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nmaster: MAME ROM Information.


Oni - The Ninja Master (c) 1995 Banpresto.

3 selectable characters cooperatively battle huge, innovative monsters, Dadandarn/Monster Maulers style.


Game ID : BP947A

Cave 1st Generation Hardware

Main CPU : MC68000 (@ 16 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 [Optional]

Sound Chips : YMZ280B (@ 16.9344 Mhz) or OKIM6295 x (1 or 2) + YM2203 / YM2151 [Optional]

Other : 93C46 EEPROM

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 4

=> [A] Weak Attack, [B] Medium Attack, [C] Strong Attack, [D] Shoot/Throw Weapon


Developed by Pandorabox.

Released in November 1995.

This game is known outside Japan as "Metamoqester".

Oni - The Ninja Master is an off shoot of the, then popular, Oni series of RPGs by Pandora Box, stretching across the Nintendo Game Boy, Nintendo Super Famicom and Sony PlayStation.

The symbols that appear on floating balls in the attract mode are Siddham, a writing system used in Japan for writing Buddhist mantras and sutras in Sanskrit.


Planners : Takehiko Hoashi, Kenji Tanii, Kaim Labo

Designers : Motakazu Tokoro (Player), Takehiko Hoashi (Monster and stage)

CG Designers : Masahiko Takai, Toshinobu Komazawa and MOSScorop staff

Sound designer : Satoshi Akamatsu

Programmers : Kenji Tanii, Satoshi Akamatsu

Hardware : Kazuhisa Takasu, Masahito Aizawa

Voices : Misato Suzuki, Yukimasa Kishino, Kenji Tanii, Satoshi Akamatsu, Takehiko Hoashi

Mouhitu Designer : Tomoyo Sekiguchi with Pen

Cell Animation : Motokazu Tokoro, Arcadia

Special Thanks : Pepe, Mayumi Ohno, Action Castaff, Aoni Production, Osamu Saitoh, Masato Nakashima


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.56 [Luca Elia]


- metmqstr, nmaster: There is a line at the bottom of some screens that needs to be clipped or is slightly off. Karasu (ID 00098)


- 0.131u2: Mamesick fixed access violation in Metamoqester.

- 0.122: Changed description to 'Metamoqester (International)'.

- 0.105u1: Aaron Giles fixed watchdog/reset in Metamoqester (game doesn't start).

- 0.97u2: Sonikos updated the sound balancing in Metamoqester.

- 0.72u2: Changed description of clone 'The Ninja Master (Japan?)' to 'Oni - The Ninja Master (Japan)'.

- 11th August 2003: Guru - The Ninja Master arrived. I've been fairly busy over the past week so didn't get chance to update here. However, this stuff arrived just recently thanks to MAMEworld contributions.

- 0.72: Added clone The Ninja Master (Japan?).

- 0.57: Fixed gfx1/2/3/4 roms loading.

- 0.56: Luca Elia added Metamoqester (Banpresto / Pandorabox 1995).

- 10th November 2001: Guru - Received Metamoqester (another one!). Big thanks to Smitdogg.

- 12th October 2001: Luca Elia added Metamoqester to the Cave driver.

- 16th September 2001: Guru - Received Ninja Master - Metamoqester (Banpresto). Thanks go to Smitdogg for the donations.


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Romset: 20224 kb / 13 files / 7.46 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="nmaster" sourcefile="cave.c" cloneof="metmqstr" romof="metmqstr">
              <description>Oni - The Ninja Master (Japan)</description>
              <manufacturer>Banpresto / Pandorabox</manufacturer>
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              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="32768"/>

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