In a dimly lit corner of a government archive,you find a dust-covered
volume chronicling the most horrifying years in human history.It is
the journal of the Director of the top secret Government Underground
Biolab,and it reveals the institute's heroic struggle against the
invasion of 1999. The journal has been retained,but one hopes that the
world never again will need its lessons.

March 29, 1999
Washington is a zoo. St. Andrew's received 187 new cases of the
strange "bug" yesterday. The city is panicking.Unfortunately, ours is
not an isolated case.Twenty-two other cities have had similar
outbreaks of disease.So far, HEW is investigating the routine methods
of contamination: poisoned food, bad batches of medicine, etc. We have
been alerted, but no quarantines have been set up yet. The symptoms
are extreme: the incoherent patient usually experiences debilitating
nausea, chills, and high fever.Tomorrow, we'll receive blood and
tissue samples for analysis.I'll assign Pintero to the work. May 7,

We now have a national epidemic. Pintero found the cause of the
disease .... a bacterium in three different forms.At first, the
bacterium exists in pupal stage, much like a caterpillar.The bacterium
in this form causes great damage to the entire neurological system.In
the next stage, a cocoon, the bacterium becomes dormant, causing very
little or no damage.But later, about two months after the adult
bacterium breaks out of the cocoon, the patient dies.
Pintero's experiments on rats convinced me that we don't have much
time; the disease runs its course in about a year.We've got to produce
a vaccine that prevents maturation.Once we've done that, we'll have to
find a cure.I'm creating a special medical task force.In the meantime,
we'll work with HEW to find out how this thing spreads.They suspect
foul play.

May 27, 1999
It's worse than any of us thought. They used fake passports to get
here. Anderson located one of them in Philadelphia, and I flew out for
the interrogation in her guarded hospital room.Even truth serum didn't
make her talk or dull the hatred in her eyes. As she succumbed to the
disease, she spoke deliriously of her home and her cause.We know only
that she hates anything to do with the U.S. Her blood samples indicate
the bacterium has matured.She has only a month to live, but I can't
feel sorry for this suicidal lunatic.

June 8, 1999
This one talked.It's grim.The plan originated with a fanatic sect.Some
of their scientists genetically engineered the bacteria. They
injected one hundred volunteers, then sent them to the U.S. to spread
the disease.They have been very effective; 82% of our country is
infected to some degree.But the sect itself developed a cure.Many of
the sect's members have received the vaccine.When I asked this member
about the vaccine, he just laughed and turned his head to the wall.Our
task force must succeed.

June 13, 1999
The country is dissolving into anarchy.The President,most of the
Congress,the military, and the police force lie in hospitals - if
they're lucky.Those that aren't lie in the streets.Barely able to
move, they can't find sufficient food and water.I remain isolated here
with other GUB members.I pray for my family each minute, each second
... But there is hope, since we know a vaccine can been produced.The
sect that infiltrated has one.Surely, we can produce a vaccine too.The
task force has a few leads; I'm sure we are closer to our goal. July
7, 1999

The secretary called me today.
"Herrel,it's getting beyond our control.We're calling the National
Guard to stem some of the looting."
"What can I do, Sir?"
"I think you'd better get that special task force of yours into
the field to see the bacterium at work, to get a sample of the
vaccine and analyze it."
"They're close, Sir.Close to a real breakthrough."
"They'd damn well better be.Have them report to me tomorrow.I'll
arrange new locations.Everything top secret, of course."
I think about the members of the task force.They are eager to go into
the field.But I know ... out there, it could mean their deaths.

July 8, 1999
We stood listening to the Secretary, everyone tense, white-faced.
Then, carrying small satchels of supplies, the task force boarded the
Each member had been given pellets of food and vitamin concentrates
that would reduce his food consumption by half.The general population
can get pellets only by looting the few shelters that contain them.

July 20, 1999
Nuclear bombs have struck strategic cities across the U.S. With the
defense system down, we could not protect ourselves or retaliate.
The bastards. Radiation will cause horrible sickness.The worst of it
is that not all of the bombs have exploded.Some of the hardware was
defective.So in various cities there are bombs likely to explode at
any time.People will flee to cities to escape the existing radiation
only to be annihilated by the delayed explosions. Anderson and Rogers
tell me that the cities are divided into small sections, each ruled by
a gang with a strong leader.In some cases, where the leader is strong
enough, the gang rules the entire city.Funny to think of Boston run by
a motorcycle gang. A gang leader usually gains control when he has a
doctor, a drill officer, and a politician supporting him.Rogers, who
made it back from the upper north side, said a leader called Mox is in
control there. Mox found his doctor while looting for supplies at a
hospital.A doctor, depending on the degree of his skill, may be able
to save a diseased soldier.Roger's doesn't know how, but he's seen men
live who by rights should have died. Drill officers at old military
bases are usually willing to come with the gang leader.The drill
officer is responsible for training and discipline.With training by a
drill officer and experience in battle, a gang member has his fighting
ability increased. Incredibly, even in a bio and nuclear war,
politicians talk - and people listen.Mox found his politician by
allowing needy people to join his band.Bureaucrats controlled Mox's
area, but the politician reduced the amount of bribes Mox had to pay
them. These gang leaders, together with their three cronies, can
control cities.They can protect against or permit looting and other
activities. But can they last?

August 2, 1999
Now we must fight against a land invasion.Their forces, already
innoculated, are everywhere.Heavily armed with conventional weapons,
the invaders truck along the coasts and came through Mexico.Our own
resistance has had mixed results.Few people are equipped - or even
physically able to fight the invaders.The gang leaders seem to have
the best chances. No phones, no mail.
I hear little from the outside world and the agents have increasing
difficulty returning.But a message did get through from one of the
eight.They are very,very close to a breakthrough.

August 21, 1999
The radiation from the nuclear bombs caused a strange mutation in the
bacterium.The new strain affects the aggression-controlling area of
the brain, causing extremely violent behaviour.People carrying the new
strain are called mutants. Ironically, the invader's vaccine is not
effective against the mutated bacterium.The invaders are now
experiencing the agonies others have felt.They die from the mutated
disease ; we die from the original disease.Each side needs the other
side's vaccine.The doctors (now called healers) who have the new
vaccine cure people, but at a huge price.All men must be cured at the
same time or they become reinfected. I feel disoriented and defeated.

October 6, 1999
Travel is becoming extremely difficult for our agents.They must
obtain food and gas, and if they are ill, the vaccine. Transportation
is a problem.There is snow and no one to plow the northern roads.Snow
tires will cover twice as much ground as conventional tires, but they
can be found in tire stores only.I loathe being forced to encourage

November 20, 1999
Our supplies are dwindling.We've always kept a two-year cache of
food and water, but we've gone through nearly half of that.Will we,
too, become common looters and gang members when we've eaten it all?
It must be time to bring the agents back to GUB ... all eight of
them.Dade, Macallister, Washington, Pintero, Smidlapp, Trotier, Mills
and Sinh. I need a leader.I hear that there are individual gang
leaders who control several cities at once.When a gang leader controls
enough cities, I'll send an agent out to relay instructions.If the
gang leader is loyal to our cause, he'll help the scientists to get
back here.By the time he brings six or seven of them, I'll feel I can
trust him and let him use the Radio Direction Finder to locate the
remaining one or two.

December 25, 1999
I wait.Each tick of the clock signifies one moment gone, one fewer
remaining.My men collapse, physically and mentally.I, myself, am not
well, the images of pain, terror, and death in my dreams.It is
Christmas Eve, 1999.The snow falls, mercifully covering the ugly
scars.The old Christmas carols come to mind ... O Holy Night ...


A. Booting Instructions
Insert Roadwar disk in drive DF0: and press reset button. Program will
automatically load and run.
B. Resuming a Saved Game When asked whether you wish to resume a saved
game, type Y and follow the
prompts on your screen.
C. Starting a New Game
When asked whether you wish to resume a saved game, type N.When asked
to enter the name of your gang, type a name of no more than 20
characters, and press RETURN/ENTER.

A)bandon Vehicle. You may abandon any of your vehicles,When you
respond to the computer prompt with the ID number of a vehicle, the
vehicle is dropped, and the remaining vehicles renumbered. C)ity
Scouting. You may send out scouting parties to search out the
inhabitants of the city.Respond to the computer prompt with the number
of each rank that is to be sent.Some of the scouting parties will not
D)rop Supplies. You may drop any amount (up to the amount carried)
of Food, Tires, Fuel, Guns, and Medical Supplies.
E)mpire Status. The computer displays all of the cities controlled by
the player as well as pertinent information regarding progress towards
F)ix Tires. The gang takes time out to replace damaged Tires with
G)ang Status Report. The report consists of two parts: Gang stats
and Vehicle stats, which indicate the various attributes of the gangs
vehicles,personnel and possessions. Note: A similar display will be
used in deploying your troops prior to detailed road combat.
H)eal Sick with Antitoxin. If there is enough antitoxin, the crew is
innoculated against disease.One unit of antitoxin cures 50 crew.
I)nitialize Save Game Disk. Respond to the computer's instruction to
insert a blank disk and the disk will be formatted for your use.
K) Check contents of Cache. The computer displays any supplies
previously stored by a player in the currently occupied city.
L)oot, Search for. The gang searches for usable items.Items exist in a
number of locations, but they may or may not be found in the
has a chance of success in all but forest or desert terrain.
M)anpower Report. The computer displays the gang members by rank.
P)eople, Search for. The gang patrols an area, actively searching for
other people.Generally, the search leads to footgang encounters.
Q)uit Game.
R)ecall Saved Game. You may recall a game position from a disk and
resume play from that position.Remember to save a current position to
a disk (or it will be lost) before recalling a previous one.
S)ave Game to Disk. You may save a game position to disk and resume
play from that position at a later time.The save disk must first be
formatted, using the I command.Only one game may be saved per
disk.Play may be continued after saving the game. Note: You may find
it wise to save your game frequently, especially early in the game.
T)ransfer Supplies to/from Cache. You may distribute supplies among
the vehicles and the cache.This command may be used only when the gang
is in a metropolitan area.
U)se Radio Direction Finder. You have a chance of acquiring an RDF to
use in tracking down the scientists.Use of the RDF is explained in the
rules (Section X.B.)
V)ehicles, Search for. You may search the immediate vicinity for
abandoned vehicles.This is the primary means of meeting a gang's
vehicular transport needs.

W) Damage Report. During the movement or fire portions of tactical
combat, you may view a brief report on the damage suffered by the
active vehicle.
X) Examine Supplies. The computer displays a summary of the supplies
carried by the gang at present.
Number keys (1-8). The gang moves 1 space in the indicated direction
on the overland map.
1 ----- North
2 ----- North-east
3 ----- East
4 ----- South-east
5 ----- South
6 ----- South-west
7 ----- West
8 ----- North-west
Note: Not all commands are available from all menus.As a general rule,
all commands pertinent to a given situation are available. For
example, during road combat aftermath the G,X and D commands are
available. Don't hesitate to press a command key at any menu. If it is
available it will be activated.If unavailable no harm will be done.

Overland movement is controlled by the number keys (or mouse).1
represents north,2 north-east,3 east, and so forth to 8 which
represents northwest.For easy reference, a directional rosette appears
on the map in the middle of this rulebook. Each movement on the
overland map represents travel of approximately fifty to seventy-five

A. Terrain

1.Plains. Plains represent range land and other rural terrain not
primarily for agriculture.Roads are few and of poor quality; travel is
slow.Ranches are common, but farms less so.Other establishments are
far and few between.People are scarce.
2.Farmland. Farmland represents land used primarily for
agriculture.Roads are in poor condition, slowing travel.Farms are very
common; they are sometimes raided for food by road gangs.Other people
are scarce.
3.Desert. Desert represents barren terrain with no roads to speak of.
Little life exists in the desert.To run shy of fuel is to perish.
4.Woods. Woods represent areas of virgin forest with few roads and
no habitation worth mentioning.Woods are another place in which to be
sure of one's fuel supply.
5.Mountains. Mountains are very rugged terrain with no roads.Travel
is almost impossible.
6.Wilderness. Wilderness represents rugged, forested land untouched by
the hand of man.Passage is impossible. 7.Water. You may be the saviour
of your race, but you can't drive on water.

8.Roads. Roads represent large interstate and multi-lane highways.
Not all were left intact by the war. Many smaller cities and towns dot
their lengths.Road gangs may find sufficient supplies for subsistence.
Travel is rapid despite numerous wrecks and abandoned vehicles.
9.Cities. Cities are large metropolitan areas.Metroplexes are areas
formerly populated by at least five million souls.Large metropoli
are areas formerly of at least one million, and small metropoli had
well in excess of one hundred thousand inhabitants. Small metropoli
tend to be even smaller in the west.The cities are the stomping
grounds of a wide variety of social groups, some benign, others quite
unsavoury. Supplies are plentiful, but can be exhausted.The larger the
metropolis, the more inexhaustible the sustenance.Travel is no
problem; there are a multitude of highways and byways which allow easy
bypass of the streets choked with wrecks and abandoned vehicles.

�10.Oilfields. Oilfields are areas in which petroleum was king.
Roadgangs battle daily for access to the vast supplies of fuel still
available there.

11.Swamp. Swamp represents tracts of soft, treacherous, wet and slimy
land. Swamps are not hospitable to wheeled vehicles.
12.Long Island. Long Island may be entered only via the New York City

13.Cape Cod. Vehicles can not drive across Cape Cod Bay, so access is
via the farmlands due west of the cape.

14.Devastated Areas. These sites of cities formerly destroyed by nukes
are unpleasant at best.There is little to be gained in these desolate
places. Mutants are a constant danger.

15.Coasts,Small Islands,Bays. and others.These areas consist mainly of
water.See water.


December, January, and February bring unpleasant road conditions to
the northern portion of the map.Operations are slowed to a crawl.

A. Vehicle Attributes The basic attributes of each type of vehicle are
given in the Vehicle Table. The attributes that may be modified during
play appear in the vehicle status section of the Gang Status
Report.Type the command letter "G" to view the report. If a vehicle
attribute does not appear in the vehicle status report on the screen,
it cannot be modified during play.
1. Mass. Capacity and weight of a vehicle.
2. Structure. The vehicle's resistance to physical destruction.
3. Maximum Speed. The maximum speed of the vehicle in MPH.Maximum
speed can be reduced by the loss of tires during combat.
4. Maneuverability. The ability to turn.
5. Braking. The ability to slow down. 6. Acceleration. The ability to
speed up.
7. Missile Factors. The maximum number of crew who may fire through
each facing of a vehicle.
8. Missile Protection. The amount of cover the vehicle affords against
enemy fire through each facing.
9. Volleys. If the vehicle carries a sufficient crew, this is the
number of times a vehicle's crew may fire during each fire phase.You
can have either 1 or 2 volleys.
10. Tires. The number of tires possesses by a vehicle in good
working order.vehicles with 0 tires have treads or extremely heavy
11. Boarding Factors. Dependent on facing and location in or on the
vehicle, this is the maximum number of crew who may board enemy
vehicles or transfer within or among friendly vehicles.
12. Interior Crew Capacity. The maximum number of crew who may ride
inside the vehicle.
13. Topside Crew Capacity. The maximum number of crew who may ride
atop the vehicle.

14. Fuel Consumption. The amount of fuel the vehicle requires to move
once.The vehicle may carry in its fuel tank equal to twice its fuel
consumption (that is, the amount required to move twice) without
taking up space in its carrying capacity.
B. Maintenance
1. Structural Damage. Vehicles may sustain structural damage during
combat with enemy vehicles.This damage may be repaired at various
body shops located while looting.
2. Flat Tires. Tires may be lost during combat.These can be repaired
after combat.Repair requires that your gang carry a sufficient number
of replacement tires.
C. Improvements
Vehicles may be improved during play by the discovery of certain
special locations while looting.Some enemy road gangs may drive
improved vehicles.

A. Carrying Capacity
Each vehicle can carry an amount of supplies equal to the number
of spaces in its carrying capacity. The total capacity of the gang's
vehicles is displayed in the Gang Status Report.Each unit of supply of
Food, Tires, Fuel, Guns, and Medical Supply takes up one space of the
total capacity.Ammo and Antitoxin take up no space.The Fuel needed for
two moves is stored in a vehicle's tank ; this amount is not displayed
on the status report and does not take up space.

B. Consumption
Each night each member of your gang eats one unit of food.Each time
your gang moves, its vehicles consume fuel equal to the fuel
consumption figure given in the Gang Status Report.
Healers require various amounts of medical supplies in exchange for
their services.Tires are consumed in repairing battle damage.Every
time a member of your gang fires a gun, one round of ammo is expended.

C. Caches
You may stash up to 255 units each of Food, Tires, Firearms, Fuel, and
Medical Supplies in each metropolitan area.Supplies may be transferred
freely between your gang's supplies and your cache while in the area
in which the supplies have been stored.

A. Gang Members
1. Quality. Almost all of the people you encounter will be rated
armsmaster, bodyguard, commando, dragoon, or escort, in order of
decreasing effectiveness.A member's quality reflects the likelihood of
that member's survival in all events. 2. Recruiting. Gang members may
be recruited by searching for people and sending envoys.The higher the
quality of the prospective gang member, the less likely he is to join
your gang.
3. Cronies. A crony can be of invaluable aid in your travels.Only one
of each specialty can travel with you; therefore, when you encounter
and accept a new one into your gang, your former specialist
leaves.Each crony practices his trade with a different degree of
a. DOCTOR. If your gang includes a doctor, its casualties in foot
combat are reduced and fewer men are lost to disease and accident. The
quality of your doctor determines his effectiveness.You must judge his
skill from the results of his work.

b. DRILL SERGEANT. If your gang includes a drill sergeant, its
losses to desertion and recklessness are decreased and the number of
men promoted is increased.The quality of your drill sergeant
his effectiveness.
c. POLITICIAN. If your gang includes a politician, he can serve as
your envoy and liaison with bureaucrats.He is your mouth-piece and can
talk himself out of a cannibal's mouth (sometimes) or even talk a
lesser politician out of offering to join you.
B. Encounters
1. Agents and Scientists. While searching for people, you may
encounter agents.They are unlikely to reveal themselves under normal
conditions.Similarly, you may find scientists, who will introduce
themselves at the right moment.
2. Healers. The healers are the remnants of the medical community.
Bound together by their common oath, they have gathered together into
informal research groups to aid the sick and injured and seek remedies
for the disease.They ask only to be supplied with medical goods and to
be left alone.They heal all who seek their services.The healers have
developed an assortment of antitoxins to cure the mutant
infections.They live primarily in cities where their needs for
research materials can be
met more easily.
3. Foot Gang Commands
a. SENDING ENVOYS. A dangerous mission, but the best way to gain
recruits.Showing strength may be beneficial.If you have a good
politician, you may not need to send troops. Note: If you send 0
you are returned to the previous menu. b. FIRING A VOLLEY. This is the
ultimate show of strength.It tends to cause bad feelings among the
recipients. c. WAITING. Waiting may be taken by some as a sign of
weakness. d. LEAVING. Leaving is understood by all as a sign of
4. Foot Gangs
a. MERCENARIES. Soldiers of fortune, mercenaries are groups of well-
trained ex-military types.It is dangerous to quarrel with them, but it
is seldom necessary as they generally are willing to ally with a
stronger gang. Never insult a mercenary band.

b. STREET GANGSTERS. A street gang includes a mixture of stout
followers and camp followers, but usually has a strong,intelligent
c. ARMED RABBLE. Pillagers and rapists, armed rabble are a
scummy lot with little to recommend their company.
d. THE NEEDY. Mobs of starving and pitiful souls.Any of them might
give his life for a mouthful of food.

e. CANNIBALS. These throwbacks have solved the food problem.They are
wily ones, fond of ambushing envoy parties.The scum of the earth.

5. Residents

a. LAWFUL NATIONAL GUARDSMEN. A few cities are still under martial law
imposed by isolated national guard units containing well-armed and
well- trained troopers.

b. RENEGADE NATIONAL GUARDSMEN. These mutinous bands of armed and
dangerous soldiers prey on all who are unfortunate enough to enter
their cities.

c. LOCAL GANGSTERS. Some cities have come under the control of
intelligently led large gangs.
d. BUREAUCRATS. Occasionally, local governments maintain control of
their municipalities with the aid of local law-enforcement
agencies.Gangs who pass through must pay tolls in most of these
places. e. SURVIVALISTS. Knots of hard-core survivalists, trigger-
happy and dangerous, have followings in some cities.
f. THE REBORN. These are pleasant folk with a single aim, to live in
peace.They never provoke a fight, and anything they have is yours for
the asking.
g. SATANISTS. Skulking bushwackers, these bands want to be left alone
to practice their ways.They use passerby for target practice and seek
victims for their rites.

h. THE MOB. The country's second government holds a few cities ...
They don't like intruders muscling in on their action. i. INVADERS.
These soldiers from other shores have some degree of control in all
coastal and southwestern areas.Despising all road gangs for their
undisciplined tactics,the invaders are very dangerous.

6. Mutants
These are the diseased, psychotic zombies who want to tear all healthy
people to bits.Roaming quietly at night only, they are very dangerous.

7. Road Gangs

a. ARMED RABBLE. Some of these no- accounts can actually operate a
motor vehicle.To be found in all areas, they are more annoying
than dangerous.
b. RENEGADE NATIONAL GUARDSMEN. These bands are more common in the
hinterlands than their counterparts are in the cities.Their excellent
armament makes them dangerous foes.
c. CANNIBALS. Ever see a slime drive a car? These vermin fit the bill.
Poorly armed and led, they are easily dispatched.
d. TURF GANGS. There are a number of gangs which have claimed certain
locales.A gang will contest the claim of any rival road gang which
on its territory.Most are well armed, and many drive modified
training is above average.
A. Modes of Combat Resolution
There are three modes of road combat resolution: ABSTRACT, TACTICAL,
QUICK.When a rival gang is encountered, the computer prompts
FIGHT DETAILED ROAD COMBAT? If you respond N,the resolution is
ABSTRACT and very fast and bloody.If you
respond Y, the computer prompts you to insert the back of the game
Deployment (Section VIII. B.) occurs, and is followed by either
combat resolution or QUICK combat resolution at the player's option.

B. Deployment
1. Crewing Vehicles
a. AUTO-DEPLOYMENT. The computer places all of your men in vehicles.
They are distributed among your vehicles as evenly as possible based
on the quality of your troops.Guns
are distributed to as many vehicles as possible.Following auto-
you have an opportunity to adjust the troop and weapon allocations as
b. MANUAL DEPLOYMENT. You must manually allocate your men one at
a time to vehicles.You also must allocate weapon types for each
vehicle for each volley.For this purpose, one half the crew
constitutes a volley.

Note: When using manual deployment or when adjusting after auto-
weapon types may not be altered until all troops are allocated.When
the crew
of a vehicle is changed, that vehicle's weapon types will be reset to

2. Deploying Vehicles on the Tactical Map a. DEPLOYMENT AREA. All
vehicles must be deployed in spaces with an X
coordinate of 10 through 19.There is no such limitation on the Y
b. RESTRICTIONS. Vehicles may never be deployed on trees, oil
rocks, fences, wrecks, water, or buildings.In farmland, vehicles never
may be deployed in mud or tilled
fields.In cities and on highways, vehicles may be deployed only on
C. Movement on the Tactical Map
1. Viewing the Tactical Map. During any friendly movement turn, you
view the map by activating the viewing mode cursor.To activate the
press a number key from 1-8. Subsequently, each time you press a
number key, the cursor moves and the map scrolls to enable viewing the
entire area.Exit viewing mode by pressing Q to continue moving
vehicles @
2. Changing Speed. A vehicle may accelerate or brake, but never both
in one move.All changes in speed must be
completed before a vehicle moves. Changing speeds may be interspersed
with turning maneuvers. 3. Maneuvering. A vehicle's
maneuverability represents the number of 45-degree turns the vehicle
execute in a single move. Maneuverability is reduced by tire
damage and high speed. Maneuverability is reduced by 1 for every 30
MPH or
fraction therof by which the vehicle's speed exceeds 30
is reduced in proportion to the fraction of tires lost.An unmoving
vehicle can never maneuver.A vehicle with a speed of 10 MPH can
4. Moving. Vehicles can move only one space straight ahead in each
Movement ends a vehicle's turn, therefore all changes of speed and
turning maneuvers should be completed prior to moving.
5. Terrain Effects.
a. SPEED LOSS. When a vehicle enters any terrain, except roads, it may
a 10 MPH loss in speed.Roads never cause a loss of speed.
b. FISHTAILING. A vehicle entering mud chances losing traction and
swerving to a different facing.
c. COLLISIONS. Vehicles which attempt to enter terrain such as rocks,
derricks, trees, wrecks, or buildings are halted and suffer structural
damage and possibly destruction.Fences and cacti also cause structural
damage, but the vehicle destroys the obstacle and is not halted.
d. WATER. Driving a vehicle into water is a sure way to lose the
vehicle and all aboard.
D. Ramming

Whenever a vehicle attempts to enter a space occupied by another
(friendly or enemy), a ram occurs. Both vehicles may receive
structural damage, and either or both may be
1. Structural Damage. The amount of structural damage incurred by each
vehicle in a ram depends on the speeds, masses, and relative facings
of the vehicles involved.The faster
the speeds of the vehicles, the greater the damage.Head-on rams are
most destructive, broad-side rams are average, and front-to-rear rams
are least destructive.In any ram, each vehicle is damaged in inverse
proportion to the ratio of its mass to the mass of the other
vehicle.All vehicles have reinforced front ends
and therefore receive half damage if ramming, or if rammed head on.
2. Speed Alterations. Either or both vehicles involved in a ram may
a change in speed.
3. Overruns. If one vehicle involved in a ram outmasses the other by a
great deal, the smaller vehicle may simply disintegrate and the larger
experience little effect.
E. Fire Combat
1. Volleys. In fire combat, most vehicles may fire two volleys.
Each volley must be fired through a different facing.If all men fire
the first volley, a second volley is not allowed.
2. Facing. Each volley must be directed through either the left,
right, front, or back facing of the vehicle.The number of men who may
fire in a volley depends on this facing.
3. Line of Sight. Vehicles cannot see or fire through trees or
check the line of sight of a vehicle, press a facing key while holding
the control key.
4. Weapon Types. There are two types of projectile weapons: crossbows
guns.Crossbows have a maximum range of 5 spaces.Guns have a maximum
range of
10 spaces and are more accurate than crossbows at equal ranges.Both
suffer attenuation of accuracy due to range.Men armed with guns resort
crossbows if all ammo has been expended.

5. Tires. Tires may be lost due to fire combat.A loss affects the
maneuverability and maximum speed of the vehicle.
6. Missile Protection. Each vehicle affords various degrees of
protection for its crew dependent on the facing
through which the fire is received.The higher the protection factor,
better the protection.Protection 5 equals complete protection.

Note: Tires have protection 4
F. Boarding Combat
1. Limitations on Boarding. Men may board only vehicles which are
horizontally adjacent or directly in front of or behind.see figure


Men may be killed attempting to board enemy vehicles.There never may
be more
boarders on a vehicle than its total crew capacity. This limitation
not include the vehicle's crew in calculating the maximum allowable
borders.At least one interior crewman must stay aboard each friendly
2. Order of Combat. In boarding combat, boarders, topside crew,
and interior crew attack in a set order.First, the vehicle's topside
crew attack any boarders. Next, boarders attack topside crew.If no
topside crew remain, the boarders attack the vehicle's interior crew
instead.Finally, interior crewmen attack any remaining boarders. A
round of combat may end with both crew and
boarders still aboard the vehicle. Combat is continued in the next
boarding combat segment. 3. Vehicle Captures. When all crew
have been eliminated and boarders still remain, the vehicle may be
captured.When a vehicle is captured, any remaining boarders become its
crew and the vehicle may move freely in the next movement segment.

4. Crew Transfers. Any vehicle which has no enemy boarders aboard may
transfer crew between the interior and topside locations of that
If no enemy boarders are on a vehicle which is horizontally or
adjacent to a second friendly vehicle, or if the second vehicle is
in front of or behind the first, the first vehicle may transfer crew
to the
second.Men may be killed in attempting to transfer between friendly
In all crew transfers, crew limitations of the receiving vehicle may
not be exceeded.At least one
interior crewman must stay aboard each friendly vehicle.

G. Aftermath. Road gangs carry significant amounts of supplies.
These supplies become available to the victor when two gangs clash.If
a winning gang has lost so many
vehicles that it cannot carry all of its supplies, excess supplies are
lost at random.Such losses may be mitigated by picking through the
spoils left by the losing gang. Note: The G,X and D commands are
active to aid in balancing supplies after road combat.

A. Quick Combat
This is a representation of tactical combat; it can be resolved much
quickly.All aspects of fire combat and ramming are as explained in the
tactical combat section.The major differences are a lack of boarding
combat and a lack of the ability to capture enemy vehicles.During
combat, all vehicles are considered to be driving at maximum speed.
1. Delay Length. The higher the delay, the longer the display will
remain on the screen.Quick combat may be paused by pressing any key.
2. Ram Ratio. This determines the size of enemy vehicles which your
vehicles ram. A ram ratio of 1 means your vehicle rams vehicles of
equal or lesser mass. A ram ratio of 2 means your vehicle rams
vehicles of
half your mass or less.A ram ratio of 1/2 (one-half) means your
rams vehicles of up to twice your mass, etc.
3. Aiming Priority. Prior to quick combat, you are prompted to enter a
priority for each location (topside, interior, or tires) for your
fire.Each number you assign must be from 1 to 8. The total of the
numbers must be exactly 10.
A. Controlling Cities
One method of avoiding residential encounters is to take control of
one or more cities.If a city is controlled
by a rival faction, your gang must best them in combat, sometimes
repeatedly, to usurp power.The smaller cities are less desirable and
therefore easier to control. B. Radio Direction Finder

It is possible to gain possession of a Radio Direction Finder during
The RDF may be used to locate the ultra-secret, elusive scientists.To
activate the RDF, press the U key.To select a scientist's homer to be
locked into, press 1 or 2.
C. Command Limitations
At the beginning of a game, your gang may possess a maximum of 6
After that, whenever you complete a tactical (not abstract or quick)
combat with a rival road gang, this maximum is increased by 1.The
absolute maximum number of vehicles your gang
may possess is 15. Note: Vehicles lost during tactical
combat still apply toward this maximum until the conclusion of the

D. Surprises
You may encounter surprises during your tenure as ganglord.Some are
pleasant, others unpleasant.They might be specialty shops, side
trips, and/or cities of special interest.
The following notes were excerpted from the logs of notorious gang

A. "Ace" Nader, leader of the AAA
Dec. 4, 1999. These up-and-coming road gangs are a blessing in
disguise. They don't realise they are just
dogmeat for any real gang.I call them "welcome wagons." 'cause they
keep my
gang supplied with food, guns, fuel what have you.They even deliver!

Dec. 9, 1999. Forget what I said before.Ran into a real gang today.
Called themselves the L.A. Skulls.Put up a real good fight. We barely
time to salvage their supplies when reinforcements arrived.They chased
us all the way to Modesto!

B. "Rocco" Scalesi, leader pro-tem of the AAA
Dec. 28, 1999. Ace hit the big one today.We ran into a heavily armored
gang, even bigger than us.Ace forgot to duck, and even Doc White
save him.

C. Elihu Lopez, leader of Dos Exis
The road from Spokane to Fargo was the back breaker of 'em all. Me'n
400 boys left Spokane in 10 vehicles, 5 of them big rigs and
nothin' smaller'n a limo. When we got to Fargo, there were 80 of us
into 1 semi. What a ride! The worst stretch was north of Denver when
ran out of gas.We searched for two days solid and nuthin'!Then, all of
a sudden, we Eureka'ed a fuel storage
tank and we were cruisin' again. D. J.J. Jennings, leader of the
Stockton Rollers Starting out was the hardest.I
remember when there was just me and 6 or 8 good ol' boys in the
We started with 1 hot rod. I was thankful for the advice given me by
B.O., the former leader, after I had bested him to take command.
he said, "you'll need more wheels. As many as you can find.Then get a
dozen good boys to watch your back. Don't let your gang get too big,
though, not until you have a bunch of food. "Once you've got plenty of
vehicle space and food, start hiring troops.Watch your food, but
gather a
couple hundred men at least." "Be real careful of the invaders.Scout
every town and if you find those SOBs,
clear out and fast."
"The last important thing is to know where the healers hang out in the
you're in.If there are no healers,it's time to move."
E. Tom "Tow-Away" Jones, leader of Repo Men
First of all,you gotta git yerself sompin' big, lak a bus or semi,
even a bulldozer.One o' them kin carry more'n its weight in
supply.Then git some dudes, some crack shots, not
namby-pamby tenderfoots.Sure, ya ask 'em ta join and then send da
worst of
'em on a wild goose chase scoutin' or sumpin'.Keep an eye on yer gang,
of things kin go wrong if yer short of food or medicin'.Set up yer
early.That way ya won't have to go muckin' around, searchin' for
sumpin' ya need. Pay 'ttention to what yer at,
too.If yer stompin' around near the Arctic Circle in fall, don't be
surprised if it takes the whole winter ta git down to places whar ya
have ta shovel out the freeway.An' find out who's in charge when ya
come into a new town. It's safer to go
lookin' fer them than ta have'em looking fer you. 'Sides, it's
polite.Oh, yeah, and when ya git into a tangle onna road, ya otta take
real good care of yer vehicles.Don't
go screamin' down a road at a hunnerd miles an hour cause all they
need ta
do is stick out a foot an' boom! yer dead. Set up yer cars in a
checkerboard pattern ta give ya more whadayacallum
the more roadfights ya really command, the better ya'll git.So when ya
some o' the really nasty road gangs lak the Muthuh Truckers or the Hot
Rod Lincolns, ya won't git creamed. Keep
in there.Keep on truckin' and ya might end up as king of the road.

F. Gorgeous George Guttlerez, leader of the Marauders
What should I do? My men are starving and I am low on fuel!Should I
loot the
town with the Nat'l guard around? Or should I take my chances with a
road gang! My men have come a long way since a bunch of dragoons! Now
got some well trained body-guards and a few elite armsmasters.
Though I have some well-trained men, my attrition rate has been
high!There are only 28 men left out of my once loaded Mack crew.
I found 2 different foundries with enough workable steel between the
two to build up some protection for my men
on top.But now I need to find food.I decided to go south along the
till I find a farm.I once heard there are a lot in California.

Since I keep my group compact and in one car, it's easier for me to
the bigger gangs with more cars.Since my group is well trained, I beat
the groups that are my size.My group, however, would not be so well
if I had not passed by Cheyenne Mtn. in the Midwest and found that
military man.
Yesterday, I was talking to Ace, leader of Triple A, and I was telling
him how dangerous it was driving only
one vehicle.Thanks to some great welding jobs in Chicago, my truck has
taken some head-on collisions and come
out OK.

G. Jammer Jaques, leader of the Paris 8 Gang To My Trusted Lieutenants
- to be
read after my death. July 10, 2000. We haven't been
together very long yet, but I realise how dangerous it is to travel
these days.We've lost many friends and
followers in numerous battles, but have somehow managed to gain new
recruits.Now that I'm gone, allow me to emphasise certain important
which will help you toward reaching your goal. Fuel is your most
precious commodity.Never carry so many other
supplies that you have to scrimp on fuel.

Certain places are much more dangerous than others.Follow your
instincts and avoid prolonged stays in the most dangerous areas.
Try to train, arm, and protect your people, especially the more able
ones. They are harder to replace than
vehicles. Try to maintain a balance between the size and strength of
your group and its mobility.