

Please read the gameplay instructions carefully. We recommend that you
practice before competing and then you will have the necessary skills to

Loading instructions

To avoid virus infection, switch off the computer for 30 seconds before
loading and always keep your game disks write protected, unless saving
a game.

Insert disk 1 in DF0 and switch on the computer. The game will now load.
Insert other disks when instructed by the computer.

The option screen

When the game has loaded you are presented with the game credits and
title screens. To access the game's main option screen press the left
mouse button. You will then be presented with the following options:


Please note: at any time while coaching or during a round of golf you can
quit back to the game's title screens by pressing the ESC key.


The coaching sessions allow the player to practice skills on particular
hazards that will appear during a full game. When you select a hazard
to play Nick Faldo appears and gives you instructions on what you are
expected to do. For further advice on how you can attempt the shot,
press the left mouse button when the pointer is placed over the Nick
icon. The hazards you can practice are as follow:

ALL SESSIONS - Practice all those listed below
FADE + DRAW (See below for details)


This option allows you to load a previously saved game from disk.
When clicking on the box a new menu appears displaying the loaded games
available. Click on the saved game of your choice and it will load
automatically and resume from where the game was saved. If you have not
previously saved a game, then these files wil lbe displayed as
'Empty Slots'.


To play a round of golf go to the main option screen and select the bottom
option titled A ROUND OF GOLF

This will take you to the ROUND OF GOLF options screen. On this screen
you can customise the kind of game you will be playing. Options are
as follow:



The object of the stroke play is to complete a round of course in the
fewest strokes possible. The winner is the competitor who completes the
course in the fewest strokes. You click on the appropriate number for
a 1-4 player stroke play competition. The box you have chosen will be
highlighted. The order of play at the beginning of the game is the order
the players were selected from the roster. Shots thereafter are played
furthest away from the hole. Players not on the green are always classed
as being further away than those on the green. The order of play on
subsequent holes is played in order of honor (winner of last hole first..
loser last).


In match play, a hole is won by the side/person which holes its ball in
the fewest strokes. A match consists in a full round of golf (18 holes)
and is won by the side which is leading by a number of holes greater
than the number remaining to be played.

If the teams are equal at the eighteenth hole, the game goes to sudden
death (starting with hole 1).

1X1 is a one on one competition and 2X2 is a competition between 2
teams of 2 golfers.

The order of play works in the same fashion as in stroke play except
for the fact that a player can swap to his team mate to play first at
any time (explained over).


Lets you select which course to play. There are 2 courses supplied
with NFCG. Course 1 is selected by left-clicking on the "1" icon,
course 2 is selected by left-clicking on the "2" icon.


Allows you to select which season to play in. The different seasons
affect the amount of winf you will have to contend with and how the
ball will behave on the ground due to the weather conditions.
The seasons are as follows:

SPRING: Weak wind, wet ground (ball bounces less)
SUMMER: Medium wind, medium ground
WINTER: Strong wind, hard ground
CONTINUE: Left-click on this icon to continue to the player
selection screen.


The player selection screen is used to choose who is playing. There
are 8 human players who can play. To select one, click on the
relevant Human number icon. Repeat this procedure to add more players.

To change the player's name, left-click on DELETE, tehn left-click on
the player whose name you want to change. To enter a new name, simply
type it on the keyboard and press RETURN.

To select a computer opponent, left-click on the relevant opponent
icon. The players at the top of the screen are harder to beat than those
at the bottom of the screen. NICK FALDO IS THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE..

Left-click on CANCEL to remove mistakes, left-click on DONE to
progress to the CLUB SELECTION screen.


The club selection screen is used to select which club you prefer.

Select 13 clubs by left-clicking on the name of the clubs. The
putter is provided automatically. The red bar next to the club
represents the "double-click zone" (explained later).
Basically, the shorter th ered bar, the harder it is to hit a ball
straight with that club. At first therefore, choose the clubs
with the longer bars.

As you play more the lenghth of these bars will increase.
Therefore the more you play the easier it gets. However, as you
improve so does the standard ofyour competition..just like the
real thing.

You are able to choose which caddie will accompagny you around
the course. Each caddie will give different comments/advice as
you progress, including sarcastic comments for poor play.


You are also able to select whether you wish to play in AMATEUR
or PROFESSIONAL mode. In amateur mode the double-click zone is always
proportionally larger than in the professional mode. Also in Amateur
you have a MULLIGAN option. This allows you to retake a shot if you
fail on your first attempt, effectively letting you learn how to
take shots so you can go on to play in PROFESSIONAL mode. After a
shot is taken, 2 boxes will appear and you will be asked if you
want to play from the NEW or OLD position. Slecting the OLD will
result in your being able to MULLICAN and take the shot again.
Selecting NEW puts you on to your new position so you can proceed
with your next stroke.

When you have selected your clubs and chosen your Caddy, click on
the "DONE" icon in the top right corner to progress to the first

To help you choose your clubs, here is a list of the clubs and the
distance they will hit the ball:

1 WOOD - 275 YARDS
2 WOOD - 260 YARDS
3 WOOD - 250 YARDS
4 WOOD - 235 YARDS
5 WOOD - 215 YARDS
1 IRON - 235 YARDS
2 IRON - 220 YARDS
3 IRON - 205 YARDS
4 IRON - 195 YARDS
5 IRON - 185 YARDS
6 IRON - 172 YARDS
7 IRON - 160 YARDS
8 IRON - 148 YARDS
9 IRON - 135 YARDS

These distances are based on the ball being hit cleanly from a tee,
landing and rolling on a fairway with no wind using normal power in
good summer conditions by a professional golfer.

Please note: if you wish you can take less than 13 clubs onto the
course if you feel confident enough.


In the top left corner of the screen is the CONTROLLER icon. Press
F1 to change between Mouse and Joystick. Mouse is the default
setting and is the recommended method of playing NICK FALDO'S


To the right of this are the CHANGE DIRECTION icons. These are displayed
as 2 directions arrows, one facing to the left and one facing to the
right. Click to turn the golfer in the chosen direction by a few
degrees each time. Repeat as required to rotate the golfer's


At the top center of the screen between the golfer direction arrows
is the DISTANCE TO PIN counter. This gives you the distance between
your golfer and the pin in yards. In the top right corner of the
screen is the number of strokes that this golfer has played on this

SWAP PLAYER (Match play only)

When playing in a team Match play competition, and extra icon appears
in the top-right hand corner of the screen. It is displayed as 2
rotating arrows, and allows you to swap which one of your players
is to take the next shot. When pressed, the other player in your
team ill appear ready to take the shot.


In left hand corner is the "SHOT POWER SELECTOR". This is displayed
as a vertical bar with increments from 0% to 100%. Click on the bar
at a certain position to select the power of each shot at that point.
Alternatively, holding the left mouse button down and moving up and
down over the icon also selects the power.


A the bottom right of the screen. The ball spin option is composed of
2 icons. The top icon selects back or top spin. This determines how
far the ball will roll when it lands; top spin causes the ball to
roll further and back spin reduces distance. This is displayed
as a horizontal bar. Over the bar is marker which looks like a golf
ball in the center of cross-hairs. Move the marker left for back spin
or right for top spin. Leaving the marker in the center will result
in a standard shot being taken.


At the bottom right of the screen. Below this is the stance selector.
Click on the left arrow to move your left foot back. Click again to
move back further. This OPENS your stance and makes the ball curve to
right when hit, creating what called a FADE. Click on the right arrow
to move your right foot back and CLOSE your stance. This causes the
ball to curve to the left and is called a DRAW. These features allow
the player to curve the ball around obstacles such as foliage and
trees which may obtruct the view of the hole.


In the center of the screen is the direction icon. This is displayed
as a small cross-hair and indicated the direction of the ball if a
perfect shot is played. The direction is chosen by placing your pointer
anywhere on the game screen. The cross hair will then be placed in the
position which will be the direction you will be attempting to place
your shot.


A pull-out menu. To the left of the screen is the CLUB SELECTION panel.
This is used to select which club to take for the next shot. Move the
pointer to this side of the screen and it will appear. Click on a
club to select it for play. The bar at the bottom of the panel
represents the red bar on the club selection screen. The shorter the bar
the harder the club is to use.


Click on save to bring up the save game options. A box similar to the
one for loading a save game will appear. Click on one of the empty
slot boxes and type the name you wish to save the game under. When you
have done this press return and then click on the CONTINUE box and the
game will now be saved to disk. You can now continue playing the game
from this point or turn off and re-load to this position at a later


A pull out menu. To the right of the screen is the information panel.
Move the pointer to this side of the screen and it will appear
automatically. This advises you on:


At the top of the panel is the BALL LIE indicator. This icon is very
important as it displays the terrain on which your ball is currently
positioned (rough, fairway, sand...). This is very important because
where the ball is positioned affects the choice of the club to be
used. For example a low iron is needed in very rough terrain; a
sand wedge is needed for bunker play.


Just below the ball lie indicator is the wind indicator. An arrow
shows the direction of the wind and the size of the arrow indicates how
strong it is, the larger the arrow, the stronger the wind.

NOTE: this only indicates the wind direction/strength overall. To see
how the wind affects different parts of the entire hole, see below,
under 'Course Map'.


Below this is the course map. This shows an overhead view of each hole.
Below the map, the length of the hole is given plus the par of the hole.

NOTE: You always face the pin after your first shot. Click on the map
to show the localised wind. This is important because there may be small
gusts blowing even if there is no predominant wind.


To play a shot, select the club you want to use. Move the shot
direction icon to where you want the ball to go and change any of the
above mentioned settings to your preference.

To hit the ball, move the mouse pointer to the buttom of the golfer
sprite until it changes into a curved arrow. Left click to initiate
the shot.

Once this is done, a SWING ICON will appear where the power indicator
used to be. This is split into 2 zones. First - the WRIST SNAP area.
Click to add an extra 10% power to your shot. A W appears if this
is succesful. However please note that breaking the wrist is risky.
Attempting to do so, but failing results in a club dexterity penalty.
This means your shot bar will be decreased in size resulting in your
double click zone being reduced in size (described below). Therefore
the wrist snap should only be attempted by experienced players.

Secondly is the DOUBLE CLICK area. This zone varies in length depending
on which club is used, click twice inside the zone ensures that the
flight of the ball is true. Miss the beginning of the zaone will result
in a HOOK and the ball flying to the left. Miss the second click will
result in a SLICE and the ball flying off to the right. Miss both clicks
will result in a MIS HIT.

Repeat this procedure until you reach the green, each time checking for
the position of your ball on the map and the lie of the ball so that you
use the best possible club selection for that all important next shot.


When using the putter the POWER icon and SWING icon are replaced by a
single icon representing the strength of the putt. Move the pointer to
the golfer's feet so it changes to a curved arrow and left-click. The
power wil start to increase. Click again to stop it and the putt will
be attempted.

When on the green you are given the aid of a grid that helps to show
the undulation of the green. Use the curvature of the green for
accurate putting.


When in the bunker you need the following combinations of club/stance
depending on the lie of the ball:

1 - Ball resting on top of sand
A normal stance is needed and a 6 iron or higher should be

2 - Ball partically buried
An open stance should be used and the club to use is the
sand wedge

3 - Plugged ball
Close your stance, use top spin and the club to use is again
the sand wedge


After each hole has been completed by all players the score card is
displayed. This shows you how many shots taken to reach the hole played
against how many it should have taken - PAR (displayed to the left of
the player scores). At the bottom of the card is the total shots played
and to the left is the total par for the course.

The card displays the current nine holes you are playing. To see the
other nine holes click the rotating arrow symbol in the top-right
hand corner of the score card.


Grandslam will be developing disks of World Famous Championship
Courses for use with Nick Faldo's Championship Golf. These will be
available to order.