Hi, Mike Read here. My Pop Quiz is now quite literally available for Spectrum
emulators, or Z80 anyway. It might work on other emulators too, but I don't
anything about this. I'm reading a script that's been given to me.

Anyway, if the TAP file does work on your emulator, you'll have to persevere
with the crap way the questions are loaded in. If you want to load in a
question block other than number 1, then you'll have to either position the
TAP file pointer yourself, or repeatedly ask for the block you want until you
get it. If the wrong block is found then rather then keep searching for it the
program gives up and asks you to select again, which is a pain in the arse.

The keys to use are quite literally Q, A, O, P and Space, and a number of
great joystick interfaces are compatible too, so no-one need be left out
of having a great time playing the game.

Anyway, have fun, enjoy the 9 years out of date questions, and listen to me
on Classic FM rather than Mark Radcliffe. I was better than him on Fab 1FM's
brekky show anyway...

Mike Read, Classic FM's most poptabulous DJ.