| FACES : Tris III - Cracked by SKID ROW! |
| Typed by Master Blaster at Thunder Dome |
| Amiga Version 1.0 Release Notes |
| (Manual supplied was for IBM) |
These notes are meant to supplement the enclosed IBM manual. We
recommend reading this pamphlet thoroughly and referring to it when
necessary while you read the manual.
System requirements (pg.5)
FACES requires an Amiga computer with at least 512k RAM and a disk
drive. (Sound and music require 1 MB RAM). If you wish to play head-to
-head against another player, you will need a cable to connect the
computers or two Hayes-compatible modems (1200 baud minimum).
We assume you are familiar with the basic terms and operations of your
Amiga computer and its operating system. If this is your first program for
your Amiga, be sure to read your owner's manual for complete instructions.
Important Note: When installing or running the game from floppy, never
remove the disk from the drive until the disk drive light turns off.
Installing FACES to your hard drive (pg. 6)
To load FACES to your hard drive, insert your backup copy of FACES Disk
1 into your drive when prompted for the Workbench disk. Double-clicking on
the Faces-Install icon will install the game to dH0:FacesDrawer. The
install program can also be run from CLI. To install to a particular hard
drive and directory type "execute Faces1:Install partition:directory/" and
then press return.
Loading FACES from the backup floppy disks: (pg. 7)
To load FACES from the backup floppy disks, insert FACES Disk 1 into
your drive when prompted for the Workbench disk. If you're running from
Workbench, double-click on the Faces.x icon, or type Faces if you are
running from CLI. If you have more than 1MB RAM, Faces can be multitasked.
Loading FACES from a hard drive: (pg. 8)
If you are running under Workbench, enter the directory where you placed
the Faces program and double-click on the Faces.x icon to begin play.
If you are running under CLI, enter the directory where you placed the
Faces program and type Faces to begin play.
Configuration screen (pg. 11)
Most of the items that are available on the config screen in the IBM
version are now located as menu items on the menu bar. Below is a list of
the items available on the menu, and where they are located on the menu
File menu:
About Faces (Right-Amiga 1) - This will bring up a window with the names of
some of the people involved in bringing FACES to you. Click the mouse
button to exit.
Abort Game (Right-Amiga A) - This option will exit your current game and
will return you to the high scores screen.
Restart Game (Right-Amiga R) - This option will exit your current game and
return you to the configuration screen.
Show Scores (Right-Amiga H) - This brings up the top ten screen.
Clear Scores (Right-Amiga T) - This erases all high scores from the top ten
Load Graphics (Right-Amiga G) - This acts as defined in the manual on pg.
Unload Graphics (Right-Amiga U) - This acts as defined in the manual of pg.
Save Options (Right-Amiga Z) - This allows you to save all your current
menu item selections.
Reset Options (Right-Amiga X) - This resets all the menu options to their
default settings.
Quit (Right-Amiga Q) - This exits the game.
Options menu:
Pause (Right-Amiga P) - This pauses the game. Click "Continue" to resume.
Advanced Mode (Right-Amiga E) - This toggles the advanced mode on and off.
Sound (Right-Amiga S) - This toggles the sound effects on and off.
Music (Right-Amiga M) - This toggles the music on and off.
Increase Level (Right-Amiga L) - This increases the level of play by one
Change Control (Right-Amiga K) - This allows you to play using either
keyboard or joystick.
Confirm Choices (Right-Amiga C) - If this is checked, the computer will ask
you for confirmation on any menu choices.
One Player Mode (Right-Amiga V) - Choose this option to play the game solo.
Tournament Mode (Right-Amiga B) - Choose this option to bring up the
tournament window. Here you will choose the number of players, the names of
the players, and the amount of time the game will last.
Head-To-Head Mode (Right-Amiga N) - Choose this option to bring up the
communications window. Here you will choose the items listed on pages 19-20
in the manual.
Standard keyboard commands (pg. 15)
The F1 key does not replay the current song. [P] pauses the game, but to
continue play, you must click on "Continue" in the dialog box. [S] no
longer turns the sound on and off; you must use Right-Amiga [S] to toggle
the sound and Right-Amiga [M] to toggle the music.
Head-To-Head Mode (pg. 18)
To play against another player head-to-head, you need two Amiga
computers that meet the aforementioned hardware requirements, or one Amiga
and either a Macintrash or IBM compatable computer. You will also need two
registered copies of FACES (or CRACKED copies!). We do not recommend
multitasking when playing head-to-head.
Direct-connecting (Amiga to Amiga or Amiga to IBM):
1a. If you are connecting to an IBM (or compatible), check to see how many
pins the serial port has (it will be either 9 or 25). Obtain either a
9-pin to 25-pin or 25-pin to 25-pin null-modem serial cable to connect
the two computers.
1b. If you are connecting to another Amiga, you will need a 25-pin to
25-pin serial cable to connect the two computers.
2. Connect the 25-pin end of your cable to the serial port on your Amiga,
and the other end to the serial port on the IBM or Amiga.
Connection over the phone lines (Amiga to Amiga, IBM, or Macintrash):
1. Each player needs to have their modems turned on before loading FACES.
2. When playing Amiga to Macintrash, the players will have to reconnect
after each challenge (Isn't the MAC a LOVELY computer?? Heh!)
Head-to-head setup
To setup for head-to-head play, load FACES, then choose Head-To-Head
Mode from the Options menu. This will bring up a window with items similar
to the ones in the IBM version. The primary differences are below:
Reset - Restores the head-to-head options to the default settings.
Cancel - Exits this window without changing any of the options.
Save - Stores these settings for later use.
OK - Completes the setup and begins the connection procedure.
During the connection process, there will be a series of dialog boxes
that explain what is going on between the two computers. When the
connection is established, the prompts "Get Set" and "Go" will indicate
that play is about to begin.
If you are having problems connecting to the other computer, we
recommend that both players lower their baud rate settings to 9600 or
Loading/Unloading graphics (pg. 21)
Creating custom personalities:
Note: Before you begin to create custom faces, be sure to make a copy of
the template file (named TEMPLATE.IFF). This is so you will not
accidentally write over your original file.
Step 1: Loading the template
To begin creating your own faces, run a graphics program that accepts
IFF format files (like DeluxePaint). Next load in the template from your
Faces directory.
Step 2: Editing the template
Follow the same procedure as described in the manual.
Step 3: Saving the new file
When saving the new file, be sure that you are saving it in IFF format.
You are now ready to load your graphic file into the FACES program.
Load graphics (pg. 23)
To load new graphics for a particular level, pull down the option "Load
Graphics" from the File menu. A window will appear from which you can
select the graphics file to be loaded in. The button labeled "Parent" will
bring you up one directory from where you were. After choosing a file to be
loaded in and the level where you want to place it, click on the OK button.
If you then begin play on any level other than the one wher you placed your
custom graphis, your custom graphics will not be seen until you reach that
Master Blaster/SKID ROW!
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by Spectrum Holobyte
These are the IBM docs; however, these are also the docs that come with
the Amiga version. Ripped from the IBM scene by the Hellion and made Amiga
friendly and spiffed up by Mictlantecuhtli.
The object of FACES is to assemble chin, mouth, nose, eyes and forehead
segments of a face into a complete face that will then be removed from the
playing screen. When a perfect face is completed (one that uses all five
segments if the same personality), all "blocked" segments of the column the
face was on will be removed down to the next "open" segment. If a mixed face
(a complete face with segments of different personalities) is completed, the
"blocked" segment directly below the completed face will be removed. When a
face is completed, it will be transferred to the left hand side of the
screen. The game is over if a column of "blocked" segments reaches the top
of the playing screen.
A SEGMENT refers to a portion of a face which is a block containing
either a "chin," "lips," "nose," "eyes" or "top."
A PERSONALITY refers to a specific face. For example, Joan of Arc is a
A PERFECT FACE refers to a completed face that contains all five face
segments of only one personality.
A MIXED FACE refers to a completed face that contains segments of more
than one personality.
MOVEMENT refers to the horizontal and vertical manipulation of a pair of
face segments as they fall from the top of the game screen.
SWAPPING occurs when you transpose the position of the two face segments
on game screen.
FLIPPING occurs when you substitute the current face segments with a
different pair of face segments. The alternate pair will always be the same
portion of the face (chin, nose, etc.) but it might be a segment of a
different personality.
There are 10 difficulty levels in FACES, numbered 0-9. The higher the
difficulty level, the faster the face segments will drop from the top of the
screen. Also, the number of different personalities that can appear increases
by one every two levels beginning with 4 on level 0 and increasing to 8 on
level 9. The different personality categories are listed below:
0 Universal Faces 4
1 Modern World Figures 4
2 Faces from Art 5
3 Scientists 5
4 Musicians 6
5 Historical Americans 6
6 Literary Figures 8
7 Monsters 7
8 Historical Figures 8
9 American Holidays 8
Advance mode gives the expert FACES player an added challenge. When advanced
mode is selected, the segments fall much faster than they do in regular play
mode. The benefit of playing in advanced mode is that your score for dropping
pieces and completing a face is greater then it would be in regular play mode.
Of course, the game is much harder...
The configuration screen allows you to set the options you would like to
have for your FACES game. This screen will appear at the conclusion of every
game to allow you to adjust your options before playing again. To move and
select choices on this menu, use the arrow keys and enter. Following is a
brief description of the options available to your from this screen:
This option allows you to change the level of play for you game. The range
is from 0 (slowest speed and least number of personalities) to 9 (fastest
speed and greatest number of personalities).
This toggles the advanced mode ON or OFF.
This toggles your controls to utilize either the KEYBOARD or the JOYSTICK.
You can select the number of players(up to 10) using this option. If more
then 1 player is selected, all players will be playing in tournament mode.
If HEAD 2 HEAD is selected, two players can compete against each other
through direct-connect or over a modem.
This allows you to view the top ten scores on your FACES game. Press any
key on the high score screen to exit.
This option will allow you to clear the top ten high scores. You will be
prompted for confirmation of this action in case you selected it by mistake.
Use this selection to substitute faces in the game with faces that you have
created on you own.
Use this selection to remove faces that you have inserted using the load
graphics option.
This quits the program by exiting to DOS.
To complete a face, you must assemble the face segments in order; chin, lips,
nose, eyes and then top. If you place any segment out of order (for example,
placing a chin segment on a nose segment) that piece will become "blocked."
To complete a perfect face, you need to assemble all five face pieces of only
one personality. You can distinguish the different personalities from each
other because each has its own separate background color or pattern.
If you have a pair of segments straddling a column of pieces, you can move one
piece from side to side without moving the other one. In addition, when one of
the two pieces comes to rest on a column, you can move and flip the second one
on its own.
Pieces will fall from the top of the screen in pairs, and you can manipulate
the movement, flipping and swapping of these face segments either by the
keyboard or a joystick.
Points are accumulated in FACES through a number of different ways.
Each time a pair of pieces finishes its movement on either the bottom of the
screen or on the top of one of the stacks of blocked pieces you gain points.
Unlike TETRIS or WELLTRIS, you do not get any extra points for how far a
piece drops.
Bonus points are achieved on completion of a face. You obtain more points
for creating a perfect face then for a mixed face. When a face is completed,
it is removed from the game screen.
The taller a completed face is, the more bonus points you gain. However, you
will always get more points for a perfect face than for a taller mixed face.
In addition, the higher the level you are playing, the more points you get
for each piece and for completing a face. Playing in the faster advanced mode also
increases your overall score.
After completing 10 total faces(any combination of perfect or mixed faces),
you will advance to the next difficulty level. You can also press the + key
to increase your level.
The game ends whenever you press the ESC key or when a column of blocked
pieces reaches the top of the game screen. In tournament mode, a game can end
after the set time limit has expired. Play will then pass on to the next
player in the tournament. In head-to-head mode, the game ends when one player
has a column of blocked pieces reach the top of the screen. After the game
ends, press any key to go to the high score screen.
This screen show the top ten scores for your FACES game. If you have just
completed a game where you score was greater than the existing tenth place
score, you will be prompted to enter your name for the record books. Your
name and score will be saved and then placed on the screen among the existing
scores. Note: Some of the lines will be blank until ten games have been
Up to ten players can complete against each other in tournament mode. After
selecting the number of players on the configuration screen, press ENTER to
begin entering the participants' names and the time limit for each player's
game. Use the arrow keys to increase and decrease the amount of time each
player has during their turn. The default time limit is "OFF." If a time limit
limit has been selected, the tournament timer will appear in the lower left
hand corner of the playing screen throughout each player's game.
After pressing SPACEBAR to begin the tournament, the game will prompt Player
One to get ready to play. Pressing SPACEBAR again will start the game.
Each player will play exactly the same sequence of pieces as every other
player, and the player with the highest score at the end of the tournament
After everyone has finished playing their game, a tournament scoreboard
appears listing all of the players and their respective scores. If one of
the players has achieved a score high enough to be included on the top ten
list, their name will be placed there as well.
There are quite a few hints and tricks you can utilize in order to play
better and achieve a high score. The following is a short list of basic ones
you can employ in FACES. Not everything is covered; we can't let all of our
secrets out of the bad...
Position your pieces before flipping them. Rather than frantically trying to
flip, switch and move your pieces all at the same time, try to line up the
pieces above stacks where you want them to eventually end up, then flip them.
This tactic is somewhat useful in tournament mode as well, but in head-to-head
mode you usually don't have the luxury of time.
Drop pieces as quickly as possible in tournament mode and head-to-head mode.
In regular play mode, you have virtually unlimited time to maneuver and
position your pieces, but in tournament mode and head-to-head mode you are
racing against the clock. To coin the old adage, "He who hesitates is lost."
Nothing could be more true when you have FACES opponents breathing down your
Try to make perfect faces, especially in head-to-head mode. While it is
always a good idea to create a perfect face, in head-to-head mode perfect
faces are essential to winning. Creating a perfect face sends blocked pieces
to your opponent which could be the difference in the game.
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�� Latex!