(Who needs them its so easy)
Patrolman Murphy was the 32nd cop to be gunned down in Detroit since
Security Concepts Inc. took control of the police department.It was the
opportunity OCP had been waiting for...They took what was left of Murphy
and turned him into a deadly killing machine with a reinforced titanium body
an erased memory and a programmed mind.However they could not wipe out the
memory of his horrific ordeal and he sets out to track down the gang
responsible.In this game you are ROBOCOP!!You are the future of law enforcment
SPACE :- Jump
Point up
Point up/ascend stairs | Ascend stairs/point up
Left <----------------+----------------> Right
Descend stairs/move left | Move right/descend stairs
Fire will normally fire a bullet.However if ther is a villian next to him,
ROBOCOP will punch him therefore conserving ammunition.
Ammunition is limited for the superweapons.
In the photofit section left and right joystick movements select between
the differnt pieces of face available,whereas up and down movements select
which area of the photofit to change.
Armed with a standard police pistol you seek out the criminals responsible
for Murphy`s death.You can then collect capsules giving you more ammunition,
better fire power or three way bullets.You can also pick up baby food to
give you extra energy.
As ROBOCOP you must make your way through numerous sections in order to
complete the game.Making your way from left to right and shooting/punching
any villians that confront you.You will be shot at both from the ground and
from above.All bullets must be avoided as each hit reduces your energy
substantially.Crates and boxes may be found along the way which contain extra
energy(in the form of babyfood),or extra weapons.You will then progress onto
a shooting gallery enabling you to practise the accuracy of your fire power
and increase your score accordingly.After the second patrol you will be
confronted a photo-fit identification screen.You must match up the face on
the right with the one portrayed on the left,changing the hairline,eyes,nose,
mouth,chin and ears in order to build up the similar composite.Having
identified the perpetrator,you then proceed to the junk yard where many of
the villans lie in wait.Having completed your mission in the junk yard,you
will be confronted with a hostage situation whereby one of Clarence Boddickers
men is holding a girl hostage.You must now use all the abilities you learned
in the shooting gallery to shoot her captor without harming the hostage.
having successfully cleared up the hostage situation,you will then enter the
drugs factory,used for the manufacture of illegal narcotics.After this you
will be confronted with a thermograph photo-fit,similar to normal photo-fit
mentioned before.Having successfully identified all the main perpetrators,
you then make your way to the OCP Headquarters wherein you must evade the
boobytraps and villans and defeat the deadly ED209 which lies in wait at the
end of the level.Another shooting gallery gives you more oppotunity to hone
your abilities which may have impaired through injuries sustained,after which
you make you way inside the OCP Headquarters where even more challenges lie
in wait.The game culimates in a final hostage confrontation,where Dick Jones
is holding the President of OCP hostage.If you manage to defeat Dick Jones
the game will be completed and ROBOCOP will be hailed as a hero>
Score,time remaining and energy displayed at the top and bottom of screen
20 points for hitting a bad guy
50 points for killing a bad guy
250 points for collecting a capsule
Special bonus for completing a level
1.Conserve ammunition on superweapons
2.Criminals will always attack you at the same point.Remeber this positions
to gain the iniative
3.On hostage screens,try to anticipate the movement of the villians for an
easier shot.