Poor little Henry is the hen-pecked hero of this domestic tale. One
night Henry can take no more. He steals his wages from his wife's
purse, sneaks out of the house being careful not to wake the baby or
trip over the cat, and heads for the bright lights to have-some fun.
Trouble is he runs out of money. His only way to raise some cash is to
gamble his few remaining pounds on the spinning wheel of the roulette

Just as Henry is gettinq into his evening at the tables his wife - Mad
Martha - has noticed his absence. Realising Henry has absconded with
the housekeeping she sets out after him with an axe.

Guess what part you play in this happy tale? That's right. You are
Henry. Watch out for that axe!


Consult the instruction manual for comprehensive loading instructions.
To load:

1. Ensure that the ear socket is connected to the cassette ear socket
2. Rewind the tape
3. Set the volume, and tone control to a suitable level
4. Type LOAD ""
5. Press ENTER
6. Start the cassette recorder
7. Once loaded the game will run automatically
8. ....Good Luck!

To save game type QUIT and follow the instructions given in the program.


Apart from the usual adventure instructions, you may use 'look', 'open
door', 'inventory', 'enter cinema', 'fill', 'drop', 'take', "north',
'south', 'east', 'west', 'up', 'down', etc.

You may also enter sentences such as 'give the dummy to the
policeman', or 'punch the drunkard on the nose'. Several commands may
be entered, but they must be separated by commas.