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deucesw2: MAME ROM Information.


Deuces Wild - American Heritage (c) 1997 Unknown.


Game's ROM.

MAME Info:

0.141 [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]


- 0.141: ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia and The Dumping Union added Deuces Wild 2 - American Heritage (Ver. 2.02F) ( 1997).

- 30th December 2010: Luca Elia - Plenty of gambling boards have surfaced. They're canadian built (Blitz System) and pretty much use the same blitter based hardware as last post's Funny Fruit, which now lives in the blitz68k driver. They use from one to three 68HC705C8 MCUs for protection, so none of the games work. But here's as far as I could get them to, by patching the ROMs: The Hermit (Ver. 1.14), Deuces Wild 2 - American Heritage (Ver. 2.02F), Bank Robbery (two versions), Mega Double Poker Jackpot (Ver. 1.26), Mega Double Poker (Ver. 1.63 Espagnol), Maxi Double Poker (Ver. 1.10) and Dual Games (prototype). Thanks to ChrisQC, Smitdogg and The Dumping Union.

- 8th December 2010: Smitdogg - Luca Elia ran through some of the gambling games that ChrisQC donated a few weeks ago: Deuces Wild 2 (Ver. 2.02F) (c) 1997.

Romset: 896 kb / 4 files / 203.5 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="deucesw2" sourcefile="blitz68k.c">
              <description>Deuces Wild 2 - American Heritage (Ver. 2.02F)</description>
              <rom name="cb2wild-ah-2.02f-a.u92" size="262144" crc="723140ef" sha1="8ab9c89663ce0dd736b6e9f701f16dbf5ebb9527" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="cbc-8l_2.0.u31" size="8192" status="nodump" region="mcu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="cb2wild-ah-2.02f-d.u87" size="262144" crc="7ab3ea30" sha1="5e435f2a6ea169b827ae0f3da6a8afda0b636d7e" region="blitter" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="cb2wild-ah-2.02f-c.u94" size="262144" crc="5b465430" sha1="df428e3309732376d0999ad75567e264b7db9a1c" region="blitter" offset="1"/>
              <rom name="cb2wild-ah-2.02f-k.u54" size="131072" crc="1eea618b" sha1="65f3513d1a93a8afbfaeff27ebea5f0b5348e54b" region="samples" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="gal16v8d_vdp.u23" size="279" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="gal16v8d_ck2.u62" size="279" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="gal16v8d_vdo.u65" size="279" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="gal16v8d_ck1.u70" size="279" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="gal16v8d_irq.u80" size="279" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="gal16v8d_dec.u83" size="279" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="gal16v8d_pia.u86" size="279" status="nodump" region="plds" offset="0"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="68000" clock="11059200"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="dac" name="DAC"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="512" height="256" refresh="60.000000" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="1" coins="3" service="yes">
                     <control type="gambling"/>
              <dipswitch name="Screen Refresh" tag="DSW" mask="256">
                     <dipvalue name="50 Hz" value="0"/>
                     <dipvalue name="60 Hz" value="256" default="yes"/>
              <dipswitch name="Pinout" tag="DSW" mask="14336">
                     <dipvalue name="8L6 (Cherry Master)" value="14336"/>
                     <dipvalue name="8L7" value="12288"/>
                     <dipvalue name="8L10" value="10240"/>
                     <dipvalue name="L74" value="8192" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Invalid #1" value="6144"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Invalid #2" value="4096"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Invalid #3" value="2048"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Invalid #4" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unknown" tag="DSW" mask="16384">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="16384" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Factory Default" tag="DSW" mask="32768">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="32768" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <driver status="preliminary" emulation="preliminary" color="good" sound="preliminary" graphic="good" protection="preliminary" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="256"/>

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