
Keyboard Commands

Screen Controls
________________________________________ Depth Controls
| Right Window | Left Window | _____________________
| | | | |
| 1 (Periscope View) | 6 (Map Display) | | 9 (Periscope Depth) |
| 2 (Binocular View) | 7 (Side Display) | | 0 (Trim Depth) |
| 3 (Tower View) | | | = (Depth Up) |
|____________________|__________________| | - (Depth Down) |
| | | |_____________________|
| 4 (Sonar Screen) | 8 (Status |
| 5 (Radar Screen) | Readout) |
View Controls | through | ______________________
Time __________________| Right Window | | |
Compression | |______________| | RETURN Crash Dive/ |
Controls | H (Scroll Left) | | Surface Toggle|
____________ | K (Scroll Right) | |______________________|
| | | U (Match View to Heading) |
| Q (Slower) | | J (Match Heading to View) |
| W (Faster) | |____________________________|
|____________| __________ Engine
_______________ | | Perscope Speed Controls
| | | R Radar | Controls _______________
| E Diesel/Elec | | On/Off | ___________ | |
| Toggle | | Toggle | | | | [ (Speed Up) |
|_______________| |__________| | O (Lower) | | ] (Slow Down) |
| P (Raise) | |_______________|
Zoom Controls |___________| ____________________
______________ ________________ | |
| | | | | ? Show Coordinates |
| Z (Zoom In) | | M Deploy Mine | |____________________|
| X (Zoom Out) | |________________|
|______________| ____________________ A = Right Amiga (A)
__________________ | | _______________________
| || B Charge Batteries | | |
| S Silent Running ||____________________| | A a Abandon Ship |
|__________________| ___________________ | A e Send SOS |
| | | A g Navigator |
| V X7 Power Toggle | | A i Radio Position |
|___________________| | A l Send Shore Party |
_______________________ | A m Mission Assignment|
| | Heading Controls | A n New Game |
| C Side Display Toggle | ___________________ | A o Transfer Torpedo |
| (Left/Right) | | || A s Suspend/Continue |
|_______________________| | . (Heading Left) || Game |
____________________________ | , (Heading Right) || A t Time Compression |
| ||___________________||_______________________|
| T (Fire Forward Torpedo) |
| Y (Fire Aft Torpedo) | Typed by: _____ _ _
| G (Fire Anti-Aircraft Gun) | | | |
| F (Fire Deck Gun) | | |--|
|____________________________| |HE _| |_ELLION