Be sure to read your manual. It will enhance your enjoyment of this
interactive movie.

Plug joystick into port TWO on the right side of your computer. Leave
your mouse plugged into port ONE.

KICKSTART your Amiga with version 1.1 or 1.2. Insert the Sinbad "Reel
1" disk at the "Insert Workbench" screen. If you have a second drive
(recommended) load it with Sinbad "Reel 2." (ALWAYS KEEP BOTH REELS

PLAY INTRO: begins the movie with Sylphani discovering her father.
SKIP INTRO: the movie begins with Sinbad arriving at Damaron.
GAME UTILITIES: allows you to load a saved game.

When the movie begins a giant hourglass will appear on the screan. To
access the game menus move the small arrow cursor to the top of the screen with
your mouse. Press AND HOLD the RIGHT button. Make your selection by moving
the cursor over a menu option and pulling the mouse down, highlighting your
choices. Release the button to choose.
(The right button is ONLY used with the pull down menus. All other mouse
controls use the LEFT button.)

To PAUSE or SAVE the game double-click on the "close window" box in the
upper left hand corner of your screen. (To save a game you will need a blank,

MOVE TO: From your present location these are all your movement
options. Port cities are generally in white, while oceans are indicated by
flashing blue.
TALK TO: You can only talk to characters who are members of your party
or happen to be at your current location (if you meet a character who is not a
member of your party a message will appear on the menu bar.) To converse pull
down the "REPLY" menu in the upper left corner of the screen.

SHOW ME: The Time, The World, The City.
THE WORLD: Operate the magnifying lens by pressing and holding the
LEFT mouse button.
THE CITY: To give your army units new orders, move the cursor onto a
unit and press and hold the LEFT mouse button. Now move the mouse in any
direction. Release the button when the arrow is pointing in the desired
direction. (NOTE: The forces of the Black Prince don't appear immediately. Do
some exploring and THEN visit the city.)

A help screen will appear before your first encounter, which will guide
you in proper swordfighting technique. You, MIGHTY SINBAD, always appear on
the right side of the screen.
You may toggle the main theme music on or off by clicking on the MUSIC
icon in the upper right corner.


Listen. Do your hear it? The call of the falcon. It echoes through
the halls of the Caliph's palace, the mournful cry of a creature locked in a
form that is not its own.
The Princess Sylphani discovered the falcon on her father's bed this
morning. She was the first to enter the Caliph's chambers shortly after
daybreak, to greet her aging father as is her custom each morning when the
sun's rays touch the palace. The palace physicians have told her of the
Caliph's ailments, of the likelihood that he will soon join her mother in
eternal rest. Knowing this, the princess is determined to brighten her
father's final days on earch. The physicians swarm around him with their
useless medicines and potions, but she alone is able to bring a smile to his
Sylphani summoned the physicians to her father's chambers upon making
her discover on this dreadful day. And in spite of all their supposed
knowledge, the physicians had nothing to say. They were speechless.
For the Caliph was no longer human.
Sometime during the night, the great ruler was transformed into a
falcon. They physicians could not tell Sylphani how such a thing might come to
pass; the Vizier could not even tell her why.
But after examining the Caliph, the physicians were able to agree on
this: if a conjurer's spell was responsible for the untimely transformation,
it would have to be broken soon. Otherwise, the Caliph might be trapped as a
falcon. Forever.
Armed with this knowledge, the Princess Sylphani summoned Mighty
Sinbad. You left for Damaron immediately, aware of the danger that threatens a
kingdom without a monarch and vowing to protect the princess you knew many
years ago in your youth.
The task is formidable. You must marshal the Caliph's forces to guard
the city, you must undertake a great voyage to learn how the Caliph cn be
saved, and above all, you must keep the prince and princess under your constant

You begin the quest with very few clues to the mystery, and little time
to acquire more. When you leave the palace with the members of your questing
party, you take an instrument for measuring time with you. The sand within
this device slips through the neck slowly until you undertake a journey. And
when the last grain of sand passes to the bottom of the glass, the Caliph is
doomed to live out his life as a falcon.

Your ship, the Sabaralus, and its able crew await you in the harbor.
You may board it to sail the seas, or stay on dry land to search the
surroundings of Damaron for clues to the Caliph's predicament. Seek out the
Shaman and the Gypsy; both can help you in your quest. There is also a
woman--a seductress--whose many talents include the ability to grant you great
strength. If you are willing to pay the price.

DAMARON - Use the magnifying glass as explained in the Reference Card to
examine your starting location on the map. Find the word "Damaron." This is
the capital, the seat of government. Here is located the Caliph's palace. His
armies remain loyal, and will guard the palace to their deaths. But they
require orders, or Damaron's defenses will crumble.

TRAVELING ON LAND - Explore each island and continent carefully for the people
and objects you seek. Pay close attention to the geographical names on the
map; do not overlook a single city or region, for it may hold an important key
to your quest. And when you encounter the Shaman, the Gypsy and other
characters, talk to them to learn about the Caliph's curse.

THE SABARALUS - Your ship is the worthiest vessel afloat, and your crew will
defend it with their lives. But while you are on land, pirates are likely to
attack the ship and try to seize it. Each attack costs lives--and when the
last of the crew is gone, the pirates are sure to add the Sabaralus to their
fleet. So when you anchor, remember that large continents may have several
ports. If you try to explore an entire continent from a single harbour, the
journey may cost many lives.
The prudent leader covers only those lands within close reach of his
harbor. And he always remembers where he left the ship.

OCEAN VOYAGES - The Sabaralus will take you to the four corners of the world,
from Agor to the Cape of Tears. As you cruise the oceans and look for places
to land, remember that harbors usually are found within bays. Know also that
every island can be explored, but you may have to circle some islands to find a
place to land.
Finally, a warning: most waters can be navigated quite safely, but
you'll encounter your share of dangers as you explore the globe. Remember
where they are. Certain hazards are always found in the same location, but
others may appear in different places as you become a veteran of many quests.

SHIPWRECKS - As you navigate the sea, you may encounter shipwrecks in dangerous
waters. When you come upon a shipwreck, you can try to pick up survivors, but
beware - the rocks that caused the tragedy may bring the Sabaralus to ruin as
Steer your ship through the passage, carefully avoiding the rocks.

Maneuver close enough to pick up survivors, but not so far off course
that you run aground on the rocks.

Remember that saving your ship is the first priority - don't take too
many chances as you try to pick up men from the swirling water.


The Caliph of Damaron was a potent ruler as a young man, but as he grew
older, the monarch's iron hand began to lose its accustomed strength. Now he
is old and infirm, and his power has begun to erode, sifting down to low-level
bureaucrats and pretenders who use it to achieve their own selfish ends. The
time has arrived to name a successor to the throne, and the Caliph was
preparing to make his choice known when disaster struck. The good Prince
Harun, Sylphani's brother, was known to be his favorite, but at present, the
Caliph can only caw. Sylphani summoned you in the hope that you might find out
how to restore him to human form; then, she reasoned, he would be able to name
Prince Harun as his successor. Sylphani is now a beautiful young woman. This
is in marked contrast to the last time you saw her, before you ran off to sea.
You and Sylphani grew up together, raised at the palace by her mother after
yours had perished during the Great Famine. It was a frail ten-year-old who
exacted your pledge to return when you left that night, so many years ago, to
become a sailor. Now you've arrived to fulfill that pledge. and you notice
immediately that Sylphani has...grown up.


Examne the map called "The City." This map of Damaron and its environs
is always at your disposal. Use it to organize your forces for the city's
defense. The symbol of the palace by the bay indicates the location of Damaron
itself; the city is surrounded by a variety of terrain, from plains and
mountains to rivers and lakes. The red soldiers and ships show the positions
of your armies. The forces of the Black Prince Camaral will appear along the
edges of the map. The prince may attack from any direction, but he has a
single goal--to capture Damaron and usurp the throne of the Caliph.

SUPPLY CENTERS - The six flashing locations (including the palace) are supply
centers--they are the keys to Damaron's defense. If an army occupies a supply
center, it receives reinforcements until reaching its maximum strength. Both
friendly and enemy armies can reinforce at supply centers.

MOVEMENT - Armies move one hex square at a time, and you may order them to move
in any direction. Position the cursor over an army when you want to see its
current orders or give it a new command. If an army has no orders, a small
square with an "X" will appear when you move the cursor to the army's location.
Otherwise, it's current orders will be displayed. If you move an army onto a
lake or river square, its symbol will change to a ship until it reaches land
again. See the accompanying "Reference Card" for more specific instructions.

MOBILITY - When you move the cursor to look at one of your armies, its strength
and mobility will be displayed. An army's mobility indicates how quickly it
can move. The amount of time an army takes to move defends on the terrain at
its present position--armies move slowly through mountains, but they have much
greater mobility when moving across water.

COMBAT - As time passes, the armies carry out their orders. The more journeys
you make the faster your armies will move. Battles take place when your forces
and the armies of the Black Prince move into the same hex squares. Each battle
continues until one army is destroyed, or either army moves out of the square.

STRATEGY - Strength on the battlefield is the key to victory. The key to
strength on the battlefield is skillful use of the supply centers. So the wise
strategist moves his weakest units to supply centers away from the enemy,
leaving them in position until they reach full strength. At the same time, he
makes sure that strong armies defend his supply centers from advancing enemy
The Black Prince's armies are easiest to defeat when they are weak--if
you allow them to reach the supply centers where they can gain strength, you
may not live to regret your mistake. You must remember to check the progress
of the battle as often as possible, especially during long voyages. Time can
pass with deceptive speed when you cover great distances, and if you leave the
battle unattended for too long, the Black Prince will capture the palace. On
the other hand, careful generalship can result in the final destruction of the
enemy forces, ending the Prince's threat to the city once and for all.


In Damaron, or somewhere nearby, you'll find a woman renowned for her
dark powers. Libitina is a dangerous seductress who can be perrsuaded to give
you information, but who is just as likely to put you under her spell. Not
that you won't enjoy it. In fact, the strength you'll receive from her through
this...ah...encounter can be indispensable when you face the Black Prince. The
novice is urged to seek this advantage when undertaking his first quest.
About Lititina. As sharp tongued as she is beautiful, the Caliph's
former wife thinks her son, the young Prince Jamoul, is the rightful heir to
the throne. Libitina will do anything to further this claim, and her powerw
are formidable. In fact, the Caliph divorced her after learning of her
excursions into the occult arts, including the long-vanished practices of an
ancient race. And now, a hint. This is the only hint you're going to get from
us, so use it wisely and in good health: Libitina is the only one who can tell
you exactly where the idols are. Try to ask her about their whereabouts, but
avoid angering her. For if you do, Libitina may call upon Jamoul to exact
vengeance, and they say he is known in Norgor as...the Butcher.


When you encounter the Black Prince Camaral or other evil characters in
your journeys, you'll be called upon to defend your questing party. The prince
in particular is known for the ferocity of his attack. Wielding his sword with
deft skill and cold precision, Camaral will endeavor to kill you. If your
opponent in a swordfight gains the upper hand, you may try to retreat--but the
results can be disasterous. The fiend will immediately fall upon the rest of
your party. If you brought enough men from your ship, they will give their
lives protecting your companions from Camaral's sword. But if you failed to
take this precaution, you're likely to losa a valuable member of your party.

STRENGTH BAR - Two shrinking bars on the screen indicate your strength and that
of your opponent. If YOUR bar turns red, try to retreat (retreat isn't
possible when fighting Jamoul, or in a fight to the death with Camaral).

TECHNIQUE - Good technique is essential to success in swordfighting. You must
be decisive in your movements and fight with confidence. When you choose a
tactic, HOLD THE MOVE for at least a moment or two to achieve the desired
results. Jerky motions seldom produce success in a swordfight.

TACTICS - Four tactics are available to you during the swordfight: you may
take a HIGH SWIPE at your opponent, press you attack with a NORMAL THRUST, drop
your sword to GUARD YOURSELF from the enemy's blows. Refer to the accompanying
Reference Card for specific instructions about selecting these tactics.

WINNING THE SWORDFIGHT - Victory in the swordfight requires practice, an eye
for openings in your opponent's defense and careful attention to strategy. Do
not be overly aggressive at first. Instead, hold your sword in the GUARD
YOURSELF position until you opponent comes close. Then look for an opening and
switch over to the attack.
Remember that there are three offensive tactics, and in general, they
are equally effective. Fut if you rely too heavily on any single strategy, it
can be your undoing. Try different attack positions to find your opponents'
weaknesses. Every opponent is different, whether man or beast, and while a
HIGH SWIPE may be a good tactic in one situation, a LOW LUNGE may be more
effective in another.


The greatest danger you face is the slashing sword of Camaral, the
Black Prince. He dogs your footsteps throughout the quest, confronting you and
your companions whenever he encounters your party.
Although the Caliph himself has tried to forget this most unhappy fact
of life, the Black Prince is one of his sons. This makes him a potential heir
to the throne of Damaron. Aware that the Caliph will never name him as a
successor, Camaral is pressing his claim to the throne by trying to eliminate
the opposition and taking the palace by force. If he can kill the Princess
Sylphani and her brother, Prince Harun, and if his forces succeed in capturing
Damaron, then the Black Prince Camaral will be the next Caliph.


Four characters are vital to your success: Libitina, the Gypsy, the
Genie and the Shaman. Talking to each of them is a different experience and
requires a different approach. Choose your responses with care and cunning.
Keep in mind what you have come for, and avoid distraction. Each character
offers different information--has a different role to play--and each of them is
capable of distracting you from the intended goal of your visit.
Libitina, the Gypsy, Prince Harun, and Princess Sylphani are people who
know you well, and they are described elsewhere in these pages. Some of these
characters are members of your party, others will have to be found before you
can talk to them.

THE GENIE - Able to help you in tight situations, the Genie will save your skin
more than once as you learn the pitfalls of being a great adventurer. After
you find him, he'll stay on hand to help out as situations arise. If you lose
him, undertake a search and you may find him again. And remember that the
wishes he offers can change depending on circumstances--so if disaster strikes,
check to see if the Genie is able to help.

THE SHAMAN - The Shaman is one of the first people you ned to find. He alone
holds the knowledge to unlock the curse afflicting the Caliph. The Shaman is a
legendary figure--many people don't believe he exists at all. Renowned for his
powers to see all, and know the unknown, the wise Shaman is also an alchemist.
When you locate him, heed his words. Remember his exhortations. Revel in the
unbridled delight on contact with a perfect soul. And don't forget where you
found him.


When you were but a lad, you first came to know Iris the Gypsy.
Shunned by many for her strange and mysterious ways, Iris lived alone with the
afflictions of her advancing age. Seldom did she find anyone with a
sympathetic ear; people were always too busy to waste time on a pathetic old
But you took the time to listen. You showed her kindness, visiting her
whenever you could. Always glad to see her young friend, Iris would give you
apples and trinkets, and tell you amazing tales of faraway lands. Her
knowledge can be of immeasurable help. But forget not the patience you
exercised as a child--for when you were sympathetic to her ills, Iris sometimes
told you the most incredible stories of all.

YOUR CREW - You begin your quest with a stout ship and a brave crew. Each time
the Sabaralus makes landfall, you must decide how many men to take with you in
your landing party and how many to leave behind for the protection of the ship.
Men may be lost to pirates, the Black Prince and other hazards you'll
encounter, but you can recruit new members for your crew along the way.

LANDING PARTY - The size of the landing party determines the safety of your
companions if you encounter trouble and are forced to retreat. You will learn
through experience how many men you must bring to protect the questing party.
At the same time, you must leave enough men aboard the Sabaralus to defend the
ship from pirate attachs.

RECRUITING - Each time you return o the Sabaralus to begin a voyage, you may
send out a recruiting party to round up "volunteers" for your crew. The
recruiting party scours the port of your departure and returns with new crew
members--if any can be found and pressed into service. The best places to
recruit are the larger ports, for they have the biggest cities and the most
people. And the biggest cities are usually found on large continents.


The Black Prince has many allies in his quest to dethrone the Caliph,
not the least of which is the foul Pteranoxos. When a member of this
misbegotten species appears in the sky overhead, there is only one thing you
can do--and until the deed is done, nothing else matters. You must kill the
bird before it escapes to report to its master.
The spawn of long-forgotten demons from another age, the pteranoxi
serve any who are desperate enough to befriend them. The very embodiment of
evil, these gruesome creatures were pressed into service by the Black Prince to
spy on his enemies. If one of the birds finds you and then escapes, it may
bring disaster to you and your party (if it can remember where it spotted
you--the pteranoxos has a brain the size of a Torquarian flea).

NAILING THE PTERANOXOS - Your bow fires arrows straight and true; you have but
to aim it correctly. A deadly weapon, it is capable of bringing a pteranoxos
to earth even at long distances--on the other hand, any target is easier to hit
when it is within close range.

The three pairs of lines above the bow indicate the height at which
you're aiming.

When you fire, the pteranoxos tries to evade your arrows, but you can
learn to anticipate its movements.

Lead your target, and time the release of the arrow to intercept the
bird in flight.

You have a plentiful supply of arrows, but a limited opportunity to
kill the bird before it leaves to report to its master.


Among the creatures you'll encounter is the legendary Cyclops. If one
of the beasts raids your camp, you must face him deep within his underground
lair to recover what he has stolen.
Hurrying after the lumbering giant, you find your way to his cave.
Inside, you hear the cries of the tortured souls the Cyclops has taken
prisoner. Then you see him. As he fixes his terrible eye on you and terror
consumes your quivering frame, you remember that you have no weapons. The
Cyclops took them. You fashin a crude sling and pray to the gods that it will
hold together long enough to dispatch the loathsome creature.

Move the sling left or right to aim at the Cyclops.

Release the stone when you think it is aimed correctly.

The Cyclops throws boulders at you; these must be dodged if you
intend to survive the encounter.


Long ago in the distant past, a race called the Ishtiki inhabited the
lands to the west. According to legend, the ancient Ishtiki worshipped three
sisters who came to be revered as gods. Little is known of the practices of
this forgotten religion, but there are tales of shadowy sacrifices performed by
high priests who summoned the power of the Three Sisters to turn man into bease
and back again.
It is said that the Ishtiki had three idols--one for each of the Three
Sisters--and each idol was imbued with great powers which could be released
only through sacrificial rites involving legendary beasts, the likes of which
no living man has ever seen.
Each of the idols is said to have a pair of jeweled eyes, and according
to legend, anyone who obtains an eye from each of the three idols holds great
power. Gypsies tell a story about an adventurer who tried to pluck these
jewels--after obtaining one of them, the earth opened beneath his feet and
swallowed him up. Of course, who believes the tales of gypsies?
The idols vanished into legend long ago, but they say that conjurers
still exist who know the occult secrets of the ancient Ishtiki.