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kyrosj: MAME ROM Information.


Kyros no Yakata (c) 1986 Alpha Denshi.

A vertically scrolling beat-em-up where you fight against monsters.


Main CPU : 68000 (@ 6 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)

Sound Chips : (3x) YM2203 (@ 3 Mhz), DAC

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 2


Released in December 1986.

The title of this game translates from Japanese as 'Kyros' Mansion'.

This game is known outside Japan as "Kyros".


Programmers : Akira Kobayasi, Hiroyuki Ryu, Hideo Samoda

Sound : Satoshi Hagitani

Designers : Pop House, Keniti Sakanishi

Producer : Hatsue Honba

Ochya Kumi : Tomoharu

Lunch : Wakana


* Computers :

Atari ST (1986, "Desolator")


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.37b2 [Bryan McPhail]

0.36b1 [Bryan McPhail]


- kyros, kyrosj: [possible] Sound is partially missing. Ash (ID 02868)

- [possible] There seem to be two graphical problems on the last level of the game (stage 5). Darkk (ID 01148)

- [possible] During the ending sequence, the characters' sprites seem to cover the text (priority bug?). Darkk (ID 01149)


- 0.140u3: Corrado Tomaselli changed Kyros clocks to match bootleg PCB. Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 4MHz and the 3x YM2203 to 2MHz.

- 8th December 2010: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Kyros No Yakata (Japan) (bootleg 1987). Note: MCU 68705U3S not dumped. All other roms are from Japanese set.

- 0.138u4: Kyros now load (but don't yet use) the decapped MCUs (kyros_68705u3.bin and kyros_mcu.bin) [Dr. Decapitator].

- 0.138u3: hap fixed a white noise which lasts throughout the game once you throw a punch.

- 27th June 2010: Guru - The HD6805U1 MCU for Kyros has now been successfully processed (decap, de-protect & read).

- 25th June 2010: Guru - The 68705U3 MCU for Kyros has now been successfully processed (decap, de-protect & read).

- 30th July 2008: Guru - Kyros chips arrived to be decapped, thanks to Dox.

- 0.122u8: Changed palettesize to 257 colors.

- 0.84: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added cocktail support to Kyros.

- 0.69a: David Haywood added clone Kyros No Yakata (Japan).

- 25th May 2003: Guru - Received Kyros No Yakata (Alpha Denshi 1986). Thanks to MAMEworld donations.

- 0.61: Removed 3rd button.

- 0.59: Acho A. Tang fixed Super Stingray and Kyros, and most problems in Gold Medalist. Fixed color, added sound and coin handler, corrected DIP settings. Replaced the 2x AY-8910 sound with 2x YM2203 (3MHz) and DAC. Fixed cpu2 rom address ($4000) and changed cpu2 rom ($18000) to user1 ($0). Added dipswitches 'Demo Sounds', 'Coinage', 'Difficulty' and 'Cabinet'.

- 18th March 2002: Acho A. Tang submitted a massive update for the Alpha68k driver, fixing a few graphics problems in Sky Adventure and Time Soldiers, and making Paddle Mania, Super Stingray and Kyros playable.

- 0.37b2: Bryan McPhail added Kyros (World Games Inc 1987).

- 30th April 2000: Nicola Salmoria improved the Kyros and Super Stingray colors a bit.

- 26th April 2000: Bryan McPhail sent in a big Alpha68k driver update, with support for Kyros, Super Champion Baseball, Super Stingray, the original version of Gang Wars and two new sets of Time Soldiers.

- 18th April 2000: Phil Stroffolino fixed some tilemap bugs and he fixed Kyros' graphics decoding.

- 0.36b1: Bryan McPhail added Kyros (Testdriver).


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Romset: 576 kb / 26 files / 281.7 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="kyrosj" sourcefile="alpha68k.c" cloneof="kyros" romof="kyros">
              <description>Kyros No Yakata (Japan)</description>
              <manufacturer>Alpha Denshi Co.</manufacturer>
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              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="68000" clock="6000000"/>
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              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="90" width="256" height="224" refresh="60.000000" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
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                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0" default="yes"/>
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                     <dipvalue name="A 3C/2C B 8C/1C" value="0"/>
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              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="257"/>

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