This truly 3 dimensional game was written with the film
"Return of the Jedi" in mind.
You become LUKE CLEARTHINKER, and you have to
take on the entire rebel fleet on your own. You have at your
disposal one of the most up-to-date starfighters which is
equipped with long and short range scanners for locating
and destroying the enemy.
...The damage status meter tells you of the condition of
your starfighter, and direction indicators show which way
you are travelling, warning neons illuminate when the
rebel fleet are attacking and a large numeric "aliens left"
display let you know how many of the rebel fleet remain in
your sector.
...Fast and slow travelling proton bombs blast your
enemy to Kingdom Come.
There are 10 sets of 18 aliens to be destroyed, all
different in shape and power. The graphical effects make it
a truly 3 dimensional mind-blowing game. There are
meteorite storms which really do appear to be coming at
you. Your proton bombs do seem to be travelling off in the
distance. This all machine code game uses 700
characters and genuine sound effects are also built-in.
If comes complete with full instructions, top-ten score
table, and will operate using the Kempston joystick.
3D STAR WARS is just one of a new series of exciting
adventures from C.C.I. SOFTWARE.
Each one has been specially designed to test your


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