Real Ghostbusters

Loading Instructions


Turn on the computer and wait for the Workbench prompt, then insert the
game disk.


Real Ghostbusters is a one or two player game in which the platers control
members of the Ghostbusters team. The objective of the game is to fight
your way through each of 10 levels, capturing and storing ghosts on the
way. The end of each level features one or more guardians who, when
defeated, will yield a key allowing the player(s) to exit that level.

The characters are armed with both guns and Proton Beams. Creatures can
be shot with either weapon to transform them into ghosts. The ghosts can
then be zapped with the proton beam to store them in the player's backpack.
Ammunition for the gun is un-limited; the proton beam has a limited charge
which is displayed at the top of the screen. Also displayed are the number
of lives remaining and the number of ghosts collected.

On reaching the end of a level there is a short graphic sequence in which
collected ghosts are beamed into ghost storage. A bonus is awarded for
each ghost.

Some creatures and objects (e.g. oildrums, wheel barrows) also award the
player with bonuses.

AURA POWER - providing a shield for a limited time
SUMER - the friendly ghost who will hover around the player, acting as
a shield and zapping any creatures he touches

(The latter two bonuses will be lost if the player loses a life).


Control of Amiga version is by joystick.

Hold down gun and release to produce beam.

__________________Dox provided by THE HELLION & THE CORSAIR________________