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coozumou: MAME ROM Information.


Oozumou (c) 1984 Data East.


DECO Cassette System hardware.

[Cassette No.41]


Game's ROM.

MAME Info:

0.145u1 [Charles MacDonald, Dr. Spankenstein, Kevin Eshbach, T. Huff, SteveS, E. Page-Hanify, Hikari, ArcadeDude, F. Bukor, N. Francfort, jmurjr, arcade-history.com, ThumB, Hurray Banana, Paratech, Xiaou2, Cornishdavey, A. Costin, M. Ponweiser, Tormod, Rambo, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]


- The tape loading counter starts at 144 and the graphics messed up at 52, because some data are loaded into the character/sprite generator RAM area.


- 0.145u4: Changed description to 'Oozumou - The Grand Sumo (DECO Cassette, Japan)'. Renamed (cgsumo) to (coozumou). Added 'Timer(Don't Change)' dipswitch.

- 0.145u1: Added 'Oozumou - The Grand Sumo (DECO Cassette)' (Data East 1984).

- 12th February 2012: Smitdogg - We got the first reads of the dongle and tape for The Grand Sumo DECO cassette. It isn't running in MAME yet and might have to be redumped but it looks good so far. Thanks to: Charles MacDonald, Dr. Spankenstein, Kevin Eshbach, T. Huff, SteveS, E. Page-Hanify, Hikari, ArcadeDude, F. Bukor, N. Francfort, jmurjr, arcade-history.com, ThumB, Hurray Banana, Paratech, Xiaou2, Cornishdavey, A. Costin, M. Ponweiser, Tormod and Rambo.

- 23rd May 2010: Smitdogg - We got undumped DECO Cassettes for The Grand Sumo, Skater Gaiter and Super Doubles Tennis! The auction also came with a complete system and cassettes for Burger Time and Burnin' Rubber which could be alt. versions. I'm not sure yet when they will be dumped, but they are secured. Thanks to tormod, Rambo, M. Ponweiser, A. Costin, Cornishdavey, Xiaou2, Paratech, E. Barwell, ThumB, www.arcade-history.com, jmurjr, N. Francfort, F. Bukor, Hikari, ArcadeDude, E. Page-Hanify, T. Huff, SteveS, c:\, Dr. Spankenstein and Kevin Eshbach! I took lots of pics and put them into 1 zip. A couple of the boxes (Scrum Try) don't go with the games they contain but I took pics of the boxes anyway. I don't have access to a scanner at the moment but I will scan the instructions, etc. before they leave my possession. Update: I've started dumping the motherboards and they have an alt set of chips.

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Oozumou - The Grand Sumo (DECO Cassette)

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Romset: 100 kb / 3 files / 37.0 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="coozumou" sourcefile="decocass.c" romof="decocass">
              <description>Oozumou - The Grand Sumo (DECO Cassette, Japan)</description>
              <manufacturer>Data East Corporation</manufacturer>
              <rom name="v0a-.7e" size="4096" crc="3d33ac34" sha1="909d59e7a993affd10224402b4370e82a5f5545c" region="maincpu" offset="f000"/>
              <rom name="v1-.5a" merge="v1-.5a" size="2048" crc="b66b2c2a" sha1="0097f38beb4872e735e560148052e258a26b08fd" region="audiocpu" offset="f800"/>
              <rom name="cassmcu.1c" merge="cassmcu.1c" size="1024" crc="a6df18fd" sha1="1f9ea47e372d31767c936c15852b43df2b0ee8ff" region="mcu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="v2.3m" merge="v2.3m" size="32" crc="238fdb40" sha1="b88e8fabb82092105c3828154608ea067acbf2e5" region="proms" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="v4.10d" merge="v4.10d" size="32" crc="3b5836b4" sha1="b630bb277d9ec09d46ef26b944014dd6165b35d8" region="proms" offset="20"/>
              <rom name="v3.3j" merge="v3.3j" size="32" crc="51eef657" sha1="eaedce5caf55624ad6ae706aedf82c5717c60f1f" region="proms" offset="40"/>
              <rom name="dp-141_a.dgl" size="32768" crc="bc379d2c" sha1="bab19dcb6d68fdbd547ebab1598353f436321157" region="dongle" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="dt-141_1a.cas" size="65536" crc="20c2e86a" sha1="a18248ba00b847a09df0bea7752a21162af8af76" region="cassette" offset="0"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="M6502" clock="750000"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="audiocpu" name="M6502" clock="500000"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="mcu" name="I8041" clock="6000000"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="ay1" name="AY-3-8910A" clock="1500000"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="ay2" name="AY-3-8910A" clock="1500000"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="270" width="256" height="240" refresh="57.444853" pixclock="6000000" htotal="384" hbend="0" hbstart="256" vtotal="272" vbend="8" vbstart="248" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="2" buttons="2" coins="2">
                     <control type="joy" ways="8"/>
                     <control type="stick" minimum="16" maximum="240" sensitivity="100" keydelta="10"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin A" tag="DSW1" mask="3">
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="0"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="3" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="2"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="1"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin B" tag="DSW1" mask="12">
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="0"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="12" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="8"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="4"/>
              <dipswitch name="Type of Tape" tag="DSW1" mask="48">
                     <dipvalue name="MT (Big)" value="0"/>
                     <dipvalue name="invalid?" value="16"/>
                     <dipvalue name="invalid?" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="MD (Small)" value="48" default="yes"/>
              <dipswitch name="Cabinet" tag="DSW1" mask="64">
                     <dipvalue name="Upright" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Cocktail" value="64"/>
              <dipswitch name="Lives" tag="DSW2" mask="1">
                     <dipvalue name="2" value="1" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="4" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Bonus Life" tag="DSW2" mask="6">
                     <dipvalue name="None" value="0"/>
                     <dipvalue name="30000" value="6" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="50000" value="4"/>
                     <dipvalue name="70000" value="2"/>
              <dipswitch name="Difficulty" tag="DSW2" mask="8">
                     <dipvalue name="Easy" value="8" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Difficult" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Timer(Don't Change)" tag="DSW2" mask="16">
                     <dipvalue name="Timer decrease" value="16" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Timer infinity" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Country Code" tag="DSW2" mask="224">
                     <dipvalue name="A" value="224" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="B" value="192"/>
                     <dipvalue name="C" value="160"/>
                     <dipvalue name="D" value="128"/>
                     <dipvalue name="E" value="96"/>
                     <dipvalue name="F" value="64"/>
              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="56"/>

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