Adventurer's Reference Guide

Amiga computer with at least 512K memory
One or two disk drives
Monitor or TV (color recommended)
Printer (optional)
Formatted data disk for saving games

1. Turn on your computer and monitor and insert Kickstart version 1.2 into the
disk drive.
2. When asked for a Workbench disk, eject the Kickstart disk and replace it
with your SHADOWGATE dis.
3. Double-click on the SHADOWGATE disk icon, then on the SHADOWGATE game icon
(dragon) when it appears on the screen; the program will load into your
computer's memory.

Due to space constraints, not all of the printer drivers available have
been included on the game disk. If you manage to reach the end of the game and
would like to print a copy of the certificate, you will need to copy the
appropriate printer driver from your Amiga Workbench disk to the SHADOWGATE
disk before playing the game. Follow the instructions that came with your
Workbench disk. If you don't plan to use a printer this won't be necessary.

You can save a game in progress at any point. To do so, you will need a
formatted data disk; do not attempt to save games to the program disk. Follow
the standard formatting procedure as outlined in the Amiga documentation BEFORE
you start the game. You will not be able to format a disk once the game has
To save a game, insert a formatted data disk into the external disk
drive. (If you do not have an external disk drive, the program will
automatically prompt you to switch the disks at the proper times.) Use the
right mouse button to pull down the PROJECT menu from the title bar. If you
select SAVE AS... you will need to indicate a file name. If you have already
saved games to the data disk, you may choose to save your current game under
one of these names. If you have not yet saved any games, or would like to save
under a new name, you will need to type in a name. The name should include the
logical name of your data disk (as assigned when the disk was formatted) and a
file name, in the format LOGICAL DISK NAME:FILE NAME. When you have typed in
the name, press RETURN (or click on OK) and the game will be saved to your data
If you have already saved the game you are currently playing and wish
to save it again under the same name, simply insert your data disk into the
external disk drive and select SAVE. (If you do not have an external disk
drive, replace the program disk with your data disk and select SAVE.) The new
version of the game will automatically be saved over the old version.
If you have removed the program disk, be sure to replace it in the
internal disk drive before resuming play.

After booting the program, insert your data disk into the external disk
drive. (If you do not have an external disk drive, the program will prompt you
to switch disks at the proper times.)
Select LOAD from the PROJECT menu. Then type in the entire file name
(including the logical disk name) of the game you wish to load, and press
RETURN (or click on OK). If you don't remember the file name, just type in the
logical name of the data disk and press RETURN, and a list of games saved on
the data disk will appear on the screen. Click on the game you wish to play,
then on OK to load that game.
If you have removed the program disk, be sure to replace it in the
internal disk drive before resuming play.

To begin a new game without saving the current game, select NEW. Select
QUIT to end a game (you will be given the option of saving). Select the ABOUT
menu to see a list of the programmers, artists and designers involved in the
creation of SHADOWGATE.

All of the commands work exactly as described in the manual. The left
mouse button is your selection button. Use the right mouse button to access the

While the windows in the Amiga version differ slightly from those
pictured in the manual, they act in essentially the same manner. To move a
window, click and hold the pointer in the title bar and move your mouse to drag
the window to a new location. Move the scroll bars up and down (or left and
right) to see objects that may be hidden from view. If there is nothing more to
see, the scroll bars will not operate. To change the size of the window, click
and hold in the "grow box" in the lower right corner and move the mouse;
release the button to lock in the new configuration. Bring a window out in
front by clicking anywhere in that window.

The door to your destiny lies open before you. Enter if you dare, but
first you should examine the enclosed Adventurer's Reference Guide carefully
and follow its guidance to prepare yourself for what is to come. Go now, and
return when you are prepared to face what lies within the walls of SHADOWGATE.
Welcome back. now that you are truly ready, take up your torch and
brace yourself for a descent into the unknown. If you are worthy, your name
will be honored forever. If not, then you will never be heard from again.
Throughout your adventure you will be accompanied by various articles
of power. These may be considered windows into other realities and are your
only hope of success in your quest. The first of these objects is the COMMAND
WINDOW. It is covered with runic words of power. When you first see the COMMAND
WINDOW, it will appear thus:

The message means that there is knowledge to be gained from the "text
window" below, but there is not enough room for the full message to be
displayed. You need to use the talisman known as "the mouse" to point to the
COMMAND WINDOW and then click the selection button so more of the message will
be revealed. You will know the text window by its position on the screen and
the messages it contains. It usually looks like this:

The last thing that you remember is standing before the wizard Talimar
as he gestured wildly and chanted in an ancient archaic tongue. now you
find yourself staring at an entryway which lies at the edge of a forest.
The druid's words still ring in your ears: "Within the walls of the castle
You will learn more about this later. For now, just click the button in
the COMMAND WINDOW until the window changes to look like this:


Proper use of the COMMAND WINDOW will allow you to exercise some
control over your destiny as you explore the depths of SHADOWGATE. To give a
command, point to the rune you wish to invoke and click the button. You will
usually use these commands to affect something or someone in the room you are
in. For instance, to examine the skull over the doorway you see before you when
the program loads point to the rune for "Examine" and click the button. Then
point to the skull and click a second time. A description of what you learn
appears in the text window.
As you already know, any time there is more text than can fit in the
text window, the Command Window will transform itself to let you know that
there is more to be read.
The second important window to be aware of is the EXITS window.

! !
! X !
! !

This will be your guide as you explore. At all times, (even in
darkness) it shows, and allows access to, all known exits in your current
location. This can be very important if you should, ofr some reason, need to
leave a room quickly. The white box represents an available exit. In this case,
it represents the doorway looming before you. Usually, you can open a door by
double-clicking (click the selection button twice quiekly) on the door in the
picture, but occasionally you will wish to use a door not visible - for
instance, a door behind you. In this case, those doors not visible will
probably appear in the EXITS window. The EXITS window only shows you doors
which are easily discernible. Hidden exits and secret doors will usually not be
Your person is represented throughout the adventure by THYSELF. If you
should wish to EXAMINE yourself or OPEN yourself (not a form of suicide, though
you might wish it were, but rather the method for taking inventory), you use
the image as the object of the command.
Now, if you are ready, the following will take you through the first
doorway into the unknown. After thay you must rely on your own courage and
wisdom to see you through...and of course, a good sword would help.


Look at the image before you carefully.
As an experienced adventurer you know to examine carefully every aspect
of your location. In the case of SHADOWGATE, you will need to examine all
objects in a scene if you wish to survive. You can tell and "object" from other
items in the scene by clicking on it. If it changes color, then it is a
separate object and can be manipulated as such. For instance, point to the
skullover the doorway and click the button.
Since it changed color, you know it is a separate object. If you wish
to learn more about it once it is selected, just click on the EXAMINE commnd.
The description will appear in the text window.
Time is running short, and you have much to do. Since it won't get done
buy standing around out here, you had best go inside. To do so, select the OPEN
Then click on the door in front of you. Another way to open the door
would be to click on OPEN and then on the white box representing the door in
the EXITS window. Yet a third way is to double-click on either the door or its
representation in the EXITS window.
Now click on GO and then click in the now-open doorway or on the square
in the EXITS window. Welcome to the citadel of the Warlock Lord.
Now is probably a good time to mention your inventory. When you first
enter SHADOWGATE, an INVENTORY window appears which displays all of the items
you are carrying.
This window can hold a great many items, not all of which may be
visible at any one time. If there is more than mmets the eye, the scroll bars
will be active to indicate that there are items out of view. You can use the
scroll bars to scroll the rest into view. You can move the window around on
screen if you want it out of the way. If you wish to pick up an item and put
into your inventory, you simply point to it, hold down the selection button,
and drag it into the INVENTORY window.
You can close the window by clicking in the close box. If you close the
INVENTORY window, you can re-open it by selecting OPEN and then clicking on
In fact, the OPEN command is one of the more important things to try
when you can't think of what else to do. OPEN will often reveal hidden features
of an object. For instance, if you were to find a box with no discernible use,
you might try to OPEN it to see what is inside. Not all things are as they seem
in SHADOWGATE, so don't let appearances be your guide. Try to see through the
surface of what lies beneath.
Finally, the last command you will need to survive your trip through
OPERATE is what you use to make things happen. For instance, to hit an
opponent with your sword (assuming you find a sword), you would click on the
sword, then on OPERATE, then on the opponent. You can operate yourself on an
object to make the object work. For example, to pull a lever, you would click
on THYSELF, then on OPERATE, then on the lever you wish to pull. OPERATE is a
very general command. Use it when nothing else seems to work.

You are now as ready as you will ever be. Steel yourself and enter the
Warlock Lord's domain. If you are brave and resourceful enough, the world may
yet live to honor your name. If not, then darkness will triumph for all time.
It's all up to you.


EXAMINE - Allows you to carefully examine something or someone. Select
EXAMINE and click on the object, person, or thing to be examined.

SHORT CUT: Nearly everything execpt exits will be examined if you double-click
on them.
OPEN - Open doors, boxes, chests, other people's pockets, etc. Select
OPEN then click on whatever you wish to open. OPEN THYSELF to see your
inventory. OPEN can be thought of as a synomym for "look inside."

SHORT CUT: Doors (when unlocked) will open if you double-click on them. Other
objects may behave differently.

CLOSE - CLOSE is the opposite of OPEN.

SPEAK - If you find someone or something to talk to, use the SPEAK
command. Select SPEAK, then click on the person or thing you wish to converse
with. Use this command to question characters, to answer riddles, or to mutter
to yourself about the cruelty of adventure game designers.

OPERATE - OPERATE is the most powerful command available to you. Use
OPERATE to make things work. For instance, to use a weapon on someone (if you
had one), you could then click on the weapon, select OPERATE, then click on the
target. If you want to unlock a door, click on the key, then on OPERATE, then
on the lock. To give money to another "person," click on the money, then on
OPERATE, then on the one you wish to pay. OPERATE is often the only way to make
something happen, so if nothing seems to work, try OPERATE>

GO - Use GO to go through an exit. Select GO, then click on the exit
(or where you think it might be). Not all exits may be visible, so remember to
use the EXITS window for help.

SHORT CUT: Double-click on the open doorway in the picutre or the EXITS window.

HIT - Assuming you are well-versed in the martial arts, this can be
effective self-defense. Many of the residents of SAHDOWGATE may be very amused
by your efforts. HIT can also be used to break things when necessary. Select
HIT, then the target of your attack. Remember not to hit anything that might
hit back.

CONSUME - If you find food or potions lying around, you can CONSUME
them..if you think it's wise. Select CONSUME, then select the item to be eaten
or drunk.



NEW - Starts a new game
OPEN - Opens a previously saved game
SAVE - Saves the current game
SAVE AS..- Saves your game under a new name
QUIT - Give up and go home.

Use SAVE AS whenever you wish to save a game with a new name. SAVE will
save your current position as whatever name you gave the last time you used
SAVE AS. You can start a saved game by selecting OPEN from the file menu and
choosing your saved game from the list displayed. There are more detailed
instructions on the enclosed Adventurer's Reference Guide.
You should always use the QUIT command to end a play session. That way
you will have a chance to save your game before you leave.
Other menu commands and special features specific to different machines
are detailed on the enclosed Adventurer's Reference Guide.

Your survival and the survival of the world as you know it...the rescue
of untold thousands from eternal darkness...the restoration of truth and honor
and justice to the land...and of course, a hefty reward from a grateful king.

SHADOWGATE docs brought to you by The Southern Star....