Venus: The Fly Trap docs. Typed by Flux of Mirage UK
Release date : 05/08/90


Planet Earth, many years into the future.... over intensive farming and
excessive use of pesticides has caused the destruction of every insect
life form, throwing the planets ecological balance into disarray. In a last
ditch attempt to rectify the situation a group of scientists have created a
race of cybernetic insects. However, an error in their DNA make up caused
them to go insane, resulting in vast swarms of manaic killers roaming the
planet. The only hope of survival was to create the ultimate killer insect,
capable of seeking out and destroying all the mutations. Venus: The Fly Trap.


There are fifty levels in Venus, five levels on each of the ten worlds. Once
a level is completed, the player will reach a bonus level where the aim is to
blast as many insects, and collect as many bonuses as possible before your
energy is drained. You will not lose a life when the bonus section ends.


Venus is played over 10 worlds, each consisting of five levels, they are:-

1. The Forbidden Forest
2. The Frozen Wastes
3. The Dead City
4. Wood World
5. The Kaverns
6. Death Valley
7. The Creeping Swamp
8. Tech World
9. Translucent Plain
10. The Stygian Creek

At the end of each world, you will be given the access code for the next.

In between worlds is a scrolling bonus area, set above the clouds. In this
the fly has a limited time to collect as many points as he can. If he runs
out of vitality, he will exit the level, but not lose a life.

Hidden around the worlds are 20 secret rooms - look for the doors to them
in obscure places...


On the title page push up on the joystick to insert credits.
Use joystick left/right to select a 1/2 player game. Two players can only
be selected if two or more credits have been inseerted.

Press the spce bar to enter the world selection screen. Use joystick up,
down, left, and right to enter the access code for your required starting
location, press fire when done.

From here pressing the fire button will start the game.


1. Normal Gravity

UP - jump up
DIA UP/LEFT - jump left
DIA UP/RIGHT - jump right
LEFT - walk left
RIGHT - walk right
FIRE - fire


F1 - F6 - select weapon
P - pause game
R - restart game
HELP - self destruct (lose a life)


Shows damage to the fly. If five hits are taken, the fly will explode, one
life will be lost, and the current weapon will be lost, with the exception
of normal shot.


Shows available weapons highlighted in white text. The current active weapon
is framed in red. Any attempt to fire a weapon that is not available will
have no affect.


Shows available ammunition. Any attempt to fire a weapon with insufficent
ammunition will have no affect.


The fly has at his disposal the following weapons, which can be collected
throughout the game. The fly starts off with the normal shot which is never

1. NORMAL - The default weapon. Uses no ammunition and causes 1 unit of
damage. Has a limited range and is stopped by solid objects.

2. BIG SHOT - Uses 1 unit of ammunition, and causes 2 units of damage. Has
unlimited range but is stopped by solid objects.

3. 3 - WAY - Uses 3 units of ammunition, each bullet causes 2 units of
damage. Has a limited range and is stopped by solid objects.

4. MORTAR - Uses 1 unit of ammunition, and causes 4 units of damage. The
bombs fly in an arc, and are stopped by solid objects.

5. BEAM UP - Uses one unit of ammunition. Hold down the fire button to
build up power, then release. Causes 1-5 units of damage. Has
unlimited range but is stopped by solid objects.

6. 4 - WAY - Uses 4 units of ammunition. Each bullet causes 4 units of
damage. Has a limited range, but can pass through solid