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005: MAME ROM Information.


005 (c) 1981 Sega.

Agent 005's mission: evade enemy guards, negotiate warehouses and skating rinks to deliver attache cases to a waiting helicopter, which in turn must engage in an aerial battle with parachute bombs, balloon bombs and an enemy helicopter. Game play begins as 005 parachutes into the scene and picks up an attache case. To make a run for the helicopter straightaway is difficult and accumulates fewer points. His alternative is to duck into either a warehouse or skating rink.

Armed with a stun gun to ward off pursuing guards, 005 can select a building with either 1, 2 or no stun gun cannisters at the entrance. Gas cannisters extend the stun gun's range and add more points. Fallen guards can be passed by other guards, but not by 005. Once inside the building, the scene changes to the interior of that building. In the skating rink, 005 must travel the rink's perimeter, luring the guards onto the ice to stun or evade them. Caution must be exercised here, as 005 can change direction, but cannot stop until he hits the edge of the rink. A successful rendez-vous with the helicopter completes that delivery and shifts the scene back to 005 parachuting in to pick up another brief case. Once having been in the skating rink, only warehouses are there to-enter, and conversely, if a warehouse was first entered, only skating rinks are available. In later rounds however, both skating rinks and warehouses are displayed. In the warehouse, 005 moves cautiously in the dark, but is pursued once caught in the beam of a guard's flashlight. Again, a helicopter waits to pick up our hero as he makes his way out the far end.

Now in possession of two attache cases, 005 is pursued by an enemy helicopter. Avoiding hedges, shrubbery, descending helicopter bombs, and ascending balloon bombs, points are scored as 005 shoots balloon bombs, shrubbery or the enemy helicopter. The game ends if 005 is caught, or his helicopter is shot down a total of three times (operator selectable).


This game came in a generic Sega wood grain panel cabinet (sticker sideart was optional). These were technically all dedicated cabinets, although the lack of any painted art makes the machines easy to switch and still retain originality (a lot of early Sega titles came in this same cabinet). The game boards themselves were Sega G80 System compatible (as were several other Sega titles before "Zaxxon"), and will work in any G80 cabinet. The monitor is mounted vertically, as were most early Sega titles. The monitor bezel sported the standard game instructions and the marquee showed a '005' logo and a shining flashlight (the logo is in a font that reminds me of high school football numbers).

Cabinet dimensions :

Upright : 71,25in. high x 26in. deep x 25in. wide. Weight : 330 lb

Cocktail : 25,25in. high x 35,5in. deep x 27,5in. wide. Weight : 170 lb

Sega G80 raster hardware

Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.867 Mhz)

Sound Chips : Custom

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 224 x 256 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 64

Players : 2

Control : 4-way joystick

Buttons : 1


Released during December 1981.

005 (pronounced 'double O five'), is based around a pseudo 'James Bond' theme. Instead of secret 'agent 007' you get to play secret 'agent 005' (which allowed Sega to save money by not licensing the 'James Bond' character for this game).

005 is very rare today, as most of them were converted to "Monster Bash" when it came out.

Dwayne Richard holds the record for this game with 1,500,000 points on July 25, 1982.


Attache delivered to helicopter = 10,000 points.

Guard knocked out = 200 points.

Entering a building with:

No stun gas cannister = 300 points.

One stun gas cannister = 400 points.

Two stun gas cannisters = 500 points.

Shooting down:

Shrubbery = 20 points.

Balloon Bomb = 200 points.

Enemy helicopter = 5,000+ points.

(2,000 X no. of brief cases delivered)


* Consoles :

A ColecoVision port was planned but never released.


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.

MAME Info:

0.30 [Mike Balfour, Dave Fish]

Samples required


- 0.129u4: Changed Custom sound to 005 Custom.

- 0.122u8: Added 'Demo Speech' dipswitch and changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'.

- 0.113u1: Mike Ellery marked unknown dipswitches for 005 according to manual.

- 0.108: Aaron Giles hooked up 005 melody generator, but missing sound PROM. Added CUSTOM sound and samples (lexplode, sexplode, dropbomb, shoot, missile, heilcopt and whistle.wav).

- 0.107u3: Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3867000 Hz, VSync to 59.998135 Hz, palettesize from 65 to 64 colors and fixed rom names.

- 0.104u8: Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 4MHz.

- 0.35b9: Changed 8-way Joystick to 4-way.

- 0.34RC1: Added Samples sound.

- 0.30: Mike Balfour and Dave Fish added 005 (Sega 1981).


Recommended Games (Action 2):


Cloak & Dagger


Zarya Vostoka

Spy Hunter

Spy Hunter 2

Agent Super Bond



Momoko 120%

Top Secret

Wonder Momo

Beraboh Man

Bonanza Bros

Bonanza Bros. (Mega-Tech)

Avenging Spirit

Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!!

Romset: 45 kb / 23 files / 28.6 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="005" sourcefile="segag80r.c" sampleof="005">
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              <sample name="lexplode"/>
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              <sample name="helicopt"/>
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                     <dipvalue name="4" value="2"/>
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                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="2"/>
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                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit 4/3" value="10"/>
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              <driver status="imperfect" emulation="good" color="good" sound="imperfect" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="64"/>

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