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batlgr2: MAME ROM Information.


Battle Gear 2 (c) 2000 Taito.


Taito Type Zero hardware


Released in July 2000.


* Secret Cars : At the car brand selection screen, hold down the START button and highlight either Toyota or Mazda, then press the Gas pedal to select. The secret cars are from the 'Initial D' anime. In Toyota, you have the Mecha Tuned Trueno with a 12,000 RPM engine, the Turbocharged Levin, and the Levin and Trueno SRs with a VERY weak SOHC engine. In Mazda, you have the Tuned FC3S (white) and FD3S (yellow) RX-7s, both are fast and maneuverable.


1. Battle Gear (1999)

2. Battle Gear 2 (2000)

3. Battle Gear 3 (2002)

4. Battle Gear 3 Tuned (2002)

5. Battle Gear 4 (2006)

6. Battle Gear 4 Tuned (2006)


* Consoles :

Sony PlayStation 2 (2001)


Machine's picture.

Game's ROM.

MAME Info:

0.138u2 [R. Belmont]

HardDisk required


- 0.145u4: Uncle Tom and The Dumping Union added clone Battle Gear 2 (v2.01J).

- 19th February 2012: Ville Linde - Battle Gear 2 started running. Graphics emulation really needs some work now.

- 0.139u1: gtbb08 and R. Belmont added HDD image for Battle Gear 2 (2.04J). Changed description to 'Battle Gear 2 (v2.04J)'.

- 0.138u2: R. Belmont added Battle Gear 2 (Taito 2000).

Recommended Games (Racing 3D):

Datsun 280 Zzzap

Night Driver

Speed Freak

Change Lanes

Konami GT

Out Run

Out Run (Mega-Tech)

Turbo Out Run

Turbo Outrun (Mega-Tech)


Out Run 2

Out Run 2 Special Tours

Rad Racer

Rad Racer II

Top Speed

Hard Drivin'

Race Drivin'

Hard Drivin's Airborne

Street Drivin'

Big Run

Cisco Heat

Rad Mobile

Rad Rally

Ridge Racer

Ridge Racer 2

Ridge Racer V Arcade Battle

Cruis'n USA

Cruis'n World

Cruis'n Exotica

Dangerous Curves

Dirt Dash

Midnight Run

Rave Racer

Sega Rally Championship

Sega Rally 2

Sega Rally 2 DX

Wheels & Fire

GTI Club

GTI Club 2

Pocket Racer

San Francisco Rush

San Francisco Rush: The Rock

San Francisco Rush 2049

Scud Race

Side By Side

Side By Side 2

Speed Up

Winding Heat

Over Rev

Roads Edge / Round Trip

California Speed

Thrill Drive

Thrill Drive 2

Battle Gear

Battle Gear 2

California Chase

18 Wheeler Deluxe

Initial D Arcade Stage

King of Route 66

Faster Than Speed

Romset: 256 kb / 2 files / 24.8 zip

Harddisk: 6.04 GB (CYLS: 13410, HEADS: 15, SECS: 63 - Compressed: 580.6)

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="batlgr2" sourcefile="taitotz.c" romof="taitotz">
              <description>Battle Gear 2 (v2.04J)</description>
              <rom name="e68-05-1.ic6" merge="e68-05-1.ic6" size="524288" crc="6ad9b006" sha1="f05a0ae26b6abaeda9c7944aee96c72b08fff7a5" region="user1" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="e68-04-1.ic5" merge="e68-04-1.ic5" size="524288" crc="c7c2dc6b" sha1="bf88c818166c285130c5c73d6982f009da26e143" region="user1" offset="2"/>
              <rom name="e87-03.ic14" size="131072" crc="49ae7cd0" sha1="15f07a6bb2044a85a2139481f1dc95a44520c929" region="io_cpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="e87-04.ic15" size="131072" crc="59f8f75f" sha1="f5595751b10c0033f460114c43f5e2c192fe61f1" region="io_cpu" offset="1"/>
              <rom name="e68-01.ic7" size="65536" status="nodump" region="sound_cpu" offset="0"/>
              <disk name="bg2_204j" sha1="7ac100fba39ae0b93980c0af2f0212a731106912" region="ide" index="0" writable="yes"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="PowerPC 603e" clock="10000000"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="iocpu" name="TLCS-900/H" clock="25000000"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="640" height="512" refresh="60.000000" />
              <sound channels="0"/>
              <input players="0">
              <driver status="preliminary" emulation="preliminary" color="good" sound="preliminary" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="0"/>

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