Typed in by RAISTLIN. Edited by PARASITE.

The Gaspards, a peaceful race of people, lived for centuries
under the wise rule of an old family endowed with magic powers :
the Cariken.
This family possessed a secular symbol of power, forged way back
in ancient times by the Gods of Enlightenment. Its power was such
that peace and prosperity reigned for many centuries. However,
the Cariken's vigilance gradually slackened and because of this,
the use of the magical amulet sunk into decline.
And thus Maldur, a wicked druid, succeeded in conquering Gaspary,
aided by horrific monsters he had created. His warriors massacred
the Cariken mercilessly and no one managed to escape or use the
amulet. It therefore fell into Maldur's hands, who rapidly
realised what hidden powers it contained. Nevertheless legend had
it that if a single member of the Cariken survived the massacre
and got hold of the amulet, he could then rid the land of
terrible Maldur.
In order to avoid all this, the druid tried to destroy the
amulet. He therefore concentrated all his magical powers, causing
an enormous explosion, and under the pressure the amulet
shattered into 23 pieces spread across the country. Maldur
survived the explosion because of his supernatural powers.
nevertheless, he was seriously injured, and sent his monsters to
recover the fragments, before they fell into someone else's

What Maldur didn't know was that there was indeed a survivor,
none other than the son of the last ruling king. When he was two
years old, he had been rescued by Thorax, one of his father's
faithful servants, and raised far away from Maldur's spies. On
his deathbed, his father made a last wish : when Ulopa reached
the age of sixteen, he should be told about the mission that
would subsequently become his unique duty...
On Ulopa's birthday, Thorax told him the story of his ancestors
and explained to him how his true father died. In order to
vanquish the king's assassins and put an end to the rule of the
masters of darkness, there was only one solution : Ulopa, the
last of the Cariken, must set off to find the 23 pieces of the
amulet, in order to get rid of the druid Maldur for good.
Thorax could only tell him one magic trick of the Cariken :
magical control of energy bubbles. Only the consumption of a
potion can maintain this magical power.
Thus Thorax gave some of the potion to Ulopa to provide for his
long dangerous journey that would lead him to Maldur's kingdom.
The creatures that existed when Ulopa's father was alive had
meanwhile been almost completely supplanted by Maldur's
terrifying monsters.

The player must defeat Maldur, the evil druid. Along the route
leading to Maldur's temple, he has to find fragments of the
magical amulet on each level. The levels are separated into a
lower and higher world. The player can move form one world to
another. A level is completed once the player has gathered
together all the fragments of the amulet and reached the exit
door. The exit door of each level is identifiable by a symbol of
After having completed four levels in one type of setting, Ulopa
arrives in a bonus area where he will be awarded with several
extra points.

Once he has crossed this area, he will arrive in a new area in
the heart of the land. Here, he will face completely new
conditions. Each time the player completes a level, he sees the
state of the amulet, and once this is completely pieced together
again he can then confront Maldur. At this point of time, the
player must have gained a maximum of weapons, energy and bonuses,
as the evil magician has quite a few tricks up his sleeve.
If Ulopa manages to destroy Maldur, he thus frees Gaspary from
the Reign of Evil once and for all, and may rule the kingdom with
all the wisdom and justice that his ancestors possessed.


The player can call a merchant to buy items which he needs
urgently. In order to do this, he must possess a flute. Each
flute can make the merchant appear twice. Afterwards, he must
find another flute. Thus you should not waste the resources of a
flute unnecessarily. Especially as the prices increase each time.
As money of exchange, you dispose of the points that you have
gained. You must therefore gain as many points as possible
during the game.
The merchant proposes only items that the player has already
found. For example, you can't buy an extra life unless you have
obtained one already.
Therefore it could be that your desired symbol will not appear in
the merchant's list.

Along the road leading to Maldur's temple, Ulopa will frequently
meet Maldur's monsters. He can either avoid them by adroit
movements or destroy them with his weapons.
If an enemy is called, objects that Ulopa can take will appear.
These bonuses disappear fairly quickly, so the player must hurry
and take them.
Consult the paragraph "BONUSES" to get more information.

The Goulou loathes humans and therefore prefers to live in the
desert. It also hates contact with water. Since intelligence is
not one of the dominant characteristics of this race, the Golou
depends mainly on force.
The leaders of these creatures are sometimes capable of launching
bubbles of spittle. Most of the time, they overcome their victim
by surprise.

It is smaller than ordinary Goulou, but a lot more cunning.
You'll find Green Goulous all over the country, and thanks to to
their wings, they can fly for short distances. Consequently they
are much more dangerous than the other Goulous.

It's a creature resembling a bird that you'll find everywhere.
Its acuteness of sight is excellent, thus it was predestined to
become a spy. Often trained to this end, many of them only have
passive reactions. But there are also fighting Aragous, renowned
for their persistence. Nobody knows much about them, since one
seldom meets them. According to rumours, there may also be a
large number of skilled shooting Aragous but nothing tmore is
known about them.

This creature lies hidden away in a hole in the ground. It
captures its victims by suddenly emerging from its den. Little is
known about them, since they are hardly ever spotted. However,
since Maldur has come to power they have apparently multiplied in

Strictly speaking, the Othous is not evil. But since it is
covered with spikes, it presents a danger to those unwary
travellers who touch it.

The Bothria is a simple craeture similar to a dragon. It guards
the ancient parts of the temple, vestiges of ancestral times...
It is the most dangerous creature of all Gaspary. It's best not
to attract its attention. If you disturb the Bothria while it's
sleeping, it will divide up into several sections and attack the
troublemaker. A part of the Bothria leaves the player behind and
awaits him later for a merciless combat. Be careful, in spite of
its nonchalant air, it is a fearsome opponent.

This predator lives uniquely in the forests of Arbous and
frequently attacks travellers by surprise. It leaves the treetops
to attack its prey. Once it has launched itself it is impossible
to avoid combat.

This is a gigantic serpent which only lives in the forests of
Arbus. It is not a boa constrictor, but the bite it inflicts
pitilessly on its victims are fatal since its fangs are

There could well be other creatures in the area around Maldur's
temple. But we can't tell you anything else as all this surpasses
our experience and we have no recent report on this subject.


STARS : They increase your score (pick them up to get as much
money as possible for the merchant).

SPRINGS : They enable Ulopa to jump higher.

EXTRA LIFE : Gain an extra life.

DEATH'S-HEAD : Ulopa loses a life if he touches it.

TIME BONUS : Your time is extended.

FLUTE : This flute is essential for calling the merchant.

There are even more kinds of bonuses. We'll leave you the
pleasure of discovering them.


To select one of this menu's options, move your joystick upwards
or downwards to position the cursor opposite the chosen option.
press the firing button on your joystick to confirm your choice.

PLAY : This option enables you to begin the game at the first
level and begin upon your mission.

HI SCORE : This option informs you about your performance up till
now (your number of points and level reached).

PREFERENCES : This option enables you to choose a game for one or
two players. Moreover, you can determine the musical volume and
sound effects.
In a two-player mode, one player controls the character from the
higher world with a joystick connected to Port 2, and the other
controls the character in the lower world with a joystick
connected to Port 1.


Using a joystick to control Ulopa. Connect it to Port 2 of your
computer and begin playing...
- To move Ulopa to the right, shift the joystick to the right.
- If you shift the joystick to the left, Ulopa will move to the
- To make Ulopa jump around, simply move the joystick upwards.
- If you move the joystick downwards, Ulopa will crouch down.
- When you press the firing button of your joystick, Ulopa will
throw a bubble.
- You can destroy some floors, by moving your joystick very
briefly downwards.
- Watch out ! To enter doorways, simply position yourself
opposite the doorway and move the joystick very quickly

Ulopa has three types of bubbles, whose range and force vary (the
two right-hand bubbles rebound against the walls). In addition,
there are several bonuses which influence the firing. To restock
in bubbles, Ulopa must take the magical potions to be found on
every level. Depending on the particular potion consumed, one of
the three bubble reserves will be restocked. If it is extremely
urgent, he will also be able to call the merchant, but this will
be expensive. If he restocks from the merchant, all the reserves
of different bubbles will be restocked, depending on the force of
the bubbles, with either 15, 5 or 3 bubbles.
The bubbles always move in the direction of Ulopa's gaze. The
bubbles' trajectory depends on his movements. In other words, the
bubbles will fly in a different manner if Ulopa is immobile, if
he is running, jumping or crouching.
If Ulopa is crouching, the bubbles will fly close to ground level
and their trajectory will be straight.
If Ulopa is standing up, the trajectory is higher and it will
thus be more difficult for him to reach his nearest enemies.
If Ulopa jumps, the trajectory will depend on the height of the
leap. The nearer he is to the summit, the more abruptly the
trajectory will be. To shoot downwards, you must jump and wait
till Ulopa descends before firing.

<SPACE> : You have three types of bubbles at your disposal. To
select the one you want to fire, press the space bar.
<P> : This key enables you pause during a game. By pressing this
key again you will continue with the game.
<DEL> : Enables you to leave a game : return to the menu.
<ESC> : Ulopa may be imprisoned, in which case the only way to
continue the game is to press the key "ESC" (Ulopa will lose one
life and you will continue the game in another area).
<H> : This key enables you to call the merchant. (Consult the
paragraph "THE MERCHANT" to obtain additional information about
this option).