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jumpcoas: MAME ROM Information.


Jump Coaster (c) 1983 Kaneko.

You control a caped man who attempts to rescue his girlfriend while attempting to avoid monkeys on roller coasters.


Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)

Sound Chips : AY8910 (@ 1.536 Mhz)

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 1


Released in May 1983.


Programmed by: M. Kuribayashi (according to US copyright records).


* Computers :

MSX (1984)


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.31 [Zsolt Vasvari]


- 0.133u1: Renamed (jumpcoat) to (jumpcoast).

- 0.89u4: Thierry and Gerald added clone Jump Coaster (Taito).

- 0.36b9: Changed clock speed of the AY-8910 to 1536000 Hz.

- 0.34b1: Added color proms ($0, 100, 200).

- 0.33b3: Zsolt Vasvari added accurate colors to Jump Coaster.

- 0.31: Zsolt Vasvari added Jump Coaster (Kaneko 1983). Known issues: The color PROMs are there, but association with the graphics is only partially correct.

- 25th January 1998: Gerald and Thierry dumped Jump Coaster (Kaneko 1983).

LEVELS: 4 (endless)

Recommended Games (Platform):

Space Panic

Steel Worker

Donkey Kong

FamicomBox (Donkey Kong)

Crazy Kong

Crazy Kong Part II

Kong (Brazil)

Donkey Kong Junior

FamicomBox (Donkey Kong Jr.)

Donkey Kong 3


Naughty Mouse

Treasure Island

Treasure Island (DECO Cassette)


Dock Man


Minky Monkey


Pop Flamer


FamicomBox (Popeye)



Boggy '84

Bristles (Max-A-Flex)

Congo Bongo

Dr. Micro

Hopper Robo

Jump Coaster


Namco Classic Collection Vol.1 (Mappy)


Roc'n Rope

Super Glob

Ben Bero Beh

Complex X

Jumping Jack

Lode Runner

Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back

Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth

Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu

Lode Runner - The Dig Fight

Pandora's Palace

Peter Pack-Rat

Vs. Ice Climber

Vs. Ice Climber Dual

Vs. Wrecking Crew

Baluba-louk no Densetsu

Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine!

Sea Hunter Pengui

Multi 5 (Tong Boy)

Romset: 45 kb / 10 files / 24.4 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="jumpcoas" sourcefile="fastfred.c">
              <description>Jump Coaster</description>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.001" size="8192" crc="0778c953" sha1="7def6656532332e56d76700431e4c3199e407e50" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.002" size="8192" crc="57f59ce1" sha1="1508afb34f77c829ed62b16be10b0ebf8e91a62c" region="maincpu" offset="2000"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.003" size="8192" crc="d9fc93be" sha1="e13476991720a1e900f4ab65175df7ee40c6960d" region="maincpu" offset="4000"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.004" size="8192" crc="dc108fc1" sha1="a238b1b924877167aa8f17e9c9bd450e2c2cc9f6" region="maincpu" offset="6000"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.005" size="4096" crc="2dce6b07" sha1="e7f9e5d68c53ee2433c22d00e69d4b994b44d349" region="gfx1" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.006" size="4096" crc="0d24aa1b" sha1="300eba18c69eb693b033562446e7fee764161e07" region="gfx1" offset="1000"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.007" size="4096" crc="14c21e67" sha1="1a01dcd917e9c06db5d86cd35146e9ccdad65975" region="gfx1" offset="2000"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.red" size="256" crc="13714880" sha1="ede901434f3a35138574e65985e5791e6686ef0d" region="proms" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.gre" size="256" crc="05354848" sha1="c44f6b4b9c9d58d9ace617dcd36ca197f6d7dd8c" region="proms" offset="100"/>
              <rom name="jumpcoas.blu" size="256" crc="f4662db7" sha1="638ac15b15ae908581561ff77f446d81ec64c086" region="proms" offset="200"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Z80" clock="3072000"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="ay8910.1" name="AY-3-8910A" clock="1536000"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="90" width="256" height="224" refresh="60.000000" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="2" buttons="1" coins="2">
                     <control type="joy" ways="8"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin A" tag="DSW1" mask="3">
                     <dipvalue name="6 Coins/1 Credit" value="3"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="2"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="1"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin B" tag="DSW1" mask="12">
                     <dipvalue name="6 Coins/1 Credit" value="12"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="8"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="4"/>
              <dipswitch name="Lives" tag="DSW1" mask="48">
                     <dipvalue name="3" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="5" value="16"/>
                     <dipvalue name="7" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="255 (Cheat)" value="48"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW1" mask="64">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="64"/>
              <dipswitch name="Cabinet" tag="DSW1" mask="128">
                     <dipvalue name="Upright" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Cocktail" value="128"/>
              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="256"/>

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