hang on a board next to the
path in each area.

To complete each level, Morph must collect one of the machine's missing
cogs and locate the exit within two minutes without exceeding his number of
transformations. If you fail then the Professor will appear to explain
where you went wrong. You may then attempt that level once again or move
onto a level within another area. However, the six levels within any
individual area can only be tackled one after another. There is no limit
to the number of times that you can try to complete a level.

Morphs Transformations

Morph may no longer be a normal boy, but there are advantages in the being
a collection of disembodied atoms. Morph can, with great effort, metamor
phose at will from one state of matter to another. Each of the four states
he can assume has its own advantages and, of course, its disadvantages.

Gas: In this state Morph may float upwards and thus defy gravity He may
also pass through small holes and grilles. However the gas is very
combustible and disagrees highly with extraction fans. Unfortunately, as
it is lighter than air, it cannot move down wards.

Liquid: When transformed into a liquid Morph may seep through small holes,
extinguish fires and squeeze around the sjdes of lifts. However he can be
killed by drains and dissolve in any other liquid. So look out for the
streams and treacherous pools.

Flexible: The state in which elasticity is the key physical charac
teristic. Morph will become very rubbery and bouncy just like a beach
ball, this enables Morph to bounce vertically and across gaps and float
across water. However, sharp spikes, brambles, broken glass and metal
corners will burst him. He will also burn in fire, or explode in a heating

Solid: The heaviest state for Morph to be in. He is limited to moving
like a cannonball, however this does make him impervi ous to sharp objects
and due to his heavy weight he can smash through certain walls. Take care
when Morph is solid as he is extremely heavy and will crumble through
flimsy stone paths and sink in liquid of any kind

Number of Transformations

Morph can only change a certain number of times per level. These are dis
played in the form of counters at the bottom of the screen next to a
graphic of the form to be changed into.

As well as a limit to the number of times Morph can assume a certain state,
there is a global transformation value (shown on the far right window of
the control panel) which, if exceeded, means Morph can no longer hold his
atoms together and he fails. Bonuses can however be collected (stars) so
that the number of global transformations can be increased.

You may actually exceed the number of transformations to any one state as
long as the number of global transformations is not exceeded. The counter
will then display a negative (red) number. This allows you to explore the
level further but means that you may not be able to complete the level

Finishing a Level

To complete a level you need to work your woy through all the puzzles and
hazards using the appropriate state of matter at the correct point in a
level. In this way you can cross certain hazards by using only the
allotted number of transformations

There are several ways of completing a level, so experiment!


Controls for the gome are simple. The joystick is used to move Morph
around, each state having its own movement characteristics.

To change Morph to another state you must hold down the fire button and
push one of four directions:

UP - Gas
DOWN - Liquid
LEFT - Flexible
RIGHT - Solid

The control commands are displayed at the bottom of the screen at all times
showing the direction needed to be pushed next to that state's counter.

Additional controls are:

SPACE - Pause
ENTER - Restart level

There is no limit to the number of times a level may be restarted

Hazards & Obstacles

Many of the objects and hazards that appear in the game will affect Morphs
state in one way whilst affecting his other states in a totally different

Heater Blocks
This is a glowing element and when entered will transform Morph from his
current state to a less dense state. The heater may be entered as many
times as you like thus providing "free" transfor mations. The direction of
change is as follows:


Therefore if Morph enters as a liquid he will be automatically transformed
into a gas.

Freezer Blocks
This has the opposite effect to the heater. It looks like a block of ice
and when entered, will transform Morph into a denser state of matter. As
with the heater, the transformation costs nothing and can be used as many
times as you like. The transformation order is:


The pipes are, of course, hollow and so Morph may travel along inside them,
unfortunately he cannot be seen whilst he is inside a pipe. Certain pipes
contain valves through which Morph may only travel one way, this direction
is shown by an arrow on the block.

To the solid and flexible type of matter this block represents an
impassable obstacle, but the water and gas states can pass freely through
its small holes

The fans will only affect gas and flexible materials - and only when Morph
reaches a certain distance from the fan. If Morph is in his gas state then
he will be sucked away to his doom. If he is in his flexible state then he
will just be stuck fast to the fan. He can easily escape from this
predicament by transforming into a liquid or solid state.

These will attract the solid material, but only when activated. This is
represented graphically by their coils oscillating.

Breakable Areas
These are represented by blocks with cracks in them. If hit at speed by
the solid or flexible Morph they may be smashed so that passage can be
gained. However, the flexible material may only smash very cracked and
therefore very weak blocks.

Direction blocks
These will pull the ployer through in one direction only. This direction
is represented by a large arrow on the block. It is impossible to pass
through the block in a direction that is not indi cated by the arrow. On
some levels a question mark may appear on the block. These will require
the player to test them to deter mine the direction of passage. This
direction will remain the same from game to game.

Spikes and sharp objects
Whilst they are totally harmless to most states, they are deadly to Morph
when in a flexible state. Should you touch them whilst in the flexible
state then Morph will burst

Similar to the spikes, these affect only the liquid state and again are
very deadly should you encounter them whilst in the wrong state.

These can only be removed if you have already collected a key which will be
located somewhere on that level.

Whilst harmless to the solid it is deadly to gas and flexible Morph. The
liquid state will, however, extinguish the fire and this may be needed to
solve puzzles where you have to cross the area a second time but in a
combustible form.

If Morph stands upon them they will carry him either upwards, downwards or
in some cases horizontally. Some of the lifts are continually moving
whereas others only become activated when Morph comes into contact with

Conveyor Belts
These carry Morph in their direction of travel. Some of them may help
Morph whilst others could be a hindrance by carrying Morph into danger.

These will dissolve the liquid and drown the solid thus providing a very
sticky end for Morph. The flexible Morph may roll across their surfaces.


Not everything in the four areas is a hazard or obstacle, some of them are
useful bonuses that can be collected when Morph passes over them:

Free Transformations
Represented by the stars on a red circle, these objects increase Morphs
number of global transformations. They are usually placed in hard to reach

Free State Transformations
These are represented as minitures of the state Morph can transform into.

These allow Morph to remove locks

Once this has been collected, Morph may look at it whenever he wants by
holding fire with the joystick central for a couple of seconds. The only
penalty for this action is the time used whilst viewing it.

X-Ray Specs
These allow the player to see Morph - even when he is obscured by items
such as pipes and walls - so he can be safely navigated.

These will transport you from one place to another.

These are used to activate much of the electrical equipment found in the
levels, be it electromagnets, fans or lights. They can also be used to
reverse the direction of the conveyor belt. The state of the switch is
changed every time that Morph touches it.

Treasure Chests
These give bonus points and in some cases can only be obtained by very
advanced players, giving Morph something to try for if he easily completes
a level.

Stops Watches
When collected they will stop the clock for five seconds.

When the level is completed Morph will be awarded bonus points for any time
remaining, the number of transformations left and the number of treasure
chests collected.


Once Morph has collected all six cogs from each of the four different
areas, the Professor can reconstruct his teleportation machine. Thus
Morph`s atoms can then be re-constructed out of the ether to once more form
a small boy, as the sun sets on another extraordinary day!