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comg157: MAME ROM Information.


Double Draw (c) 1983 Cal Omega.

Draw Poker with the exciting Double-Up feature plus the added attraction of a bonus draw. Player can discard up to 5 cards per hand. A pair of Jacks or better is a winning hand. If a lesser hand appears, he is offered a second 'Bonus Draw' of any one card. When a player has a winning hand, he has 2 choices. He may keep his win with the 'Take' button or try to double it with the 'Double' button. If he selects 'Double', 2 more choices appear, 'Big' or 'Small'. If 'Big' is selected, the next card to appear must be higher than an '8' to win. If 'Small' is selected, the next card to appear must be lower than an '8' to win. Winning doubles the player's skill points.


Housed in a 'The Derringer' cabinet.


Machine's picture.

Game's ROM.

MAME Info:

0.123u3 [Roberto Fresca]


- 0.123u3: Roberto Fresca added Cal Omega - Game 15.7 (Double-Draw Poker) (Cal Omega Inc. 1983).

Romset: 19 kb / 10 files / 12.2 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="comg157" sourcefile="calomega.c">
              <description>Cal Omega - Game 15.7 (Double-Draw Poker)</description>
              <manufacturer>Cal Omega Inc.</manufacturer>
              <rom name="15-71.u5" size="2048" crc="e0c89569" sha1="68f32b00dd8ceb08e9677438c2bfec86e1a7fe6a" region="maincpu" offset="1800"/>
              <rom name="15-72.u6" size="2048" crc="a3ebd1af" sha1="a31eff7fe205efeb5b6fe1adaed66d2f23f91844" region="maincpu" offset="2000"/>
              <rom name="15-73.u7" size="2048" crc="68682479" sha1="5644e7f86a854572f4e54d6cf9552ef9ccbcb195" region="maincpu" offset="2800"/>
              <rom name="15-74.u8" size="2048" crc="1d020dd0" sha1="a36ae43587c0dd9abcb893db45715c405bb091fe" region="maincpu" offset="3000"/>
              <rom name="15-75.u9" size="2048" crc="dba3ad3e" sha1="4ef16e7b7456e189fcbf3ceba98955960d0953fc" region="maincpu" offset="3800"/>
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