Control Devices
The Icarus can be controlled by either the mouse or a joystick, and
additional keys are used for features such as weapons selection, view
selection,and utility functions. The mouse should be connected to the
first port, and the joystick to the second port.

Mouse control:
The mouse controls the Icarus in the most direct and responsive way -
moving the mouse left and right makes the Icarus roll - you can roll the
craft all the way round by 360 degrees, or simply fly upside down (but
remember to take your InvertoGrav headache tablets first).

Move the mouse forwards to make the nose of the Icarus dip and fly
downwards, and pull back on the mouse to raise the nose, and make the
Icarus pull up.

To fire the currently selected weapon, press the left mouse button.

The right button is the Icarus' speed control - when pressed down,
pushing the mouse forwards makes the craft accelerate, and pulling back
makes it decelerate.

Joystick control:
Operation of the joystick follows the same principles as the mouse,
except that since it is centrally sprung, fine control of the craft is not
as affortless as with a mouse.

Pushing the joystick left and right causes the Icarus to roll, and
pushing forwards and backwards causes it to accelerate and decelerate.

To fire the currently selected weapon, pressing the fire button.

As there is no second joystick button, speed control is slightly
different when using a joystick. STARGLIDER 2 uses a joystick control
system known as One Hand Mode, and this basically makes the one fire button
double as both mouse buttons. To accelerate and decelerate, simply hold
down the fire button and push the joystick forwards or backwards.

Alternatively, One Hand Mode can be switched off from the Options Menu,
and weapons can be fired by pressing the Space Bar on the keyboard - this
will stop unwanted firing of weapons when altering the Icarus' speed.


STARGLIDER 2 utilises a number of keys, some of which need to be used
frequently, and others only once during a game, or possibly not at all.
They are as follows:-

Game control keys:
Select weapon .............................. SHIFT
Fire weapon ................................ SPACE or mouse/joystick button
Stardrive ON/OFF ........................... D
Identify object under cross-hair ........... I
Audio analysis of nearest object ........... A
Status Report .............................. R
Rotate the tractor beamed object left/right. < and >
Move tractor beamed object towards craft ... M
Collect tractor beamed object .............. C

Toggle Fixed/Floating cross-hair sights .... F
Toggle the patchwork landscape ON/OFF ...... P
Toggle the projected shadows ON/OFF ........ S

Abort game ................................. ESC
Pause game ................................. BACKSPACE

Keys operative when game is paused:
Inventory mode ............................. I
Give object (to co-operative depots) ....... G
Exit Inventory mode ........................ E
Jettison object ............................ J
Continue game .............................. <Any other key>

View keys:
These keys allow you to select the position from which the Icarus is
displayed and viewed. The craft can either be seen from inside the
cockpit, or as an outside view - it is best to experiment with the various
options. Keys prefixed with the letter 'n' denote the numeric keypad:

Cockpit view .................................. 1
Cockpit view - Icarus locked to Z-axis ........ 2
Cockpit view - Icarus locked to X-axis ........ 3
Cockpit view - Icarus locked to Z and X axes .. 4
Outside view .................................. 5
Outside view - Icarus locked to Z-axis ........ 6
Outside view - Icarus locked to X-axis ........ 7
Outside view - Icarus locked to Z and X axes .. 8

Toggle the Cockpit/Outside view of the Icarus. ENTER

The numeric keys select different positions for both the inside and
outside view. For outside views, most of the options are disabled whilst
inside a tunnel network.

Left rear view ............................... n1
Rear view .................................... n2
Right rear view .............................. n3
Left view .................................... n4
Down view .................................... n5
Right view ................................... n6
Left front view .............................. n7
Front view ................................... n8
Right front view ............................. n9

By using the following keys, you can define a completely custom viewing

Rotate view left ............................. Cursor Left
Rotate view right ............................ Cursor Right
Rotate view up ............................... Cursor Up
Rotate view down ............................. Cursor Down

Move viewpoint further from Icarus ........... -
Move viewpoint closer to Icarus .............. + or 0

Utility functions:
The following function keys perform utility tasks.

Sound effects ON/OFF ........................ F1
Save game position to disk .................. F10

To save a game position, you will need a blank disk. STARGLIDER 2 uses
its own custom format, so do not read or write to this disk using the
normal filing system.

Options Menu
Press the Space Bar while the title screen is being displayed to reach
the Options Menu. This allows you to define or select a number of user
options, as follows:-

0 -------> Select joystick ....................... ON/OFF
1 -------> Select one-hand-mode .................. ON/OFF
2 -------> Select Fixed cross-hair sight ......... ON/OFF
3 -------> Cross-hair autocentre ................. X, Y, XY, OFF
4 -------> Change mouse scaling
5 -------> Load a saved game
6 -------> Load the hi-score table
7 -------> Display the hi-score table
8 -------> Painting with Rolf
9 -------> Restart an interrupted game

All the above are self-explanatory, except option 8. As a bonus, you
are able to examine all the shapes in STARGLIDER 2, rotating them, changing
their size, and painting with them, with fine control over the cycle
sequence of animated shapes.

Use the mouse to move the shape around the screen. To make the shape
larger and smaller, hold down the right button and move the mouse backwards
and forwards. The various feature keys are as follows:-

Rotate shape forwards and backwards in X-axis ........ X and S
Rotate shape forwards and backwards in Y-axis ........ Y and T
Rotate shape forwards and backwards in Z-axis ........ Z and A
Stop shape rotating .................................. P
Reset shape to start position ........................ R
Cycle through the shapes ............................. < and >
Start animation, cycling forwards .................... Cursor Up
Start animation, cycling backwards ................... Cursor Down
Single step animation one frame forwards ............. Cursor Right
Single step animation one frame backwards ............ Cursor Left
End animation sequence ............................... E
Draw with a shape/clear screen toggle ................ D
Alter scale of objects ............................... n0 to n8
Return to Options Menu ............................... ESC

17 Aug. 1988 PlayGuide By UNISTAR

Mission Briefing Dossier
Jaysan, Katra, and Agro - I have compiled the following dossier in order to
assist you on this, a most hazardous and dangerous of assignments.

I cannot emphasise strongly enough the severity of this mission - if you
succeed, the advance of the evil forces in our galaxy will be set back by
many years, and the people of the Solice System will be freed of Egron

However, if you fail, the planet of Novenia will be destroyed, and the
might of the Egron military machine will march on, devouring planet after
planet, solar system after solar system, its greed for domination and
destruction knowing no limits.

The final shakedown testing of the Icarus is now complete - the stardrive
has been fitted and the craft has been stripped of all unnecessary weight.
We have sent sub-etha messages to all the Service Depots in the Solice
System, and we can only hope that they have received them.

As long as our spy satellites remain undetected, we shall attempt to
transmit updated intelligence reports concerning Egron movements in the

We are now certain that the Egrons are building powerful beam projectors on
each of the seven moons of Millway, and are going to use these to protect a
vast space station during its construction. It is this space station that
will be turned against Novenia, unless it can be destroyed first.

I look forward to greeting you on your return.

Axle Handrel
Chairman of the Novenian Council.

A brief outline by Ramnic Yathnuc - Chief Astronomer on the planet

The closest star system to that of Novenia, Solice consists of five
planets, some of which are orbited by one or more moons. There is also a
large and perilous methane asteroid belt situated between the outer planets
of Apogee and Millway.

I have provided a brief description of each of the planets, and their
respective moons, in order of their proximity to Solice. The information
concerning Egron presence is based upon data relayed from our
reconnaissance satellites hidden within the asteroid field - but I believe
that up-to-date intelligence reports are to be transmitted directly to the
Icarus on a frequent basis.

It is worthy of note that the satellites have picked up frequent activity
of an erratic nature between many of the planets and moons. It is believed
that a large number of cargo-laden space pirates and bounty hunters have
infiltrated the area, hoping to find rich pickings in the remnants of the
Apogean civilization, as well as minerals and equipment within the mines
and factories on the other planets. These marauders bear alleigance to no
flag, and it is likely that they will attack and destroy any spacecraft
that seems particularly inquisitive within 'their' operating areas - or at
least use their highly unstable TeleTrac teleport tractor beams to empty
your cargo hold of its contents.

Colour: Red
Gravity: Very low
Diameter: 262,144 spacials
Distance from Solice: 3,102,000 spacials
Egron presence: Low key occupation force

The nearest planet to Solice is Dante - a naturally radioactive,
inhospitable burnt-out rock, plastered with perilous lava-belching
volcanoes and searing geoplasmic gas emissions.

The denizens of Dante are an oddball collection of creatures, mostly
mutated horribly into gross parodies of normally evolved lifeforms.
Combined with small clusters of Egron occupation squadrons - mainly
consisting of the heavily-armed walkers and stompers - this makes Dante one
of the most undesirable ports of call to all but the most desperate or
inquisitive of ships.

Colour: Blue
Gravity: Low
Diameter: 248,690 spacials
Distance from Solice: 4,084,500 spacials
Egron presence: Minimal

Second out from Solice is the cool, serene planet of Vista. Covered with
endless swamps and cloudless blue skies, life on Vista bears little
resemblance to the turmoil to be found on Dante. However, Vista is still
close enough to the sun for a variety of strange and wonderful beings to
live in a fair state of extreme mutation.

A key point of interest are the powerlines left behind by a previous
scientific expedition from Broadway - one of the moons of Millway. These
are similar to those found on the planet Apogee, although these may
malfunction due to their age.

Colour: Grey
Moons: Enos and Castron
Gravity: Average
Diameter: 524,288 spacials
Distance from Solice: 815,700 spacials
Egron presence: Complete domination

Next out from the sun is Apogee - the principal planet of the Solice

Once a thriving independent planet, Apogee is now the major political and
economic base for the Egron occupation force in the solar system (note that
the major military strength lies on Aldos, the outermost planet).

Apogee is now a barren wasteland - a textbook example of Egron excesses and
indulgence. Pollution and radiation have destroyed all the natural
lifeforms on Apogee, leaving a land of smouldering rocks and pools of
industrial waste.

Of great interest is the network of tunnels which were bored throughout
Apogee to provide fast, economic and ecologically acceptable transport for
the population of Apogee.

The twin moons of Apogee:
Colour: Light grey
Gravity: Very low
Diameter: 131,072 spacials
Distance from Apogee: 495,677 spacials
Egron presence: Heavy

The first moon of Apogee, Enos is perhaps even more ravaged by the Egron
fleet than its parent planet. Largely similar to Apogee in terms of
environment, Enos has little to offer any visitor, unless they are a
licensed Egron scrap collector, or a suicidal starpilot looking to lose a
fight with a big piece of Egron machinery.

Although Enos is now devoid of intelligent lifeforms, it was once almost
entirely covered by a dense petrified forest, the remnants of which
permeate the moon's scarred surface. The number of trees remaining is on
the decline, as entrepreneurs and bounty hunters raid the forests to sell
arborial examples to tree collectors throughout the galaxy.

Colour: Dark grey
Gravity: Very low
Diameter: 147,456 spacials
Distance from Apogee: 698,305 spacials
Egron presence: Heavy

The second moon of Apogee, Castron is one of the most peculiar lumps of
rock ever to be formed by the Big Bang - instead of a molten or solid core,
it is made almost entirely of compacted sugar crystals.

Castron was once the home of the most popular item of confectionery in the
known universe - the Castrobar. The Egron-blasted wastelands of Castron
once gloried in the prosperity of massive galaxy-wide Castrobar sales,
rivalled only by the products of the distant planet of Mars in the Milky
Way galaxy.

Before the Egron occupation the career options for school-leavers on
Castron were quite simple - they either went to work in the Castrobar
factories, or they became dentists.

Castron has a modern set of super-efficient Egron powerlines that should be
very well suited to the inductive refuelling facility provided by most
Novenian-designed spacecraft, as well as an extensive underground tunnel

Colour: Deep red
Gravity: Very high
Diameter: 1,048,576 spacials
Distance from Solice: 12,209,168 spacials
Egron presence: Very heavy level of high-altitude patrols

Millway is the fourth planet out from Solice and is the only gas giant in
the system, and noted for its seven almost indentical moons. The deep red
colour of the surface is the result of the swirling methane, hydrogen and
ammonia in the atmosphere.

Although landing on Millway is not possible - it has no surface as such,
and flying too close to the layers of gas may prove to be fatal - Space
Whales and other weird and wonderful creatures can be found drifting high
in the upper atmosphere.

The seven moons of Millway:

Colour: Deep red
Gravity: Very high
Diameter: 65,530 spacials (approximation).
Distance from Millway: 987,654 spacials
Egron presence: Very heavy

Millway's seven moons are of particular importance - they all possess
unusually odd magnetic properties, and it is this peculiarity that seems to
have attracted the Egron fleet to the Solice system. All are cold and
lifeless wastelands of methane slush, populated mostly by scientific
research teams whose favourite pastime is to hijack the fast Egron "Emma 2"
jetcars and drive them recklessly all over the moon whilst waiting for
their experiments to finish. This pastime has been somewhat hampered by
the recent arrival of several million tons of Egron construction equipment,
along with several million badly paid Egron workers.

The Egron presence is particularly bad news for Professor Halsen Taymar,
the eminent nuclear munitions expert, who was leading a pioneering research
team on Broadway at the time.

Recent intelligence reports indicate that there is now even more intense
activity on all of the moons, and Egron space trains seem to be ferrying
large quantities of refined materials to each moon on a regular basis.

Colour: Light-mid blue
Gravity: Extremely low
Diameter: 147,456 spacials
Distance from Solice: 16,225,190 spacials
Egron presence: Very heavy

Fifth, and furthest out from the sun, Aldos is cold and miserable. Due to
it being nearest to where we estimate the construction site of the Egron
space station to be, it has the heaviest Egron military presence of all the

The Egron's approach to ecology and rural preservation is as caring and
thoughful as always - almost all accessible parts of the planet are covered
in nuclear waste and pollution. The only remaining visible evidence of
terrestrial life on Aldos are the strange parallel lines which were
probably carved into the planet surface many millions of years ago to mark
the position of the sun at particular times of the year.

The lone moon of Aldos:

Colour: Pale blue
Gravity: Extremely low
Diameter: 131,072 spacials
Distance from Aldos: 298,440 spacials
Egron presence: Absolute

Q-Beta (Queer Beast, as it is known on Apogee) is as cold and nasty as its
mother planet, Aldos. Unusually for a moon, recent neutro-probe readings
indicate a strange yellow moon to be orbiting Q-Beta, although
radio-telescope probes deny its existence. These strange readings require
further investigation, but take great care.

Many of the moons and planets that make up the Solice system are home to a
large network of Apogean designed tunnels. The principal network is,
unsurprisingly, situated on Apogee itself. A similar tunnel system was
also constructed under the moon Castron, as well as a number on the moons
of the planet Millway.

These tunnel networks were designed to provide fast, safe, efficient and
pollution-free transport, and until the Egron occupation, they were used by
millions of citizens every day.

The networks were designed for computer-controlled transport vehicles,
which travelled deep below the surface, following a pre-defined route
amongst the huge matrix of junctions and interchanges. Flying a craft
through these networks without the aid of the Tunnel Navigation System may
prove to be rather difficult, as all the tunnel sections tend to look the
same, and you may come across defensive energy barriers and Iris doors.
Another problem is the huge magnetic coil which was used to keep the
transport craft central within the tunnels - its discharge will limit your
power considerably.

There are only three tunnel sections which differ from the large steel
cylinders, and they are as follows:-

1 -> Junctions and Interchanges
Junctions are the points where a choice of two directions is available -
either a right or a left fork. As a number of the tunnel networks consist
of concentric rings, it is important to make a note of your location, and
try not to double-back on your previous route. However, you may make
u-turns at any point in the tunnels.

2 -> Tunnel Exits
Exits can be easily recognised by their large coloured markings. When
entering a tunnel it is worth noting your coordinates in case you wish to
leave by the same exit.

When exiting a tunnel network, be sure to limit your speed, as the
expulsion force of the tunnel may well throw your craft into the upper
atmosphere, or even into space.

3 -> Service Depots
Most of the tunnel network sections contain Service Depots - large square
grey hangars which were constructed to provide maintenance and repair
facilities for vehicles travelling through the tunnels. Since the Egron
occupation, the tunnel networks and their inhabitants have become the sole
surviving populations, and many depots have formed small resistence groups,
sabotaging the Egron war machine wherever possible.

The tunnel depot technicians have become very skilled in the construction
of weapons, including particle beam lasers, and incendiary devices of
varying destructive force, and they may be able to repair any damage to
your craft.

It is in some of these depots that you will be able to trade goods for
services, if the depot inhabitants are unwilling to give their services for

Introduction by Karl Draggon
Five years before the Egron invasion of Novenia, Draggon Industries began
work on a massive research and development project to design and construct
a successor to its popular Police patrolcraft - the Medusa IV. Rather than
modify the design of the Medusa even further, we decided to start with a
clean sheet and develop a new breed of patrol craft, incorporating all the
latest technological advances in weapons and navigation control.

The craft was only four months away from flight testing when the Egron
attack fleet struck - razing our test laboratories - along with most of
urban Novenia - to the ground.

Fortunately, many of the development team survived the invasion, holed up
in underground bunkers, and once the Egrons had been repelled by the
Novenian resistance, work continued on the project, and three months ago,
the first flight of the Interplanetary Combat and Reconnaissance Universal
Scout - abbreviated to the Icarus, took place in the vast desert on the
southside of the planet.

Icarus Technical Specification
Plasma Engines and Stardrive:
The Icarus is powered by the latest generation of high performance Plasma
Drive power unit whose computer controlled management system ensures that
energy used is directly proportional to thrust.

Maximum speed on a planet: 24,000 spacials per second (estimate)
Maximum speed in space: 200,000 spacials per second (estimate)
Both these values are given for an unladen craft.

Draggon Industries have further developed the plasma engine with
co-operation from engineers on the planet Cosworth, to incorporate a
revolutionary sixteen chamber neutrino-fuelled semi-automatic latent energy
drive booster, known as the 'Stardrive'.

The Stardrive, quite simply, allows the Icarus to travel at up to eight
times its normal maximum terrestrial speed whilst operating outside of the
confines of planetary gravitational pull, and without the energy-wasting
side effects of afterburn.

To utilise the Stardrive, take the Icarus up to maximum speed, and select
Stardrive mode. The plasma drive charges up for a few seconds, and then
activates the Stardrive - the obvious effect when this happens is the
blurring of the space dust as it shoots past the craft.

Please note that if the Icarus reduces speed sufficiently, or collides with
an object (such as another craft, or an asteroid) the Stardrive will be
automatically deactivated.

Energy Absorption Shields:
Being a police patrolcraft, Icarus has been designed to withstand random
pot-shots from aggressive life-forms who may be involved in acts of civil
unrest, and the inclusion of the latest model of the Valium Dynamics Inc.
energy absorption hull shield with its advanced and reliable Hi-Lev(TM)
cell renewal system will ensure that the Icarus is safe from all but the
most determined and well-armed of troublemakers.

The shields are excellent protection against enemy lasers and other low and
medium-power weapons, and will even withstand a direct collision with
another craft, although this will probably severely deplete the shield's
energy reserve.

Interface Bus and Weapons Systems:
Probably the most important new feature in the Icarus is the inclusion of a
galaxy-wide standard expansion bus (PicoChannel) which allows a whole range
of weapon and control system enhancement modules to be easily attached and
operated. The Icarus supports up to five PicoChannel-compatible weapons,
and these are available from Depots on a wide variety of different worlds.

1 -> Gas Plasma Lasers
PicoChannel port number one comes fitted with standard gas plasma lasers.
These dual-beam lasers are of the hi-intensity armour piercing variety,
suitable for attack against most lightly armoured or low-shielded targets.
A fully functioning laser cell will allow approximately 250 bolts to be
fired before it requires recharging.

2 -> Projected Time-Warp Cuboids
Port number two is reserved for time-warp energy cubes. These amazing
devices are small computers housed in a compact cube. Put as simply as is
possible, the computer controls an electromagnetic chamber which has the
ability to store a slice of projected time. When the seal to the chamber
is opened, or destroyed, anything within close proximity to the cube is
trapped in time, and then projected backwards an arbitrary amount, say one
second - which has the effect of making moving objects collide with their
time-warped clones.

This remarkable device was developed by Professor Halsen Taymar as a
practical project for his PhD, and its use was subsequently banned by all
members of the Free Worlds Federation after Taymar demonstrated its power
by trapping the entire cast of his least favourite soap opera in a one week
infinite time-warp cycle. This feat had a number of knock-on effects -
Professor Taymar was given a job at the head of an advanced weapons
research team on the moon of Broadway, and the plot of the soap opera was
altered by the time-warp cubes to such an extent that the lead character
found out that she was actually her own grandmother. The audience ratings
soared sky-high, and nobody noticed that every new episode was the same as
the previous one. Some may argue that this was the case beforehand,

If Professor Taymar's research team can be located, they should be able to
provide you with the cuboid launcher - a device which interfaces directly
with the laser cell, allowing you to use the cubes in addition to your gas
plasma lasers (although they use around twice as much energy).

3 -> Fire and Flee Missiles
The third PicoChannel port is designated for a visual targetting
intelligent computer guided homing missile tube, known as the Fire and Flee
(F&F) missile system. These missiles are extremely potent, and are able to
destroy almost anything except objects protected by Neutron shielding (such
as tunnel entrances).

When activated, the F&F computer system enters Target Identify Mode, and
scans all objects within range that pass under the cross-hair sights. If
an object is identified, the secondary targetting sight is activated, and
it tracks the target as long as it is within visual range of the Icarus.
If the primary cross-hair locates a more obvious target, it will switch the
secondary sight accordingly.

The targetting system is just that - an aid to locating a target. It is up
to the pilot to launch the missile by pressing the fire button. Once the
missile is airborne, its homing circuitry will attempt to guide it to its
predefined destination, taking the optimum route.

F&F missiles can be obtained in some of the more technically advanced
Service Depots, and the Icarus is capable of carrying the launch tube,
targetting hardware, and up to four F&F missiles at a time.

4 -> Bouncing Bombs
Port four on the PicoChannel bus is reserved for the "Humbug" bouncing bomb
- an extraordinary device which is launched from the topside or underside
of the Icarus, and spins backwards so that when it hits the ground, it
bounces up again, travelling along until it comes into contact with a
target, or its outer casing is destroyed, when it is detonated. However,
if launched in space it will simply fall away into the void.

Humbugs are extremely powerful, its inner casing containing a highly
compressed contact explosive MMF - the most powerful non-nuclear charge
ever devised. They can penetrate all shielding and defences, with the
except of a multi-sourced beam projector field (such as those being
constructed to protect the Egron Space Station) - although they are able to
destroy the beam projector itself.

The Icarus' bomb bay can accomodate a maximum of four Humbugs, and they are
available at the highest technical level Service Depots.

5 -> Neutron Bomb
The fifth and final PicoChannel port has been assigned to the ultimate
weapon - the Neutron bomb. With the intensity of a hundred suns, it is the
only weapon in existence with enough force to destroy the Egron Space
Station, and safeguard the future of Novenia.

The only man in the galaxy with the technical expertise to design and build
the Neutron bomb is Professor Taymar, the eminent nuclear physicist and
designer of the famous Projected Time-Warp Cuboids.

The Icarus has been specially modified to accommodate the bomb - and it has
been installed with a Forslook proximity-lock field to allow the bomb to be
lowered from the bomb bay and slung beneath the craft until it is fired.

The Forslook will hold the bomb a small distance from the Icarus to prevent
accidental detonation, and will alter the distance as the craft banks and
turns. It also incorporates a dedicated version of the F&F missile
guidance system, with our reconaissance blueprints of the space station's
MagnaFlux focussing coil imprinted upon its imaging circuitry.

Please note that the Neutron bomb can destroy ANYTHING upon impact, so be
sure to have your target well within range before releasing it, and get
away from the blast area as soon as the bomb has been released. If you
wish to check that it has hit its target, select the rear view option. And
remember - use the Forslook.

Tractor Beams:
Much of the development time put into Icarus has been spent on the design
and testing of the revolutionary identify-and-lock Tractor Beams, which are
controlled by Imperial Business Machine's latest Piers-2 computer system.

Quite simply, this system allows you to point the cross-hair at an object,
for instance, a cargo crate, and select the tractor beam. The computer
will analyse and attempt to identify the 'target' and, if successful, will
project a tractor beam at the object.

The beam's energy field envelopes the object and, once under your control,
allows you to rotate it. in order to examine the object (useful with
incendiary devices). You may then draw the beam closer towards the Icarus,
bringing the object with it, and finally teleport it aboard, or
alternatively press the Tractor Beam key and switch the lock off.

The Tractor Beam does have a number of obvious limitations - firstly, it
can only manipulate objects which are not fixed to the ground by means of
building foundations and, secondly, it cannot contain objects which are of
a greater mass that the Icarus itself.

Cargo Bay:
Although not primarily designed to carry copious quantities of cargo,
Icarus has nevertheless been designed to accomodate three items of
non-military hardware (as well as a range of PicoChannel compatible weapons

Objects that have been successfully captured using the Tractor Beam are
stored in the cargo bay. You may check your inventory, give objects to
Depot Managers, or jettison cargo in space if it is not desired.

Visual Analysis System:
An obvious by-product from the development of the Piers-2 identification
computer incorporated in the Tractor Beam hardware is the ability to
analyse and identify objects.

Once an object has been located with the cross-hair sight, the computer
will attempt to match its videoprint with those stored in its databanks.
If the object is successfully identified, its name will be displayed on the
microscreen, otherwise you will be informed that no records have been

Audio Analysis System:
As well as visual analysis of objects, the Icarus' resident computer system
incorporates an audial spectrum analyser which will sample incoming sound
waves and try to match them with sound patterns stored in its data library.

The computer system lays dormant unless it recognises a sound close to the
Icarus, at which point its analysis option can be selected.

Status Report Processor:
Throughout the mission, the Icarus will receive updated intelligence
reports from our spy satellites located deep within the asteroid belt.
These communications will information concerning the current status of the
beam projectors, the space station, as well as intelligence reports from
our passive spies secreted within the Egron construction force (Egron
construction crews as so badly paid that we are able to buy information
from some of the less loyal workers).

The latest intelligence report can be recalled at any time by calling up
the Status Report processor.

Refuelling the Icarus
The Icarus is an extremely versatile craft, and this flexibility is true
for all aspects of the craft's operation, not least when it comes to
refuelling the plasma drives and recharging its energy shields and laser
cells. The energy induction system has been designed to utilise almost any
source of natural or artificial power.

The craft can replenish itself using a number of tested procedures,
although there are many untested possible energy absorption techniques to
be found throughout the galaxy. Only these five have been known to be
worthwhile to some degree:-

1 -> Powerline Induction Refuelling
The standard form of induction refuelling, as pioneered with the modified
AGAV craft during the Novenian invasion. This process has now been refined
quite considerably, to take advantage of the new breed of tesla beam
powerlines that can be found thoughout the Solice system.

To refuel your plasma drive, energy shields and laser cells, fly the Icarus
into the tesla beams that spark between the pylons of the powerlines. Keep
as close to the beams as possible, without colliding with the pylons -
skilled pilots can fly all the way along the powerlines upside-down, thus
avoiding the pylons altogether.

The rate of induction is directly proportional to your velocity, so fly as
quickly as possible.

2 -> Geoplasmic Emission Refuelling
The planet Dante, despite being a hellish and nasty place, does have a
little to offer the more daring explorer. For example - if you are lucky
enough to catch one right up close to your ship, a geoplasmic gas emission
can give a fair increase to your plasma drive, energy shields and laser

3 -> Volcanic Emission Refuelling
Perhaps a little more lucrative than this, although only for the skilled
pilot, is in-flight refuelling above an active volcano. The perilously
high, narrow apertures at the top of the volcanoes pour out a continuous
stream of molten rocks and blasting hot gases. Refuelling can be achieved
by sitting in the wake of these gases, and these are at their strongest
just above the lip of the crater.

However, be sure to avoid the stream of rocks, as they will quickly destroy
your ship if you hover at too low an altitude. The safest (!) method is to
sit a little way up above the crater, although this naturally makes it
harder to align your ship with the stream of gases. Plasma drive, energy
shields and laser cells are all replenished using this method.

4 -> Asteroid Methane Fragmentation Refuelling
Although the asteroid belt situated between the planets of Apogee and
Millway is a perilous place to take even the most well-shielded space
craft, navigating the asteroids does have advantages other than the
collection of minerals.

If you can catch an asteroid in your Tractor Beam, it will become unstable,
and ultimately explode. However, quantities of fragemented methane are
released, and these are trawled by the Icarus' power inductors, and
converted into fuel for the plasma drive, energy shields and laser cells.
The quantity of methane caught by this method is dependent upon the speed
of rotation of the asteroid within the tractor beam.

5 -> Solar Energy Refuelling
Perhaps the most hazardous method of refuelling the Icarus, but still
available to the desperate pilot, is solar refuelling - converting the
discharged corona energy of the sun directly into fuel.

The method itself is quite simple - fly as close to the sun as possible,
and scoop up the free energy. However, even the composite construction of
the Icarus will not be able to withstand the intense heat generated by a
burning star. Keep an eye on your microscreen for temperature warnings at
all times.

The Icarus' control panel is both one of the most advanced, and simple to
operate of all interplanetary combat and patrol vehicles. It incorporates
a number of radical departures from normal cockpit design, the main two
being its head-up and holographic instrument displays.

The following diagram depicts all the major control panel instruments, and
they are each described below.

---> Look in the Starglider II sub-directory to find a IFF picture file
that shows where they are. On UNISTAR DOCS #1 -disk.

A -> Grid Co-ordinates
This instrument shows the current location of the Icarus while flying
across a planet or moon. It is displayed as four numbers - a two-digit X
position, and a two digit Y-position.

B -> Digital Clock
The clock displays the amount of elapsed time since the mission began. It
uses Galactic Standard Time (GST) - a decimal system comprising of 9999
minutes in each day.

C -> Score
This display shows the number of points accrued since the beginning of the

D -> Cross-hair Sight
This head-up display is used for targetting weapons, and locating objects
for identification or Tractor Beaming.

E -> Refuelling Indicator
Whenever the inductive refuelling system is operative these indicators

F -> Local Area Scanner
An advanced radar, the Scanner shows all objects within range of the

G -> Compass
A standard 360 degree compass, showing your direction using North, East,
South and West notation.

H ->Currently Selected Weapon Indicator
This animated holographic instrument shows which PicoChannel weapons system
is currently selected.

I -> Bouncing Bomb Indicator
This instrument show how many "Humbug" bouncing bombs are present in the
bomb bay.

J -> Fire and Flee Missile Indicator
This instrument shows how many F&F homing missiles are present in the
missile tubes.

K -> Laser Cell Status
This instrument shows the current status of the gas plasma laser cells.

L -> Energy Shield Status
This instrument shows the current status of the Valium Dynamics' shield

M -> Fuel Indicator
This instrument shows the current status of the Plasma Drive fuel cells.

N -> Artificial Horizon
A standard tri-axial artificial horizon, which shows the orientation of the
Icarus at all times when flying across a planet or moon.

O -> Velocity Indicator
This instrument shows the current speed or velocity of the Icarus (note
that Stardrive speeds are not displayed, as they are out of range of the

P -> Altimeter
This instrument shows the current altitude of the Icarus when flying across
a planet or moon. It is inactive when in space.

Q -> Microscreen
This screen is used to display incoming intelligence reports, and Icarus
status information, as well as feedback from the various navigation and
weapons systems.

Typed in by -=*> U N I S T A R <*=- August 1988

This code list will be updated soon as I find more codes from the game.
There is a problem with the codes that are in the game. So far I found TWO
codes that are not valid, and they will be marked with an asterisk (*).

Page Paragraph Word Word-Name
5 2 1 HEADS
5 7 1 HE
6 4 13 THROAT
6 6 3 TV
6 12 12 GROPED
7 3 13 BED
8 7 4 SPREAD
9 9 14 BALL
10 1 2 ENTRY
10 4 3 DROGUE
10 4 6 PLUCKED
10 6 1 SHE
10 6 15 KNOT
11 5 8 HELMET
11 6 1 A
11 7 3 STOOD
12 2 3 APOGEAN
12 7 3 PAINED
12 8 10 HANDS
12 10 11 GARRISON
13 10 9 HARD
13 11 5 PROBES
14 1 1 NO
14 6 5 PRICKLE
14 7 4 MAGNETS
14 7 6 QUEER
15 3 7 MOUTH
15 6 17 LOONEY
16 1 9 BLOW
16 2 13 MEMBER
16 4 15 FIST
16 5 12 CHAIRMAN
17 3 18 HARD
17 4 14 COMING
17 6 6 PUSHED
17 6 8 GIRL
17 14 14 FINGERED
18 2 2 DRAGGON
19 4 4 SKILL
20 7 4 TRIP
21 2 3 TWENTY
21 5 2 PIG
22 1 1 ONE
22 9 8 RIPPED
23 2 2 MINUTES
23 5 13 WHINED
23 10 17 THUMBED
24 1 1 SIR
24 5 10 IMPERIAL
24 11 4 AND
24 15 2 EASED
25 3 1 SYSTEM
25 4 6 DIVE
26 1 5 BURST
26 2 2 SLOWLY
26 6 2 POWER
26 7 5 PADS
27 9 1 DANTE
27 10 6 YANKING
* 27 11 12 GRINNED
28 2 6 BUGGY
28 6 9 LOVE
29 1 1 WOOD
29 3 1 FOR
29 12 7 STUNT
29 12 15 BANKING
30 2 2 NEXT
31 5 6 CLOYING
31 9 2 PEELED
32 1 2 FROWNED
32 2 3 A
32 3 3 SEVEN
33 3 2 UP
33 5 3 DOWN
34 2 2 SPUR
34 3 14 IN
34 5 2 HERE
35 2 1 THEY
* 35 12 6 HOLED
36 1 5 BIG
36 3 3 EGRON
36 4 1 WOW
36 5 10 TACKLE
36 16 5 HARDENED
37 1 4 CRUMB
37 4 3 PLASMA
37 15 13 ASSETS
38 4 1 WITH
38 5 7 ORGANIC
38 7 2 SHAKEN
38 9 9 SMILE
39 2 2 DOUBT

Thats the end of this list for now. Rainbird put AMIGA and Atari ST on the
same <--- Disk. Nice protection, but I can still backup (copy) my original
Starglider II with a copy program, without breaking the protection.
Note: Not easy to copy the original STARGLIDER II.