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olds: MAME ROM Information.


Oriental Legend Super (c) 1999 IGS.


IGS PGM hardware

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 20 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 8.468 Mhz)

Sound Chips : ICS2115 (@ 8.468 Mhz)

Control per player: 8-way joystick

Buttons per player: 4


Released in December 1998.


1. Oriental Legend (1997)

2. Oriental Legend Super (1999)

3. Oriental Legend 2 (2007)


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.87u3 [?]


- 0.145u5: Changed description of clones '(ver. 100)' to '(ver. 100, set 1)' and '(alt ver. 100)' to '(ver. 100, set 2)'.

- 0.130u3: Changed description to 'Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super (ver. 101, Korean Board)' and the clones to 'Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super (ver. 100)' and 'Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super (alt ver. 100)'.

- 0.130u3: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super'.

- 0.130u2: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Ji Shi E Zhuan Super'.

- 0.130u1: XingXing added preliminary protection simulation in clone (100 alt). Changed parent description to 'Oriental Legend Super / Special (ver. 101, Korean Board)', clones '(100)' to '(ver. 100)' and '(100 alt)' to '(alt ver. 100)'.

- 0.105u4: XingXing and ElSemi started simulation of protection. Changed description of 'Oriental Legend Super (Korea 101)' to 'Oriental Legend Super / Special (Korea 101)', 'Oriental Legend Super (100)' to 'Oriental Legend Super / Special (100)' and 'Oriental Legend Super (100 alt)' to 'Oriental Legend Super / Special (100 alt)'.

- 0.87u3: Added Oriental Legend Super (Korea 101) (IGS 1999) and clones (100) and (100 alt). Unemulated protection.

- 27th September 2004: Guru - Super Oriental Legend (IGS 1998) arrived from eBay.

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Romset: 55888 kb / 21 files / 18.9 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="olds" sourcefile="pgm.c" romof="pgm">
              <description>Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super (ver. 101, Korean Board)</description>
              <biosset name="v2" description="PGM Bios V2" default="yes"/>
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