14 Billion Light Years From Earth

This Quick Start Card is meant for those who are eager to get right into
Spacewrecked. The card details all the necessary information on installing
and configuring the game for your system. It then takes you through the
quickest route into your adventure. Finally, it explains all the basic mouse
and/or keyboard commands you'll need to know to play the game.

Please note that Spacewrecked is a deep game with extensive detail-it is
recommended that you refer to the accompanying Game Manual for answers to
specific game questions not addressed in the Quick Start Card.

The Game Interface

Spacewrecked is driven by an easy-to-use icon-interface and is designed for play
with a mouse on Amiga version.
The only time you need a keyboard is for punching numbers. Throughout the
Quick Start Card and Game Manual, you will see the terms BUTTON1,BUTTON2, and
SELECT used frequently. These are their definitions for your particular system:

BUTTON1 = Left Mouse button.
BUTTON2 = Right Mouse button.
SELECT = Move the Mouse to position the cursor over the desired selection
and press BUTTON1 - the left mouse button.

P = for Pause
ESC = to reset the level


On the Setup/Enter game screen, there are two keys. The 'Save Game' icon is
an arrow pointing onto a disk, and the 'Load Game' icon is the arrow pointing
off a disk.
To Save a partially finished game, exit the Main Playing screen. Then SELECT
the Save Game icon and you will be prompted to enter a letter, from A to M.
This will be the file name of your saved game. Once you've entered a file
name, the game will be saved. If you are playing the game from a floppy
disk, take care not to save onto your game disk.
To Load a Saved game, follow the above procedure, this time SELECTING the
'Load Saved Game' icon. Again, you will be asked for a file name, from A
to M. As soon as you enter this, the file will load. When you return to
the Main Playing screen, the Saved game will be loaded and ready to resume

To start the game, you can press any key to bypass the title screen and credits.
You will first be asked to locate one of the aliens found on the first 20
pages of the Game Manual. SELECT either the Left or Right Arrow Icons to
scroll through pictures of all creatures. When the pictured alien matches the
name you were asked to find, SELECT the square Exit Icon between the two
Arrow Icons.

To get right into the game SELECT the Exit Icon on the Game Set-Up Screen.
(all options on this Screen are fully detailed on Page 5 of the Game Manual)

Sent on a mission to the other side of the universe, your ship collides with
the remains of an exploded moon, crippling your craft as well as destroying
your reserve fuel tanks. Far from Earth, you have few options but to program
the computer for searhc-and-follow mode, hoping it will lead you to help
before you run completely out of fuel and are left drifting in space forever.
Placing yourself in Cryogenic suspension, you wish that sometimes, just once
in a while, things would go your way...

Seven years later, the computer wakes you to the sight of an entire fleet of
Scientific Survey Craft, badly damaged after time-warping into a nova, but
in better shape than your own vessel. The long-lost Darwin Biological
Survey Fleet was the last to be equipped with the Interlok Navigational
System, which ran the entire fleet as a single unit from the flagship.
Phased out since then due to its inherent design flaw-damage to one ship
disables the whole fleet-it puts you in a tough spot. Instead of simply
repairing the nearest craft and getting out of there, you'll need to board
each ship in turn, repair all of its systems, and then activate the fleet
from the flagship bridge. Adding to your bad luck, the crewmembers-suffering
from extreme mental deterioration after the excruciating Slow Thaw from
Cryongenics-as well as the Survey's bizarre biological specimens, are roaming
the corridors and out for blood. While dodging them, on each ship you must:

* Find the spare Energy Flux Decoupler and deliver it to the Power Room;
* Find the Inhibit Lock and return it to the bridge;
* Repair all the ship's systems to at least 80% efficiency.

As you investigate the malfunctioning systems, you will learn that, in most
cases, a lack of liquid coolant has caused the problem. By replacing the
coolant liquid in the particular system room, you're likely to solve the
problem. To carry out the repair you will need to:

* Locate a Manufacturing Room on board the ship and make some receptacles in
which to carry the coolant (Complete details on the Manufacturing Screen
are on Page 16 of the Game Manual);
* Find a laboratory and fill your receptacles with liquid coolant (Information
on the Laboratory Screen is on Page 16 of the Game Manual);
* Finally, go to the room of the system you wish to repair and attempt the
repair (The Repair Screen is described on Page 17 of the Game Manual);

Once you've made all repairs, found the Inhibit Lock, and replaced the Energy
Flux Decoupler, a mesage will prompt you to the bridge-after which you'll
move on to the next ship in need of repair.


Here's a look at the Main Screen, from which most of the game is played:

1 7

2 9 8

|3| 10

4 12
6 no I'm not
drawing these fuckers!

1) The current location or room.

2) The Main viewing screen.

3) The weapon reload bar. You cannot fire and weapon repeatedly until
it reloads or recharges-indicated when the reload bar reaches bottom.

4) Main stamina recorder. This is an indicator of your general health and
stamina. Full health is shown by a complete face. As you lose stamina
points, it will slowly turn into a skull. You can heal lost stamina
on of four ways:

* Naturally, over time;
* Finding a Galley and eating food;
* Injecting yourself with serums you find-not all of them will help
you however, some may harm you;
* Using a robot with a medical cartridge (See Page 21 of the Game
Manual for details).

5) The lifetrace recorder, on an Amiga, tracks your pulse, which impacts
how steadily your aim is in firing weapons.

6) If you're carrying a geiger counter, you can see the background
radiation levels-radiation can put a quick end to your adventure, so
keep an eye on this meter.

7) Time elapsed since play began: You're working against the clock.

8) The hands display shows what items you're holding in your left hand and
right hand. The items can be swapped from one hand to the other by
pointing the cursor to this display and pressing BUTTON1.

Weapons can only be fired when held in your right hand! To fire a weapon
aim the cursor at the target on the main viewing screen and press BUTTON1

All other items can be used in either hand. Pointing the cursor at an
item in this display and pressing BUTTON2 will use ot activate it,
depending on its function.

9) The movement icons control your movement around the ship. SELECT one
of the four blue icons and you'll move one step in that direction.
SELECT either of the two green icons to rotate left ot right 90-degrees.
The two grey buttons to eithe side of the bottom blue icon will light up
and display arrows when you enter a space with a ladder or elevator.

10) The Main message panel displays all pertinent game information.

11) The beating heart not only displays your heart rate, but your general
health as well: It will change color from scarlet to yellow to
indicate radiation or poisoning-both of which can kill you. The more
yellow your heart, the more damage to your health.

12) The function buttons will show the icons of all commands available to
you in each location. The top six buttons are Game Control Functions
and the bottom six are Robot Selection Buttons. (For a full list of
Game Control Functions, see Page 12 in the Game Manual. Robot
Selection and Controls can be found on Page 20).

Two Game Control Functions are available to you at all times:

* The far left button takes you to the Game Setup Screen;
* The one to its immediate right takes you into the Inventory Screen
where you can pickup, pack or carry items you find. (the inventory
screen is fully described on page 8 of the game manual.)

When you enter any location that activates one of the other Game Control
Functions-Computer Access,Recharging,Manufacturing,Laboratory, or Repair-
then that function's icon will appear.

To access and Function, SELECT its icon.



Sent to explore a newly discovered planet--little more than a faint
blip on the sensor scree--you find nothing more than an oversized asteroid.
Dejected, you lift off from the planet surface and run smack into the scattered
debris of an exploded moon. Great..just great. Even your lightning-quick
reflexes aren't enough to get you through the moon's remains untouched.
Warning lights flash like crazy...there goes System 3...No! not the reserve
tanks! You'll never make it back to Earth without that fuel. Clutching at
straws, you program the computer to perform continuous wide-ranges seek-and-
follow sensor scans, hoping on the off-chance that it will lead your ship to
something--a planet, another ship, anything--that can rescue you from your
crippled craft before you run out of fuel and are left floating in space
forever. Resigning yourself to fate, you place yourself in Cryongenic
suspension, and wish that sometimes, just once in awhile, things would go
your way...

Seven years have passed. Groggily, you drag yourself out of the
Cryogenics chamber to see why the computer wok you up. It means that you're
either about to be rescued--or that your ship is about to fall to pieces.
Pondering this, you turn the corner onto the bridge and are immediately
struck with the awesome spectacle of an entire fleet of 20 Scientific Survey
Craft floating in your wide-screen viewer.

"What the...?" you mumble to yourself.
"The Darwin Biological Survey Fleet," responds your computer.
"Computer," you say excitedly, "open all frequencies!"

The Communications Channel crackles to life, and with a sinking feeling
you hear the echo of a distress signal, dated light years ago. Looks like you
won't be getting much help here. Unless... "Computer, I need the following
data: Survey Fleet mission, last recorded flight logs, lifescan of the ships,
and the ships' operating conditions."

It seems the routine biological survey mission to the Orion Galaxy
turned into a space nightmare. The Fleet's 20 ships time-warped into the
eye of the exploding Wolf-Roert nova, instantly crippling most on-board systems
and snapping the locks that held the bizarre alien biology specimens captive.
The helpless crew members--frozen in Cryogenics during the accident--are alive
but must have suffered extreme mental deterioration during the dreaded Slow
Thaw, every space traveller's nightmare. You shudder at the thought.

The ships were equipped with the antiquated Interlock Navigational
System, which runs the entire fleet as a single unit from the flagship deck--
a technology that was phased out decades ago due to its inherent design flaw
when one ship goes down, the entire fleet grinds to a halt. So, instead of
simply repairing the nearest ship and getting out of here, you'll need to
board each of the ships in turn, repair all of their systems, and then activate
the fleet from the flagship birdge.

To do this you must:

* Find the spare Energy Flux Decoupler and deliver it to the Power Room
* Find the Inhibit Lock and return it to the bridge;
* Repair all the ship's systems to at least 80% efficiency.

As you investigate the malfunctioning systems, you will learn that, in
most cases, a lack of liquid coolant has caused the problem. By replacing the
coolant fluid in that particular system room, you're likely to solve the
problem. To carry out a repair, you'll need to:

* Locate a Manufacturing Room on board the ship and make some
receptacles in which to carry the coolant.
* Find a laboratory and fill your receptacles with liquid coolant.
* Finally, go to the room of the system you wish to repair and
attempt the repair.

Once you've made all repairs, found the Inhibit Lock, and replaced
the Energy Flux Decoupler, a message will prompt you to go to the bridge--
after which you'll move on to the next ship in need of repair.

The first screen you'll see after Identifying the alien is the game setup
screen. (from left to right the icons are: )

1) Exit. SELECT this icon to proceed into the game.
2) Save Game. This icon allows you to save your current game to disk. You
must have a blank disk ready already formatted in order to save a game.
3) Load Game. You can load a previously save game by SELECTING this icon.
4) Music and Sound Effects. This icon allows you to toggle the game music
and sound effects on and off.
5) Character Select. This icon lets you choose your character in the game.
6) Password. TDB.


Throughout the Inventory Screen you will control all items you find
on-board the ship. To access the Inventory Screen, SELECT the Inventory Icon
on the Main Game Screen.

_____ ________
| | | | | __________
|__|__| | | | |
6 | | | | | ____ | | BASIC LAYOUT OF SCREEN
|__|__| | 2 | | 4 | | 7 |
| | | | | |____| | |
|__|__| | | |__________|
_ | | ______________
1 | |HELD | | | 3 |
| | | | | |______________|
|_|___| |________| ____________________
__ | |
8|. | | 5 |
|__| |____________________|

These are the windows on this screen:

1) HELD. Items held in each hand.
2) PACK. All the items stowed in your pack.
3) BELT. Everything you are carrying on your belt.
4) WORN. Only items you can wear on your body can be placed in this
5) ROOM. Shows all articles lying in the room you are in.
6) ROBOT BUTTONS. SELECT one "active" robot at a time from these.
7) ROBOT. This window shows what the "active" robot is carrying. (
The large selection of this window), what weapon the robot
is currently armed with (The single box in this window)
and what program cartridges the robot is loaded with (the
bank of four spaces in this window) Cartridges are fully
detailed in an upcoming section on robots.
8) EXIT. Takes you back to Main Game Screen.

If you glide the cursor over an item, the message panel will tell you
what it is and its serial number. Each item also has a designated weight.
The number in the bottom right of the message panel shows the present total
weight of all the objects in the window that the cursor is over, followed by
the maximum weight allowed for that window. In the Room window, you'll see
the total weight of all the items added together--and no maximum allowed
weight, as there is no limit to what you can find in a room. Nor is there
a weight limit to what you can wear or carry in your hands.

To move items between windows, move the pointer over the item and
SELECT it. You will now be carrying that item with the cursor. You can
drop it into any box of any window by SELECTING the designation box.

The message panel lists what you are holding at all times. Certain
larger items must be placed into the special larger boxes. The smaller items
will fit into either of the box sizes.

You can exchange two items by picking one up as described above, moving
over another item in any window and SELECTING the other item. You will deposit
your carried item in the box, and the item that was in the box now becomes the
carried item. You cannot leave this screen if you are "carrying" an item with
the cursor.

If you want to move an item from one robot to another, SELECT the robot
button of the "from" robot. Pick up the item from the robot windows and
temporarily put it in another window--for example, the Room window. Then
SELECT the button for the "to" robot and move the item into that robot's


To pick up items you find on your journey, SELECT the items in the Room
window and move them, as described above, to the window in which you wan them


Also in the inventory Screen, you can repair certain items that break
along your journey by using the repair kit--once you find it. Move the cursor
over the repair kit and pres BUTTON2, then SELECT the item you wish to repair
The message panel will indicate the result of the repair attempt. You can
even repair robots that are broken or malfunctioning by using the repair kit
Follow the procedure described above, except SELECT the button for the robot
you wish to repair.


To use an item in your inventory, place it in one of your hands and
return to the Main Game Screen. At that screen, move the cursor over the item
you wish to use and press BUTTON2.
You will learn how and when to apply your items most effectively.
These are two that will require the most use:


When faced with an opponent, you may fight it only if you have a
weapon in your right hand. At the Main Game Screen, if you move the cursor
over the main viewing screen, it will turn into a crosshair. The size of the
crosshair will vary according to the weapon--some weapons are easier to hit
your target with than others. You must fight the jiggling of the crosshair--
driven by the rush of adrenaline into your system--and when you have the
crosshair over the enemy, press BUTTON1. You will hit the enemy if any part
of the crosshair is on it--but it will have more impact if the center of the
crosshair hits the enemy.
If the weapon runs out of shots or energy, then it is useless. Some
weapons may be recharged in a recharging station and used again, others must
be thrown away.


The doors aboard ships are special energy fields that are airtight
and prevent viruses or contamination from spreading throughout the ship.
You can safely pass through this energy field and into the location beyond,
unless the door is security coded. Grey doors are not encoded, so simply
walk through them. A color door indicates the level of security required.
To pass through you will need to use a security Access Card, and it will need to
be of high enough clearance to get you in. Security doors are ranked as
follows, from least to greatest:

A white pass will open any door, but an orange pass will only open
an orange or red door, and so on. Passes lose color as they are used, but may
be recharged in a recharging station.
Security coded doors turn grey when opened with a pass, but will return
to their previous security color oce you pass through them and back again.


The six Game Control Functions buttons on the Main Game Screen will
always list the Game-Setup Icon and the Inventory icon, which will,
repectively, take you to the screens already discussed. In addition, there are
five other screens that can be accessed through Game Control Function Icons:


This icon will appear whenever you have access to a computer droid
or enter a Terminal Room. SELECTING this icon will offer you five new icons
to choose from.

* DECK PLANS The deck plans are built up as you explore the ship. Areas you
have not visited will not appear on the plans. The deck plans
will also show any areas that robots under your control may have
visited. On the plans, special rooms are colored, with the
key shown at the top of the screen. Any rooms not specifically
color-coded will appear green. Corridors are brown. Robots
under your control will appear as crosses. Your own position
will appear as a flashing black arrow, pointing the way you
are currently facing. The white bars on the map signify doors.

The message area below shows your position, including the
room number. As you move the cursor over the map, the message
are will list what the room is and its number--useful when you
want to return to a room and can't remember where it is.
These numbers are also essential for programming robots for
remote journeys.

There are three decks on the ship, the Main, Lower and Dorsal.
You can switch among them by SELECTING the upper icon button
marked with an arrow. The lower button exits the screen.


This icon lets you check on the ship's systems. The names in
yellow are major systems, and the names in white below each
major system are the components of that system--the galley,
lighting, doors and radiation filters are all controlled by
the Life Support Control Room, for example. To the right of
the names is a bar chart showing the current power level of
each system. The longer the green bar, the more power
remaining on the ship.

Further to the right is a "quick glance" display of the status
of each system. This display will read either:
FUNCTIONAL - Working just fine.
INTERMITTENT - Working on an intermittent basis.
The system name
or decreasing.
PREDICTED SUCCESS INDEX - How likely is a successful repair.
PREDICTED DOWNTIME INDEX - How long before the system is
likely to malfunction.

Finally, Total Power is an indication of the ship's
remaining cumulative power. The longer the green bar, the
higher the ship's power.


You can examine the ship's crew roster and identify the crew
members should you meet them. USe the left and right arrow
icons to move through the roster.

You can examine the roster of the alien samples carried aboard
the ship--and perhaps pick up clues on dealing with them should
you meet them. Use the arrow icons to mve through the roster.


When you enter a Recharging Station, an icon will appear on the main
game screen that will allow you to access the Recharger. SELECTING this icon
takes you to the Recharging Screen.

When you are recharging:

1) Item Category Selection. (3 panels on screen) Choose among Robots,
Access Cards or Miscellaneous power items, like flashlights.
2) Recharge. Recharge the currently SELECTED item. (bottom left icon)
3) Left/Right Arrows. Cycle through all the Robots, Security Passes or
items available to be recharged in this location.
4) Exit. Return to Main Game Screen. (bottom right)

A robot can be recharged in increments of ten points up to the maximum
level for that particular robot. Security passes are recharged one color at a
time. All other items are increased by one. Each of the Recharger drains a
bit of the ship's total power, so avoid extensive and wasteful use of the


You can make up to six receptacles at a time--ranging in size from
one to five liters capacity each. Note, however that making a receptacle
usesthe ship's power, and the larger the receptacle, the more power it requires
to make it. On the other hand, larger quantities of coolant increase your
chance to repair a system, and consequently it's easier to carry large
quantities in fewer but larger receptacles. You must learn from experience
the best sizes to make.
At the right of the screen is a zoomed view of the handset of the
manufacturing machine. SELECT the size of receptacle you want to build. The
receptacle will be made and placed on the floor of the room. Simply pick it
up through the Inventory Screen and you are read to go.


Choosing this icon will take you to the Laboratory Screen:
Here you can fill as many receptacles as you are carrying. SELECT
the receptacle size you want filled. The coolant is a highly acidic and
toxic substance and the receptacle must be flawless, so the lab computer
will check the receptacle for flaws--flawed receptacles will be rejected
and dumped. If your receptacle passes Q.A. it will be filled with liquid
coolant. Keep SELECTING as many sizes as you want filled. SELECT Exit when
you have finished.


The final part of your mission is to carry out the system repairs.
As mentioned, all of the ship's systems fall under the control of just four
major systems: Bio Control, Life Support, Computer and Communications.
These are accessed and repaired via the Biological Control, Life Support,
Bridge, and Communications Rooms respectively. Entering one of these rooms
will show a Repair Icon on the Main Game Screen. SELECT this icon to enter
the Repair Screen.

To make a repair you will need a repair kit, and at least one liter
of liquid coolant. In most cases, it will also help to have a coolant
applicator, and a robot with repair capability--although neither are
absolutely necessary.

At the right of the screen is one of your full receptacles. The
reservoir can hold up to 5 litres of coolant, pump in any more and it will
overflow. SELECT the receptacle you wish to empty using the top right
button. When you are happy with the amount of coolant in the reservoir,
you can attempt a repair. SELECT the Spanner icon on the bottom left of the
screen. The coolant will be pumped into the system and the message panel
at the top will show the result of your attempt.


There are six types of robot that you may find as you wander through
the ships. Most have one built-in function, and you can add other functions
by plugging in cartridges that you'll find in the ship. These robots are:

BATTLE DROID - Has combat capability built-in.
SENSOR DROID - Has a life scanner built-in. It will report the approach
of any hostile crew members or aliens.
JANITOR DROID - Has the ability to clean up spilled liquid coolant.
FIXIT DROID - Can repair items or assist in repairing the ship's systems
RAT DROID - Has no built-in function. However, you can plug in
cartridges to make it useful.
COMPUTER DROID - Allows you to access the ship's computer without having
to be in a Terminal Room.

When a robot is available for you to command, its icon will appear
on the Main Game Screen in the second row of the six buttons. There are two
methods of controlling your robots. A robot can either be with you and under
your direct command, in which case a blue light appears under its icon, or
you can be in contact with it via remote communicator if you send it
elsewhereon the ship. Even though you may have all six robots with you,
only three can appear in the Main Viewing Screen at a time.
Clicking on a Robot Icon on the main screen takes you to the Robot


This screen provides you with important information about you robot,
including what type of robot you have, where it is, what its mode of execution
is, and its current condition. There are four modes of execution:

STAY HERE - Discussed under Directing you robot.
FOLLOW ME - Also under Directing your robot.
PROGRAM - Indicates the the robot is running a customized
program that you have written for it.
POWER DOWN - Indicates that the robot has been switched off.

In the center of the screen is the power bar. The higher the green
bar, the more energy the robot has. Above the power bar you can see what
weapon your robot is carrying, if any. Next to it is the robot inventory
window. These are the same as the three robot windows in the inventory
screen. You can move items between the windows as you would be in the
Inventory Screen. However, only cartridges can be held in the Cartridge
Window. The box marked Cartridges tells you which cartridges are plugged
into your robot.
Below this are two icon buttons labeled Program and Exit.

PROGRAM - Takes you to the Programming Screen to write a customized
EXIT - Lets you leave the Robot Screen.

Along the bottom of the screen are twelve buttons which indicate the functions
which the robot can perform. Each robot is already assigned a specific
function--automatically indicated by the first six buttons, one for each
robot. The rest will be labelled as you plug cartridges into your robots.


You can command the robots you find using the Direct Mode or the
Program Mode. In Direct Mode, simply SELECT the icon from the Robot
Screen and the command will be executed immediately. In Program Mode
you must SELECT the icon from the Programming Screen and the command
will be executed as part of a program. The six standard icons are,
from left to right:

POWER ON/OFF. Switches the robot on and off. None of the command
icons will work if your robot is switched off.

FOLLOW ME. Put the robot into Follow Me Mode. This means the robot
will follow you wherever you go. Since the robot is behind you, it
will not appear on the Main Viewing Screen.

STAY HERE. Put the robot into Stay Here Mode--the robot won't move
until you tell it to.

Both Follow Me and Stay Here commands will cancel out the previous
mode your robot was in. If the robot was executing a program, it
will abort the program.

GO TO. (followed by a room number). This will instruct the robot to
travel to the numbered room via the shortest route, guided by its own
internal map. Obstacles such as enemies or structural damage may bar
the robot from completing this function. Use the Deck Plans Screen
in the Terminal Room to learn the various room numbers as you map
out the ship.

PICK UP. Can be implemented through Program Mode only. You will be
asked for an item serial number, which is listed on the Inventory
Screen. The robot will pick up and carry this item if it is

DROP ITEM (program mode). You will be asked for an item sreial number
If the robot is carrying that item, it will drop it at the point in the
program where the command is given.


You can plug up to four cartridges into a robot by picking up
cartridge items and placing them in the Cartridge Window. These
cartridges are:

REPAIR CARTRIDGE. (Direct Mode). You may SELECT any item appearing
in the Robot Item Windows to attempt its repair. The result of your
attempts shows in the message panel at the top of the screen.

REPAIR CARTRIDGE. (Program Mode). You are asked for an item's serial
number. If the item is available, the robot will try to repair it.

COOLANT MANAGEMENT CARTRIDGE. Make Recpetacle. The robot must be in
a Manufacturing Room when it executes this function. First you must
choose a size for the receptacle, the the robot will try to construct
it for you.

FILL RECEPTACLE. The robot must be located in the laboratory to
complete this function. It will attempt to fill a receptacle of
the size you indicate, as long as that size is available.

SELF DESTRUCT CARTRIDGE. You must type in a delay time in seconds.
In executing this function, the robot will explode after the given
delay, killing everything nearby--including you if you don't get away
in time.

MEDICAL CARTRIDGE. A robot with this cartridge can help you recover
lost stamina points.

SCANNER CARTRIDGE. This makes a Sensor Droid perform frequent life
scans. It is useless with any other robot.

ATTACK ROBOT. Allows you to switch your robot in and out of combat
mode. To arm your robot, place a weapon in its weapon window. It
can't fight without one! If an armed robot in Combat Mode meets an
enemy, it will engage the enemy and fight it.

COMMUNICATIONS CARTRIDGE. Allows you to switch your robot in and out
of report mode. Report Mode lets you keep in conact with your robot
if it is elsewhere on the ship. However, you can't receive reports
without a communicator. The robot will let you know as it completes
each stage of its program, as well as send you error messages or
report any problems it encounters. Your reports will appear on the
message panel on the Main Viewing Screen, accompanied by the reporting
robot's serial number. (for example, '3: arrived' means that Robot 3
has arrived at its destination.


The Program Screen will appear in the center of the Robot Screen when
you SELECT the program icon.

1. Main Program Listing Window. In it are listed the instructions
that nake up a program. A program may consist of as many as ten

2. The icons Insert,Delete,Clear, and Execute. These will be discussed
later. Below them is the Exit Icon, which will take you back to the
Robot Screen.

Along the bottom of the screen are the functions available for this

To enter an instruction and begin a program, simply SELECT the function
icon and answer any questions using the keyboard. The appropriate
instruction will be generated and listed in the Main Program Listing

If you wish to put your robot into Combat Mode or Report Mode, SELECT
those icons once and a Mode On line will be inserted in the program.
For Mode Off, simply click on the icon once more. There are four
special icons:

INSERT. This allows you to insert an instruction into the middle of a
program. After SELECTING Insert, use the mouse to position the blue
bar in the place where you want to add a line. Then SELECT the
function icon that you wish to insert. The instruction will be added
and the blue bar will return to the bottom of the program.

DELETE. This deletes one line of your program. SELECT delete, then use
the mouse to position the blue bar over the instruction you wish to
erase, and SELECT the button to the left of the line. The line will
be deleted.

CLEAR. This will delete your entire program.

EXECUTE. This puts the robot into Program Mode. As soon as you return
to the Robot Screen, the robot will begin executing the program you have
just written. it will complete each instruction one at a time, in the
order they appear in the program, before moving on to the next one.

note: The robot will complete your orders exactly as they are written
it is up to you to put the instruction in a logical order. Of the
robot attempts to execute an illogical instruction (for example, to
Drop an item that it doesn't have, or Manufacture Receptacle when it's
not in a Manufacturing Room,) it wil simply ignore that instruction
and continue on to the next one. If the robot is capable of reporting
back to you (see report function), it will send you an error message.

You can edit the robot's progam at any time, even while its executing
your instructions. It's possible to halt the program by turning the
robot off or putting it into Stay Here or Follow Me Mode. However,
when you put it back into Program Mode, it will begin the program again
from line 1. The program will remain in the robot's memory until you
SELECT the Clear Icon. This enables you to re-execute the same program
over and over again. When the robot completes its program it will go
into Stay Here Mode and remain where it is until its next command.


This is a list of the rooms on board the ship, and their significance.

THE BRIDGE - Houses the Computer Major System.
LIFE SUPPORT - Houses the Life Support Major System.
COMMUNICATIONS - Houses the Communications Major System.
BIOLOGICAL CONTROL - Houses the Bio Control Major System
MANUFACTURING ROOM - Where receptacles are made.
LABORATORY - Where you fill receptacles with coolant.
POWER ROOM - Where the Energy Flux Decoupler must be taken.
TERMINAL ROOM - Where you can access the ship's computer.
RECHARGING STATION - Where you can recharge robots, passes and items.
GALLEY - Where you can eat food for extra stamina.
STASIS CHAMBER - Alien specimens are held in a Stasis Field in these rooms
if the stasis fields malfunction, the aliens will be released
into the ship.
CRYOGENICS CHAMBER - The ship's crew may be held in Cryogenics in these rooms.
If the cryogenics fail, the crew will defrost and be
released into the ship.

Docs typed in By Sandman of Paradise