Reference Card: Commodore Amiga

Installation Instructions

Important. Before installing Might and Magic III it is highly
recommended that you make backup copies of the program disks, especially
if you will be playing on a floppy-based system. Make the copies NOW!

Hard Drive Requirements. To play Might and Magic III on a hard drive
system, you will need at least one megabyte of RAM and about five megabytes
of free disk space.

Hard Drive Installation. Insert disk MM3-MAIN in DF0:, open its disk
icon, then double-click on INSTALL-HARDDRIVE to run the installation
program. You will be asked to enter a partition name to install to (DH0:,
DH1:, etc...) Insert the disks as prompted by the system. After all of
the files have been copied and the program completes, a number of Assign
statements must be executed before you play. The necessary assigns will
be in a file called MM3-Assigns in the MM3 drawer. You can copy this
script into your Startup-Sequence, or simply execute it each time you
play the game.

Playing from a Hard Drive. From Workbench, open the MM3 drawer. To
watch the introduction sequence, double-click on the MM3-INTRO icon. To
play Might and Magic III, double-click on the Might&MagicIII icon.
(Note: The programs will attempt to close the Workbench screen to ensure
it will have enough memory to run. It is important on one megabyte
systems especially that the Workbench be 'closeable`. Make sure that no
other programs are running from Workbench, and that no shell or CLI
windows are open.)

Floppy Drive Requirements. To play Might and Magic III on a floppy-
based system, you will need at least one megabyte of RAM, an external
floppy drive and two blank diskettes. If you have more than one megabyte
of RAM, you may connect more than one external drive, if desired.
Otherwise, a one megabyte system should only have one external drive
connected to run MM3.

Floppy Drive Installation. First, boot your system as normal with
your Workbench disk in DF0:. Format the two blank disks and rename
them MM3-GAMES and MM3-PLAY, respectively, using rename from the
Workbench or Relabel from the CLI. Insert disk MM3-MAIN in the external
drive and open its icon and double-click on the INSTALL-FLOPPY icon.
The INSTALL-FLOPPY program will copy the required fonts to your FONTS:
directory on the Workbench disk and set up the MM3-PLAY and MM3-GAMES
disks (Note: You will need about 4K of free disk space on your Workbench
disk). The system will prompt you to insert the disks as needed; you
should keep MM3-MAIN in the external drive for the duration of the
installation process, swapping the Workbench, MM3_GAMES and MM3-PLAY
disks in the internal drive (it's faster).

Playing from Floppies. Now you will have two disks: MM3-PLAY contains
the executable program and support files, MM3-GAMES is the saved games
disk. Each MM3-GAMES disk will only hold three saved games. Additional
saved games disks can be created by formatting a blank disk, renaming it
MM3-GAMES and running the MAKE-GAMES program on the MM3-MAIN disk. (Note:
Be careful not to attempt saving more than three games per MM3-GAMES disk).

To watch the introduction sequence, replace the Workbench disk in DF0:
and place disk MM3-04 in the external drive. Open MM3-04's disk icon
and double-click on the MM3-INTRO icon.

To run Might and Magic III, replace the Workbench disk in DF0: and place
disk MM3-PLAY in the external drive, where it should remain for the
duration of game play. Open MM3-PLAY's disk icon ad double-click on the
Might&MagicIII icon. The program will prompt you to swap disks in DF0:
as necessary during game play.

Getting Started

After the main screen you will have the option of starting a new game or
loading a saved game. Press S or click on "Start a New Game" to start a
new game. You will begin your adventure in the center of the first town
with a party of six fully-equipped characters. You can immediately start
playing or go to the Inn to create your own party of characters.

Press L or click on "Load a Saved Game" to load a saved game. A window
will appear listing the names of all your saved games and the highest
character level in the party. Select the game you wish to load.

Control Panel

To bring up the Control Panel window, press the Tab key or click or click
on the large gem at the bottom center of the Display Window. The name of
the current game is displayed at the bottom of the Control Panel window.
The available options are listed below.

E - ON Effects. Turns the sound effects on and off.
M - OFF Music. Turns the music on and off.
D - 5 Delay. Allows you to set the text display delay from 0 to 9.
L - LOAD Load. Allows you to load a previously saved game.
S - SAVE Save. Allows you to save the current game in its present
location. The game is automatically saved when the party enters
an Inn.
Q - DOS Quit. Quits Might and Magic III and exits to DOS.
W - HELP Help. Returns the party to Fountain Head and removes 1
experience level from each character. (No penalty for 1st level

Navigating the Windows

There are four ways of selecting options in the various windows in Might
and Magic III.

* Click the mouse pointer on the icon of the option you desire.
* If there is a letter in the option name that is a different color
than the rest of the word (usually the first letter), type that
letter from the keyboard.
* If there is a highlight that surrounds the option's icon, press
Enter to select that option. Use the arrow keys to move the
highlight to other options.
* If there is a number to the left of an option or item, press that
number on the keyboard, or click the mouse pointer on the item's

For options requiring a Yes/No answer, press Y for yes, N for no, or click
on the icon.

Y = Thumbs Up Icon N = Thumbs Down Icon

Most windows can be exited by pressing the Escape key.

Statistic values change color depending on their current value relative to
their maximum value. Character gems and monster names change color
relative to their current number of hit points compared to their normal
maximum number. The five colors and their meanings are: Gray - Above
maximum, Green - Maximum (normal), Yellow - Below maximum, Red - Below 25%
of maximum, Blue - 0 or less.

Adventuring Mode

To move through the world of Might and Magic III, use the arrow keys or the
mouse pointer in the Display Window. The Up and Down arrow keys move the
party forward and backward, and the Left and Right arrow keys turn the
party left and right. Holding down the Control key while pressing the Left
or Right key side-steps the party without turning. Wait (pass) by pressing
the Space Bar. This allows time to pass and monsters to advance. Time
does not pass when turning left or right.

Nine options appear in the Options Window of the Game Screen:

S Shoot. Party members with equipped missile weapons fire them
straight ahead, provided there are no obstacles.
Pressing the right mouse button while adventuring
will also select "Shoot".
C Cast. Displays the Cast Spell window. All spell casters
have a spell ready. To cast the readied spell select
Cast again. To change the readied spell select New.
A list of all spells known by the selected character
will appear. To the right of each spell is its cost
in spell points and gems (i.e. 12/2 means 12 spell
points and 2 gems). Select the desired spell and
press Enter. The spell is now ready to be cast.
R Rest. Restores the party's hit points and spell points,
provided there is at least one food for every member
of the party. From left to right, only the number of
party members equal to the number of party food will
be restored. Some conditions worsen with rest and
can cause a character to die. Use caution when
resting. Most monsters love to devour sleeping
B Bash. Using the combined might of the first two conscious
party members, attempts to knock down locked doors,
grates, and thin walls that hide secret passages.
D Dismiss. Returns any party member to the Inn where that
character appears on the roster. At least one
character must always remain in the party.
V - View Quests. Displays the Current Quest window and Corak's notes
on the surrounding area.
M - Automap. Displays the map of the current area. Only active if
at least one character has the skill Cartography.
I - Information. Displays the Game Information Window, listing the day
of year, time of day, year and day of week. This
window also lists any spells that are currently
active, such as Light.
Q - Quick Reference. Displays the Quick Reference Chart, listing the
party's vital statistics, gold, gems and food.

Important Places

Scattered across the isles, there are important places to visit that can be
very helpful in character development:

* Inns Create, store, add and delete characters, acquire
* Temples Heal and uncurse characters.
* Blacksmiths Buy, sell, identify and fix items.
* Training Grounds Train to increase a character's level.
* Taverns Buy food, listen for rumors, hear tips.
* Guilds Learn spells (with membership).
* The Bank Safely store excess gold and gems (and earn interest).


When an opponent occupies the same square as the party, hand to hand combat
is initiated. While in combat, movement is limited to turning left or
right. You can face up to three opponents in hand to hand combat with
others waiting in line for their chance at you. Select which opponent you
wish to target by pressing 1 , 2, and 3, or clicking the mouse pointer on
the opponent's name or picture. The targeted opponent's name will be
surrounded by a box. Successful hits on an opponent are represented by
red splatters on the opponent's picture. The greater the damage done, the
larger the splat. Magical weapons and spells may do additional damage
represented by different splatters.

Nine options appear in the Options Window of the Game Screen:

F - Quick Fight. Battles the opponent(s) using the current Quick Fight
option settings. Select this icon with the left mouse button to
rapidly run through the party's attacks. Pressing the right mouse
button while in Combat will also select Quick Fight.

C - Cast. Same as in adventuring mode.

A - Attack. Attacks the targeted opponent with whatever weapon the
character has equipped.

U - Use. Brings up the Item window, where a character can equip or
remove items, or use an item's special ability.

R - Run. If successful, the highlighted party member will run to a safe
location nearby and rejoin the party after the battle.

B - Block. The highlighted party member will attempt to block the
opponent's next attack.

O - Quick Flight Options. A party member may be set to attack, cast a
readied spell, block, or run when the Quick
Fight option is selected.

I - Information. Same as adventuring mode.

Q - Quick Reference. Same as adventuring mode.

Character Creation

* Enter an Inn, sign the register and select Create.
* Select a character portrait by using the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll
through the available faces. You must delete pre-rolled characters in
order to use their faces.
* Roll new statistic values by pressing the R key or clicking the mouse on
the icon.
* Statistics can be exchanged as many times as you wish. Select a
statistic (such as Might). Next select the statistic you would like to
exchange with (such as Luck). The value that was Might is now Luck and
vice versa.
* When you are satisfied with the statistics, select a Character Class by
using the Left and Right arrow keys to move the pointer up and down the
list and pressing Enter.
* Select an Alignment by using the Left and Right arrow keys to move the
pointer up and down the list and pressing Enter.
* Select Create and give your character a name.
* The character has been added to the roster of the Inn and can be viewed
by exiting the Character Creation screen.

View Character

To view a character's statistics, press F1 - F8 or click on the character's
portrait. While in View Character, Cast Spell and Item windows, press F1 -
F8 or click on a character's portrait to view the information of another
party member.

Each of the items in the View Character window has an icon and a number
which represents the current value of that statistic. Selecting a
statistic provides more detailed information. Generally, the higher the
numbers, the more powerful the character.

I - Item. Displays the contents of a character's pack. When equipped, all
items have a small icon to their left which shows what part of
the body they occupy and whether they are one or two handed
weapons. Common sense must be used when equipping items. Use
the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll through the items list.
Weapons and armor must be equipped with the Equip option before
their benefits are received. The Use option allows a character
to make use of the special or magical abilities of certain items.
The Discard option permanently removes an item from the
character's pack. To give an item to another character select
the item, then select the character you wish to give it to.

E - Exchange. Allows two characters to trade positions in the party. A
window will appear asking, "Exchange with whom?" Select the
character you wish to exchange places with. Characters
to the far right of the Character Portrait window are
less vulnerable.

Character Statistics

Might Affects damage inflicted in combat.
Intellect Affects spell points gained per level. (Sorcerers, Archers,
Rangers & Druids)
Personality Affects spell points gained per level. (Clerics, Paladins,
Rangers & Druids)
Endurance Affects hit points gained per level.
Speed Affects armor class and order of battle in combat.
Accuracy Affects chances to hit in combat.
Luck Always helps in mysterious ways.
Age A characters statistics are affected as his or her age
Level Relative power of a character.
Armor Class Defensive ability.
Hit Points Amount of damage a character can withstand before death.
Spell Points Total daily capability for casting spells.
Skills Special abilities acquired while adventuring.
Awards Record of accomplishments and completed quests.
Experience A running total of a character's eligibility for training
and advancement.
Condition Description of a character's health.


Docs for Might And Magic III

---- Adventuring Mode ----

To move through the world of Might and Magic III, use the arrow
keys or the mouse pointer in the Display Window. The Up and Down
arrow keys move the party forward and backward, and the Left and
Right arrow keys turn the party left and right. Holding down the
Control key while pressing the Left or Right key side-steps the
party without turning. Wait (pass) by pressing the Space Bar.
This allows time to pass and monsters to advance. Time does not
pass when turning left or right.

Nine options appear in the Options Window of the Game Screen:

S - Shoot: Party members with equipped missile weapons fire them
straight ahead, provided there are no obstacles

C - Cast: Displays the Cast Spell window. All spell casters
have a spell ready. To cast the readied spell select Cast again.
To change the readied spell select Cast again. To change the
readied spell select New. A list of all spells known by
the selected character will appear. To the right of each spell
is its cost in spell points and gems (i.e. 12/2 means 12 spell
points and 2 gems). Select the desired spell and press ENTER.
The spell is now ready to be cast.

R - Rest: Restores the party's hit points and spell points, provided there
is as least one food for every member of the party.
From left to right, only the number of party members equal to
the number party food will be restored. Some conditions worsen
with rest and can cause a character to die. Use caution whenresting.
Most monsters love to devour sleeping adventurers.

B - Bash: Using the combined might of the first two conscious party members,
attempts to knock down locked doors, grates, and thin walls that
hide secret passages

D - Dismiss: Returns any party member to the Inn where that character appears
on the roster. At least one character must always remain in
the party.

V - ViewQuests: Displays current Quest window and Coraks notes on the
surrounding area.

M - Automap: Displays the map of the current area. Only active if at least
one character has the skill Cartography.

I - Information: Displays the Game Information Window, listing the day of
year, time of day, year and day of week. This window also
lists any spells that are currently active, such as light.

Q - Quickrefernece: Displays the Quick Reference Chart,listing the party's
vital statistics, gold, gems and food.

----- lmportant Places ------

Scattered across the isles, there are important places to visit
that can be very helpful in character development:

*Inns Create, store, add and delete characters, acquire hirelings.
*Temples Heal and uncurse characters.
*Blacksmiths Buy, sell, identify and fix items.
*TrainingGrounds Train to increase a character's level.
*Taverns Buy food, listen for rumors, hear tips.
*Guilds Learn spells (with membership).
*The Bank Safely store excess gold and gems (and earn interest).

-New World Computing-
Compliments of The Necromancer: The RUSH USA/FLT Member


FIXED BY [RYGAR] ------ Combat ------

When an opponent occupies the same square as the party,
hand to hand combat is irritirted. While in combat, movement is
limited to turning left or right. You can face up to three
opponents in hand to hand combat with others waiting in line for
their chance at you. Select which opponent you wish to target by
pressing 1 , 2, and 3, or clicking the mouse pointer on the
opponent's name or picture. The targeted opponent's name will be
surrounded by a box. Successful hits on an opponent are
represented by red splatters on the opponent's picture. The
greater the damage done, the larger the splat. Magical weapons
and spells may do additional damage represented by different

Nine options appear in the Options Window of the Game Screen:

F - Quick Fight: Battles the opponent(s) using the current Quick
Fight option settings. Holding down the mouse button while
the pointer is on the Quick Fight icon will rapidly run
through the party's attacks.

C- Cast: Same as in adventuring mode.

A- Attack: Attacks the targeted opponent with whatever weapon the
character has equipped.

U- Use: Brings up the Item window, where a character cane equip or
remove items, or use an item's special ability.

R- Run: If successful, the highlighted party member will run to a safe
i location nearby and rejoin the party after the battle.

B- Block: The highlighted party member will attempt to block the
opponent's next attack.

O- Quick Flight Options: A party member may be set to attack, cast a
readied spell, block, or run when the Quick Fight
option is selected.

I- Information: Same as adventuring mode.

Q- Quick Re@ere@ce. Same as adventuring mode.

--- Character Creation ---

* Enter an Inn, sign the register and select Create.

* Select a character portrait by using the Up and Down
arrow keys to scroll through the available faces. You must
delete pre-rolled characters in order to use their faces.

* Roll new statistic values by pressing the R key or clicking the
mouse on the icon.

* Statistics can be exchanged as many times as you wish.
Select a statistic (such as Might). Next select the statistic
you would like to exchange with (such as Luck). The value that
was Might is now Luck and vice versa.

* When you are satisfied with the statistics, select a
Character Class by using the Left and Right arrow keys to move
the pointer up and down the list and pressing Enter.

* Select an Alignment by using the Left and Right arrow
keys to move the pointer up and down the list and pressing

* Select Create and give your character a name.

* The character has been added to the roster of the Inn
and can be viewed by exiting the Character Creation screen.

----- Might and Magic III -----

Compliments OF The Necromancer


FIXED BY [RYGAR] ------ Getting Started -------

After the introduction sequence (which can be skipped by
pressing Escape) you will have the option of starting a new game
or loading a saved game. Press S to start a new game. You will
begin your adventure in the center of the first town with a
party of six fullyequipped characters. You can immediately start
playing or go to the Inn to create your own party of characters.

Press L to load a saved game. A window will appear listing the
names of all your saved games and the highest character level in
the party. Select the game you wish to load.

------ Control Panel -------

To bring up the Control Panel window, press the Tab key or click
on the large gem at the bottom center of the Display Window. The
name of the current game is displayed at the bottom of the
Control Panel window. The available options are listed below.

E - Effects: Turns the sound effects on and off.
M - Music: Turns the music on and off.
D - Delay: Allows you to set the text display delay from 0 to 9
L - Load: Allows you to load a saved game.
S - Save: Allows you to save the current game in its present location.
The game is automatically saved whenthe party enters an Inn.
Q - Quit: Quits Might and Magic III and exits to DOS.
W - Help: Returns the party to Fountain Head andremoves 1 experience level
from each character.(No penalty for 1st level characters.)

--- Navigating the Windows ---

There are four ways of selecting options in the various windows
in Might and Magic III.

*:* Click the mouse pointer on the icon of the option you desire.

*:* If there is a letter in the option name that is a different color
than the rest of the word (usually the first letter), type
that letter from the keyboard.

*:* If there is a highlight that surrounds the option's icon, press
Enter to select that option. Use the arrow keys to move the
highlight to other options.

*:* If there is a number to the left of an option or item, press
that number on the keyboard, or click the mouse pointer on the
item's name.

For options requiring a Yes/No answer, press Y for yes, N for no,
or click on the icon.

Most windows can be exited by pressing the Escape key.

Statistic values change color depending on their current value
relative to their maximum value. Character gems and monster
names change color relative to their current number of hit
points compared to their normal maximum number. The five colors
and their meanings are: Gray - Above maximum, Green - Maximum
(normal), Yellow - Below maximum, Red - Below 25% of maximum,
Blue - 0 or less.

------ Might and Magic III --------
Compliments of The Necromancer : The RUSH USA/FLT Member


FIXED BY [RYGAR] --- M & M III Clues ----

QB: What's an effective party?

van Caneghem : Make the group as diversified as possible, with a

member of every race and as many different classes as possible.
Secondary skills are critical, so get as many as possible. You

someone with Danger Sense and someone with Detect Secret
Passages right away. Next you need someone with Pathfinding and
Mountaineering, for outdoor adventt@ring. Read the manual and
experiment with different characters, because some races start
out with secondary skills.

QB: How about some "jump start" clues for the opening game?

vanCaneghem:First-levelcharacters can use the Mr. Wizard option
to get out of trouble, since they don't suffer the usual penalty
that lowers each character a level. So until your characters hit
level two, you can experiment more freely.

Finish the mini-quests in Fountain Head right away, then
go to the cave below it. For useful clues and objects, take as
many skulls as possible to the Miser. For gold, b19h the 92c72t
w1ll around the comer from the Inn (be prepared for a battle).
There's a dungeon outside the f"rst town, just a little bit
south, which is the next place to check out. The Fireball spell
is in the Temple of Moo there, in a hidden spot in the
north-central section.

The Dragonbreath spell is another good one: it lets you
choose which element you want to breathe at the enemy. lf you
know a monster is immune to cold, cast Dragonbreath and set it
for electricity. That spell's location hasn't been decided yet,
so Iet's just make it up right now. Ok, let's put it at w1714ck h3ll.

For temporary Hit Points that last a day or till a
battle, learn S wim (below Fountain Head), then go to the island
in the lagoon south of town. .

Hints: Compliments of The Necromacner


FIXED BY [RYGAR] ---- View Character -----

To view a character's statistics, press F1 - F8 or click on the
character's portrait. While

in View Character, Cast Spell and Item windows, press F1 - F8 or
click on a character's portrait to view the information of
another party member.

Each of the items in the View Character window has an icon and a
number which represents the current value of that statistic.
Selecting a statistic provides more detailed information.
Generally, the higher the numbers, the more powerful the

I- Item: Displays the contents of a charachters pack. When equiped, all
items have a small icon to their left which shows what part of the
body they occupy and whether they are one or two handed weapons
Common sense must be used when equipping items. Use the Up and
Down arrow keys to scroll through the items list. weapons and
armor must be equipped with the Equip option before their benefits
are received. The Use option allows a character to make use
of the special or magical abilities of certain items. The
Discard option permanently removes an item from the character's
pack. To give an item to another character select the item, then
select the character you wish to give it to.

E - Exchange: Allows two characters to trade positions in the party. A
window will appear asking, "Exchange with whom?" Select the
character you wish to exchange places with.Characters
to the far right of the Character Portrait window are
less vulnerable.

----- Character Statistics -----

Might: Affects damage inflicted in combat.
Intellect: Affects spell points gained per level. ( Sorcerers ,
Archers , Rangers & Druids )
Personality: Affects spell points gained per level. (Clerics, Paladins,
Rangers & Druids)
Endurance: Affects hit points gained per level.
Speed: Affects armor class and order of battle in combat.
Accuracy: Affects chances to hit in combat.
Luck: Always helps in mysterious ways.
Age: A characters statistics are affected as his or her age increases.
Level: Relative power of a character.
Armor Class: Defensive ability.
Hit Points: Amount of damage a character can withstand before death.
Spell Points:Total daily capability for casting spells.
Skills: Special abilities acquired while adventuring.
Awards: Record of accomplishments and completed quests.
Experience: A running total of a character's eligibility for training
and advancement.
Condition: Description of a character's health.

Might & Magic ]I[ Journal

A Passage Through the Isles

The Journal of Corak the Mysterious

I am Corak, called the Mysterious, and these are my scribblings as I
journeyed across the Isles of Terra in search of forgotten lore. Take
them as aid in the adventure before you, for these isles are not all
they seem to be, and behind the shroud of legend, truth is often seen.

From the corners of the misty Void
Rang loud the battle cry
The Elemental lords of four
Had sworn to fight and die

Fire, Water, Air and Earth
Did meet their might and force
And in their battles bloody mire
Found our land its source

Second Day of the New Moon, 491 In the Town of Wildabar
It has been four years since last I set out to explore a new
land and discover the hidden lore and fables surrounding its
towns and castles. The swelling of spirit brought about by the
telling of these stories of heroism and bravery beyond hope is
the thread of magic woven in the minds and hearts of all who
long to answer the call of adventure, and it is for this
purpose, to preserve that magical spark, that I have devoted my
efforts to recording these tales.

From the rumors and murmuring I have heard passing through
Wildabar these isles are rich with such histories. While talking
to a town elder he told me of an ancient rhyme once read before
festivals that contained the legend of the mysterious conception
of the isles, a legend that today circulates across the land,
but altered through the years since the original scroll's
disappearance. He read to me a portion he recorded before the
original vanished and told me what he could remember of the rest
of the tale. Other parts, he said, may be recorded across the

The epic was written in three parts and the fragment he gave me
was from the first, in which is contained an account of the
birth of the isles out of a great battle between powerful lords
of the four elements who used fierce storms to fight for supreme
control of the Void, a place where there was no land or sky or
ocean. Water and Fire and Air and Earth met in this empty Void
to fight for the right to fill it with their presence, but so
matched were they in this battle that none could defeat the
others, nor could any stop fighting lest the balance be upset and
he be overrun by the others. They had become locked in an eternal
war none could turn away from. And as the war raged on through the
decades, in the midst of the Void where the fallout of the
mighty storms gathered and settled, a rich land began to
develop. From where, no one knows, but beasts appeared to graze
the fields of the new land and take refuge in its forests and
caverns. Little notice did the Elemental lords pay to these dumb
beasts for there was little threat in their roamings. They were
seen as nothing more than the flies that gather around a fallen
animal. So the war raged on with intensifying storms that added
to the richness of the budding land.

But then a new creature mysteriously appeared in the Void, not
dumb like the beasts, but clever in ways of cultivating the raw
loam of the battlefield further into a rich provider of food and
shelter. Difficult and costly though it was in the midst of the
furious storms of battle, a continent was forged in the misty

The forests and valleys settled spry creatures of great
influence. thin and strong, the Elves were quite at home among
the trees and fields of green.

Though weaker in endurance than some, they were
possessed of a high aptitude for the magical arts and resistance
to its power and energy.

And in the snowy areas of bitter cold found the Gnomes
their home. Like the Elves, they were strong of mind, not body,
and a little more prone to the ways of magic. But unlike the
brooding Elf, the Gnome was very jolly and quick to make friends.

Because of the harshness of the snowy land their
countenance was toughened to the elements, and even more so to

So journeyed then in the desert sun the Dwarf. Small but
mighty they survived in the turmoil of the stormy war for little
of the elemental realm could do them no harm. After all, it would
take a strong creature to find a thriving life in the lands of sand.
With little power over magic, Dwarves found their strength in
solitude among the dunes.

And in the swamps and bogs settled a tribal people of great
strength and endurance. So strong were they that fire, electric
and cold could hardly harm them. Because they lacked the greatness
of mind for magic they had to rely on their ability to fight to
survive, and that ability was developed to great heights, for the
Half - Orc lived for battle and saw the opposing of men as the
greatest of endeavors.

But scattered across the many diversities of the new found land
Humans wandered and made places for themselves among all others.
Able to resist all, the elements and magics, and learned in the
ways of the mystical arts, they were well equipped to settle where
they wished. Soon they thrived across the land and with the others
began to tame the beasts and cultivate the fields.

With the arrival of these conquerors of land the Elemental lords
realized that while they fought among themselves the very prize
for which they were slain was being taken away from them by
little mortal beings who in their eyes were no better than the
dumb beasts. Each would try to vanquish the mortals with a great
storm, but because they could not remove too much of their force
from the war the mortals were able to withstand them. In fact,
the storms of the Elementals were less severe than the effects
of the war itself, so the Elementals had to find another way to
purge the Void of these intruders. So an agreement was made to
halt the fighting for one day and devote all their powers to
create one great tempest of such destructive power that none
could withstand it for even an hour.

Air gathered together the strongest of its winds to blow the
sands of Earth with such force as to tear away the flesh from
mortal bone. And Water prepared a flood to wash the fallen
mortals to the center of the Void where Fire would then bake the
mire into solid stone. Even combined in total unity the mortals
could not survive a day of such torrent. So little hope was
there that in the darkest hours before the great destruction all
merely stayed in their doomed homes and the helplessness in
their hearts made the greatest cry for mercy any world has ever

Fourth Day of The New Moon 491 - The Quest Begins
After searching for the right opportunity I have finally found
a group to set across the isles with in search of the lost parts
of the legend. A band of four fighters and a healer have
enlisted me as their image, not knowing the fullness of my
power. We are to travel to Swamp Town and receive a scroll which
we will then deliver to Fountain Head. The leader of the party,
Asa Milchima, has agreed to take a circular course to allow me a
wider search for the lost pieces. We will be travelling across
most of the islands, skipping only the smaller ones. I will be
receiving a smaller share of the reward for delivering the
scroll, but it is the search and hopeful discovery of forgotten
lore that calls me to this adventure, not the promises of

Assuming all to be in order we will set out tomorrow for the
Isles of Illusion where I will search the two castles said to be
laid out in ruins upon the sand. From there we will travel to
Buzzard Bluff where we will camp for the night. The next day we
will journey through the Evermoors and north to Swamp Town, find
the scroll and most likely spend a pleasant night in a local

From there I will lead the expedition to Serpent's Wood, the
original settling place of the Dwarves, and on through the
Frozen Isles where we will camp a second night. Then we go to
Leper Canyon and straight to Fountain Head. Four days they plan,
but it will likely extend to double.

Fifth Day of the new moon, 491 - Setting Off
Today, after much preparation we started our journey across the
Isles of Terra. This group I've joined is far more powerful than
I had earlier believed. Rather than renting a boat as I had
thought we would, the healer, Rapha, stood at the water's edge
where earth meets ocean and stretched her arms wide. All was
still for a moment, then a strange wind blew the corners of her
robe and there seemed to be a disturbance in the waters. Fog
rolled in, thick and choking, and in the midst of it appeared a
ghostly galleon riding on the swelling waves. It was truly a
most impressive sight, and a little unnerving too. The ghost
ship took us across the waters to the closest of the Isles of
Illusion where we are now resting before entering the castle
ruins, but I still don't know from where it came or to where it
returned, for as soon as we stood upon the shore it drifted away
in the silence of the fog.

It is a poor omen when the first battle of an adventure ends in
death. While searching the ruins of Castle Greywind we came upon
a powerful phantom magic user that had made his home in the
rubble. He attacked at once without warning and engulfed Rapha
in a pink glow of energy, draining all life out of her. Asa
Milchima responded quickly by letting fly a bolt from the
crossbow at his side, but it only passed through the apparition.
While the others advanced, the ghostly figure summoned a huge
and beastly bear and vanished in a flash of light. Asa Milchima
and Supha, the Ninja, were only hurt a little in the battle with
the beast, but Rapha had been our healer. I did what I could for
the others without revealing the full extent of my powers, but
the loss of Rapha is most unfortunate. The loyalty of this group
is strong for they plan to spend their part of the reward to
have her healed at the temple in Swamp Town.

Sixth day of the new moon, 491 - Camping at Buzzard Bluff
Then descended on the land The Forces of the Dome
To lend into the mortal hand Power before unknown

Five Forces, they of might and magic Two champions forged by each
Ten heroes made the tale most tragic For the Elemental beasts

There is a dark mood hanging over the camp tonight, darker than
the clouds that cloak the moon, darker than the thick limbs of
trees that hide untold creatures peering from outside the circle
of fire light. It has been raining since the middle of day and
the falling drops have beaten down the spirits of even our
steeds who stand nervously stamping. The fight of yesterday
still weighs upon the minds of all, myself included, made
heavier by the legend of the Winged Death said to prey on
travelers of the Forsaken Sands. I must admit even I will feel
relief when this night is nothing more than a memory. It seems a
fitting enough setting to muse upon the piece of the legend I
found in the ruins of Castle Greywind. It tells of the
intercession of the Forces of the Dome, the five Forces that
gave men the power to overcome the attack of the Elementals.

Cosmonium was that force which guided the elements and
other forms of energy from place to place. Air, water,
fire, earth, and the electrical energies were commanded
and controlled.

Esoterica was the power of the inner self, the energy of life
and the forms of life, with command of the mind and the ability
for healing and inflicting.

Gaiam commanded the order of life in the forest and in the skies
of the trees and the clouds. The manner and temperament of
nature and the wills of the beasts bowed to its influence.

Bellum, which was the essence of war and violence which
manifested itself in the darker moods of beasts and
violent turns of weather, like this storm tonight.

And Lurkane, that invisible, silent sheet of
clandestine power that slipped its works into the
world unseen.

These were the Forces that silently watched from their perch
above the clouds as the Elementals did battle. According to the
legend they never joined the fight, but when they discovered the
Elemental's plan to destroy all men and beasts they had pity on
the helpless mortals and gave them the secrets of their powers
to defend their lives. Other tellings of the tale say the Forces
of the Dome feared the Elementals would be so amazed at the
strength they possessed when joined together they would unify
and attack them in their lofty home, pulling them into the
never ending battle. For whatever reason, the Forces
taught we mortals of their power, two to each Force, and made
ten champions to drive back the Elementals before they could
pull their ranks together.

To an Elf, Cosmonium opened the secrets of how the elements move
through the Void, giving total control over fire, cold, energy,
and electricity. In Padded armor and armed with a staff, the
first great hero set about mastering his control over the
elements and created many powerful incantations for the
coming battle. He was called a Sorcerer. I remember the
thrill of discovering the power and beauty of lightning, my
personal favorite. In my youth, camping on a rainy night with
a band of adventurers like this dark evening, I would sometimes
fire a bolt at a nearby tree just to startle my companions. An
act I'm sure our fallen comrade would strongly disapprove of.

And to another of the Elfin kin Cosmonium showed the way to
make a shaft of wood travel straight and true to its mark.
This was named the Archer and gird in armor of chain she was
the second of the heroes to emerge. Due to their common
origin she was able to use the spells created by the Sorcerer,
but only to a limited degree. Most of her energy was spent
in the study of the bow.

Next, Esocerica took a Gnome and trained her in
the healing ways, revealing the secrets of the mind
and body, unlocking the Power to make good or render
bad one's constitution. A most powerful hero was this,
called the Cleric, in her splint mail, helm and shield.
To heal the fallen comrade and destroy the weakened foe
was her pledge.

Another Gnome was taken thus, and taught the healing ways, but
much emphasis was also given to the use of weapon and armor. A
most noble champion called Paladin was he, and a frightful foe
to face. Clad in the strongest of armor and wielding the
weapons of truth and right, he was to become one of the
greatest of the legendary figures inspiring much lore and many

Then Gaiam made its choice in the Dwarf to champion its cause.

Many languages were revealed, empathy with Plants and beasts
and the patterns of seasons and stars. Secrets of the living land
endowed in a smallish figure to command the forces of nature to
do her bidding, commanding great storms and flurries and
swarms to do battle, but also calling upon the natural
healing of nature to help the fallen. As devoted to the land as the
Cleric to the body, this new one called the Druid would
sacrifice her being to maintain the orders of nature. In leather
the Druid travelled with barely a sword to swing. A storm such
as tonight's would hardly be worthy the talents of such a

When the force Gaiam gave empathy with the forest to the Dwarven
champion it called Ranger, a dark and mysterious one was indeed
created. At home in the denseness of the trees, contented with
the thicket of vines and cluttering of bushes, the Ranger was as
diverse in mood as the forest was diverse in creatures. Like the
first hero Ranger, our own Asa is prone to sudden changes in
temper from jovial and impish to condemning and stern.

Bellum then chose the Half-Orc to be a champion of the sword.
Gird in the finest of armor, helm and shield, and with
the mightiest weapons trained he in the arts of war,
melee, and valor. Called the Knight he became the strongest
of the champions with the greatest desire to march across
the battlefield. While the Paladin would seek peace through
battle and find victory in the quick end of a war, the Knight
longed for the brotherhood of battle and felt a kinship to all

And the second champion made Bellum to be called Barbarian, for
it was not brotherhood she seeked in battle but the lust of
blood. With the greatest endurance of the heroes the Barbarian
seeked the thrill of rushing into battle. Clad only in scale
armor she wielded her shield and great hammer against the
armies of her foes. In all the statues and tapestries I have
seen dedicated to the likeness of this champion she stands
high upon a mountain of fallen warriors, a helm of horns upon
her head.

Lurkane then, the last and most mysterious of the forces, took two
humans to its cause. He first was taught to move in the invisible
folds between the places of here and there and travel unseen and
unheard. Known as the Robber, he was able to work the mechanisms
of locks and traps, hide in the faintest of shadows, and advance
upon his foes to deliver a fatal thrust of dagger in the back.
In mail of chain with shield and dagger, a crossbow hanging at
his side, he moved in the leaves like a feather.

And the tenth champion, made for battle, was strong in
all attributes of fitness and mind. Called the Ninja,
a most powerful warrior was she with special weapons
created especially for her mastery at arms, a mastery
not even equalled by the might knight. Bound to a
life of solitude, alone even among the other champions,
her discipline of body and mind consumed every moment.
She was called the silent warrior for she possessed
the stealth of the robber, even in her chain mail,
and was never known to speak.

These ten were the champions of the war against the Elementals,
where mortal man was taught the arts of magic and ways of war by
the five Forces of the Dome, Cosmonium, Esoterica, Gaiam, Bellum
and Lurkane, the Forces that are above the clouds, above the
stars, that indeed guide the stars through their journey across
the night. Now my time at watch is done and Supha comes to relieve
me. Tonight I must rest well for tomorrow we journey across the
Evermoors, and that is no place to be when weary.

Seventh Day of the New Moon, 491 - In Swamp Town
Today we arrived in Swamp Town after a surprisingly easy journey
through the Evermoors. There were only a few small battles along
the way as we came across wandering animals and insects.
Although the danger was small it was a good workout, for any
small mistake could cost dearly.

After entering the west gate of Swamp Town and finding the giver
of the scroll we are to take to Fountain Head, Rapha was taken
to Temple Moonshadow. It was by luck alone that the others had
barely enough to pay for the services of the monks, as the boat
we rented to carry us from the Forsaken Sands to the Evermoors
dug deep into our parties pouch. The reward for delivering the
scroll will hardly do more than recoup the fee of Rapha's

With Rapha's return, a room was then taken at the inn where I
now sit writing these notes. The others are relaxing, as it
were, in the tavern where they are telling Rapha of all that has
happened in the past two days.

My hopes of finding more of the legend are failing after talking
to others I have met around town. While visiting the guild there
was one who had just returned from the Frozen Isles where he had
been searching for the rhyme himself. He told me there was no
part of it to be found in the northern regions and was very
happy to see the fragment I returned from the ruins of Castle
Greywind. I told him the tale the elder of Wildabar spoke to me.

After the battle was over and the champions had used the powers
the Forces of the Dome gave them to drive the Elemental lords to
the corners of the Void, the five Forces picked up the land that
had been the battlefield and moved it through the heavens, from
the gates of the Ancients to the gates of Terra, where the land
was set in the midst of water and broken into isles. While the
Forces were carrying the isles through the stars the ten heroes
built towns to protect the people from the monsters and beasts
that roamed the land, and they trained others in the disciplines
they were given by the Forces starting a long tradition of
skills that has carried over to present times.

Great walled towns were built to provide shelter and protection
from the outside wilderness and be a place of haven for those
adventurers who travelled across the new land and tried to tame
and conquer its growing life. They were exciting times of
adventure and bravery, but there was a need for places of
healing and trading and training, so in the towns were raised
dwellings where all the services an adventurer needed could be
received. There were places of weaponry, houses of ale and
feasts, five houses of healing where the mysterious monks who
tended them payed homage to the Forces for saving them from the
Elementals, grounds for training in battle skills, mystical
schools for heightening one's magical prowess, and places where
the weary could rest in safety and store their goods and find
others to replace a fallen companion. It is in these foundations
that our town dwellings of today find their source.

In the blacksmith's shoppe workers of steel and iron forged new
weapons of destruction and repaired the broken implements of
warriors. There was a lucrative trade of wares from many places
abroad and all the needs of dungeon lurking, such as rope and
torch, could be found. It was also a place to find the finest
in armor and protective wares, and unknown mechanisms
or weapons could be identified and their uses and value
revealed. Of course the excess in a traveller's pack would
bring a decent enough price to pay for a good time in the
houses of ale.

The inn was a place where the weary could rest behind a locked
door and under a roof to protect from the falling rain. But the
inn was created as more than just a place to take a much needed
halt in travelling, for young adventurers seeking the thrill of
battle and discovery of untold wealth could sign in the registry
and wait for a party in need of help to enlist his services.
Often times, when enlisting the aid of those you meet roaming
the forests and caves and ruins, he will bid you meet him at the
inn where he had registered last before joining you on your

Taverns were built where the ale flowed as profusely as the rumors
off the loosened lips of explorers and warriors who came to
these rowdy bars for a healing that could not be found in the
temple. It was a place where gold put in the hand of the barkeep
might reveal the clue to find unspeakable treasure and fortune.
And when the adventurer's pack ran low of food it could be
filled with the specialty of the house. After all, when one's
strength runs low resting is to little avail when there is no
meal to replenish the flesh.

And for the fallen and injured warriors temples of healing
were erected to the Forces of the Dome. Five Forces gave mortals
the power to subvert the deluge and five temples were constructed
to honor their powers and help those who fell in their service.
Warriors with any affliction could find cure from the mysterious
monks that tended these sacred shrines. Flesh would be restored and
curses lifted. And it was believed that special blessings
awaited those who donated a portion of their booty to these

But those portions of gold and treasure that were not donated
to the sacred monks were under constant threat of becoming
another's booty, so the builders of the towns made a sturdy and
secure cage and commissioned strong golems to guard it. The bank
was needed to keep one's wealth in safety because there were,
even in those exciting days following the victory over the
Elementals, those who would feed on the weaker but more
fortunate of their fellow man. Though fallibly secure from
theft, the bank was safer than the skin tents of the
adventurer's camp.

To trade others in the ways shown to them by the Forces of the
Dome, the ten champions also made great training grounds with
tracks and arenas and all manner of devices for improving
strength and stamina. For a price, any adventurer who had come
from a long quest or journey could seek the help of specialists
in all the arts of battle to advance in the skills of swordplay,
archery, and all other methods of melee. A person's stamina and
endurance in battle could also be enhanced by the techniques of
the masters of the grounds.

And for those who studied the magical arts, mysterious guilds
were built to train the magic user to control the forces.
Through intense study deeper control of one's chosen way could
be gained and new incantations purchased to expand the mage's
abilities and arsenal of spells. These were places of great
secrets and none but members of each guild could enter. Legends
of the surrounding area were written in the history of each
guild to provide helpful hints and warnings to the wise.

Eighth Day of the New Moon, 491 - The Frozen Isles
Tonight we are camping in the chilly environs of the Frozen
Isles. As I suspected after talking to my fellow searcher in
Swamp Town, there is no sign of any part of the legend around
these frozen woods. We searched the snowy wild for many hours
but there was little more than ice to be found gleaming in the

After being denied entrance to Castle Dragontooth on account of
prior dealings with our healer Rapha, we decided to camp in the
frozen woods of these isles and keep fire watch, which is what I
do as I write this. I've had more comfortable nights but there
are no hard feelings toward Rapha. It is, after all, much easier
crossing the ocean with the use of her ghostly ship.

I will miss this group when we part ways in Fountain Head, but
there are other things that call me. This has been but a tour
for me, the real search is not for legends and lore but my
nemesis Sheltem. From the very beginning he has seen these isles
and all that lives upon them as his enemy, and twice he has
planned their extinction. Now that these isles have rested in
the gates of Terra I'm sure he has not given up his crusade to
destroy them. I know not what plan he has set in motion but I
see his work in all that is chaotic.

I have been making these notes as a record to leave behind for
any who will join me in my search for Sheltem and his evil plot.
I believe the ancient pyramids play into his schemes and that is
where I will begin my search when I set out again. This time I
will go alone, but to any who follow I will leave clues to give
the benefit of new information I uncover.

I have not told the others of this but in the ruins of Castle
Blackwind, back on the Isles of Illusion, I found a message
among the rubble that may shed light on the mystery of Sheltem's
scheme. It seemed to place much importance on the three manners
of men we have come to call alignment; Good, Neutral, and Evil.
For many years there has been peace among these different
attitudes, but it has not always been so. There once were many
wars fought over the differences of these three alignments and
perhaps it is Sheltem's plan to rekindle this ancient rivalry.
I'm still working on what may be the meaning of this message in
the rubble. In the land today the question of Good and Evil is
resolved in the response to certain situations, and there are
certain enchanted areas where one or the other may not be
welcome, but there is little chance of a war fueled by these
differences being started in these times of enlightenment.
Nevertheless, I am sure the subtle differences of these three,
Good, Neutral, and Evil, play into the schemes of Sheltem.

I will stop writing for tonight, Asa will soon come to relieve
me of my watch. It has been a pleasant trek across the isles
with this group, pleasant save for the death of Rapha. Thank the
Forces the monks of the temples can lift the conditions of ill
that inevitably befall the adventurer. Be you cursed, paralyzed,
or even eradicated, there is always a remedy, and a price, to be
found in the temples.

With the coming of the morning light we will start our final
journey to Fountain Head, and from there I will once again set
out alone. My feelings are echoed in the cries of
<This page actually stopped right here --|
<The author of the dox must have been really stoned that day>

Ninth day of the new moon, 491 Fountain Head reached
After passing through Leper Canyon we reached Fountain Head
late into the day. I parted company with my group at the inn
where they immediately found another young adventurer anxious to
join them on their next excursion, of course... after they spend
some time in the tavern to recuperate.

Before I start my search for Sheltem there are a few final
pieces of advice I would like to offer to those who follow me
into this mystery. There are skills that will be very helpful if
not completely necessary in your travels across the isles. You
must find their masters to teach them to you, and be prepared to
pay the price. Here are some of the more helpful of these

Cartography - To help you keep better maps of the areas
you visit.

Danger Sense - Which will give you warning of monsters you
may not see until it is too late.

Detect Secret - So not to miss out on hidden opportunities.

Mountaineering- to gain access to the higher regions.

Pathfinding - For cutting your way through dense forests.

Swimming - For crossing shallow waters.

And always keep a full spellbook. When you have mastered the
spells you know to such degree that you are prepared to learn
others, gain membership to a guild and learn what you can. Seek
the wandering mages who sell these memberships, the price is
small to pay to have the right incantation when needed. And if
you gain a spell from an enchanted pool or buy it from a
traveling teacher and have no explanation of its use, go to one
of the guilds for its description.

Remember to keep a good supply of gems as some spells require
the power locked inside their crystals. These are the spells
available to the novice in the ways of magic...

Awaken - Pulls all sleeping adventurers from their slumber.

Detect Magic - If there is a magical item in the pack of the
caster this will make it known, and reveal the
number of its limited use. Use this to discover
the nature of a chest of treasure.

Elemental - Unleashes the power of the elements upon a single
Arrow enemy. Expel a bolt of flame, electricity, acid,
or ice upon your foe to rob him of a little well-

First Aid - An adventurer's minor wounds of battle can quickly be
healed with this anointing incantation.

Flying Fist - Summons an enchanted gauntlet to deliver a stinging
punch to a single foe.

Light - Provides a magical light to illuminate the darker

All spells were forged through the mysteries of Cosmonium,
Esoterica and Gaiam, and only those classes devoted to their
study can cast them. More powerful spells await as you advance
in your abilities.

It will also be necessary to gain protection from the six forms
of damage that are delivered through the use of weapons and
spells. These forms are fire, electricity, cold, poison, energy,
and magic. Each race has a natural strength against some of
these and further protection can be gained through spells and
enchanted items.

As you travel from town to town there will be many occasions to
enlist your services to others in need of help. It would be wise
to accept their challenges for there may be great rewards in
their completion that will help in future dealings.

And when all hope is gone, be it in the face of a great dragon
or surrounded by too many orcs to dispatch, you may call upon
the benevolent hand of Mister Wizard to carry you back to
safety. He will always answer the call for help, but be warned
that he will also extract a toll of experience from those he
rescues. A mighty warrior can soon be rendered weak if he calls
for the help of the Wizard too often. It is best to resolve a
situation without his help if any solution exists. But new
adventurers find favor in the heart of Mister Wizard, and those
he will help without fee.

Now I must prepare for my search for Sheltem. Take these notes
and use them as you can to discover his schemes, and together we
may be able to thwart his plot. Search for the clues I will
leave behind, and good luck to you on your journey. May the
powers of Might and Magic be always at your side.
