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devstors2: MAME ROM Information.


Devastators (c) 1988 Konami.

A shoot'em up / action game.


Game ID : GX890

Main CPU : HD6309 (@ 3 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM2151 (@ 3.579545 Mhz), K007232 (@ 3.579545 Mhz)

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 224 x 304 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 256

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 2


Released in September 1988.

This game is known in Japan as "Garuka".

The portrait of the hero in the titlescreen proves that he is clearly a parody of Sylvester Stallone in 'Rambo'.

King Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Konami Game Music Collection Vol.0 - 276A-7708) on 21/07/1989.



* Software version V


* Software version X


* Software version Z


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.

MAME Info:

0.36b2 [Nicola Salmoria]

0.33b7 [Bryan McPhail]

Artwork available


- There are some sprite zooming problems. YMI (ID 00505)

- Original PCB running attract mode and a short game through an RGB board and into my PC. Smitdogg (ID 04116)


- 0.145u4: hap fixed sound regression MainEvent driver.

- 0.142u3: Angelo Salese fixed protection read-back registers 0x07 and 0x0e / 0x0f in K051733 math chip. Made K051733 RNG to behave like an adder.

- 0.136u1: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save states to the MainEvent driver.

- 0.135u4: Fabio Priuli updated Devastators to use Konami video devices.

- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Devastators. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitches to 'Unused'. Renamed (devstor2) to (devstors2) and (devstor3) to (devstors3).

- 0.131u1: Angelo Salese merged memory maps in the MainEvent driver.

- 0.129u4: Fixed rom names.

- 27th December 2008: Mr. Do - Kiltron knocked a few bezels out this month including Devastators courtesy of the BYOAC/CAG artwork.

- 0.122u7: Changed HD6309 CPU1 clock speed to 12MHz.

- 0.106u3: Fixed 'Bonus Life' and 'Difficulty' dipswitch port names.

- 0.69: Changed description to 'Devastators (ver. Z)' and clones '(version X)' to '(ver. X)', '(version V)' to '(ver. V)' and 'Garuka (Japan)' to 'Garuka (Japan ver. W)'. Removed 3rd coin slot. Added 'Unknown' dipswitch.

- 0.36b13: Added clone Devastators (version V). Manuel Abadia fixed protection in Devastators.

- 28th December 1999: Manuel Abadia sent in a Konami update with K051733 working fully in Devastators.

- 0.36b4: Added clone Garuka (Japan).

- 0.36b3: Added Z80 (3579545 Hz), YM2151 (3579545 Hz) and Konami 007232 sound. Changed M6309 CPU1 clock speed to 3MHz and added prom ($0 - priority encoder).

- 10th August 1999: Nicola added sound to Devastators.

- 0.36b2: Nicola Salmoria added Devastators (version Z). Changed 'Devastators' to clone '(version X)'. Renamed (devstors) to (devstor2). Changed visible area to 224x304. Added dipswitches 'Coin A/B', 'Lives', 'Cabinet', 'Bonus Life' and 2x 'Unknown'.

- 0.35b6: Replaced M6809 CPU1 with M6309.

- 0.33b7: Bryan McPhail added Devastators (Konami 1988), not working. Protected? Unimplemented opcodes? Sprite priorities not yet fully correct. No sound. Graphics rom test fails.

- 27th March 1998: CaBBe dumped Devastators (ver. X).

ARCADE RELEASE: Garuka (Konami) - 1988/Sep/13


Other Emulators:

* FB Alpha

Recommended Games (Army Fighter 3D):

Operation Wolf

Operation Thunderbolt

Operation Wolf 3



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Romset: 1889 kb / 10 files / 606.4 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="devstors2" sourcefile="mainevt.c" cloneof="devstors" romof="devstors">
              <description>Devastators (ver. X)</description>
              <rom name="890x02.k11" size="65536" crc="e58ebb35" sha1="4253b6a7128534cc0866bc910a271d91ac8b40fd" region="maincpu" offset="10000"/>
              <rom name="890k01.f7" merge="890k01.f7" size="32768" crc="d44b3eb0" sha1="26109fc56668b65f1a5aa6d8ec2c08fd70ca7c51" region="audiocpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="890f06.f22" merge="890f06.f22" size="65536" crc="26592155" sha1="aa1f8662f091ca1eb495223e41a35edd861ae9e9" region="gfx1" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="890f07.h22" merge="890f07.h22" size="65536" crc="6c74fa2e" sha1="419a2ad31d269fafe4c474bf512e935d5e018846" region="gfx1" offset="1"/>
              <rom name="890f08.j22" merge="890f08.j22" size="65536" crc="29e12e80" sha1="6d09e190055218e2dfd07838f1446dfb5f801206" region="gfx1" offset="20000"/>
              <rom name="890f09.k22" merge="890f09.k22" size="65536" crc="67ca40d5" sha1="ff719f55d2534ff076fbdd2bcb7d12c683bfe958" region="gfx1" offset="20001"/>
              <rom name="890f04.h4" merge="890f04.h4" size="524288" crc="f16cd1fa" sha1="60ea19c19918a71aded3c9ea398c956908e217f1" region="gfx2" offset="0"/>
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              <rom name="63s141n.k14" merge="63s141n.k14" size="256" crc="d3620106" sha1="528a0a34754902d0f262a9619c6105da6de99354" region="proms" offset="0"/>
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              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="HD6309" clock="12000000"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="audiocpu" name="Z80" clock="3579545"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="ymsnd" name="YM2151" clock="3579545"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="k007232" name="K007232" clock="3579545"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="90" width="304" height="224" refresh="60.000000" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="2" buttons="2" coins="2">
                     <control type="joy" ways="8"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin A" tag="DSW1" mask="15">
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="2"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="5"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="8"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/2 Credits" value="4"/>
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/3 Credits" value="1"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="15" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/4 Credits" value="3"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/3 Credits" value="7"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="14"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/5 Credits" value="6"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="13"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/4 Credits" value="12"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/5 Credits" value="11"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/6 Credits" value="10"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/7 Credits" value="9"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Free Play" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin B" tag="DSW1" mask="240">
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="80"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="128"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/2 Credits" value="64"/>
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/3 Credits" value="16"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="240" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/4 Credits" value="48"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/3 Credits" value="112"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="224"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/5 Credits" value="96"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="208"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/4 Credits" value="192"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/5 Credits" value="176"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/6 Credits" value="160"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/7 Credits" value="144"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Invalid" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Lives" tag="DSW2" mask="3">
                     <dipvalue name="2" value="3"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3" value="2" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="5" value="1"/>
                     <dipvalue name="7" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Cabinet" tag="DSW2" mask="4">
                     <dipvalue name="Upright" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Cocktail" value="4"/>
              <dipswitch name="Bonus Life" tag="DSW2" mask="24">
                     <dipvalue name="150 and every 200" value="24"/>
                     <dipvalue name="150 and every 250" value="16" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="150 Only" value="8"/>
                     <dipvalue name="200 Only" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Difficulty" tag="DSW2" mask="96">
                     <dipvalue name="Easy" value="96"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Normal" value="64" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Hard" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Very Hard" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Demo Sounds" tag="DSW2" mask="128">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="128"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0" default="yes"/>
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                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="1" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW3" mask="2">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="2" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Service Mode" tag="DSW3" mask="4">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="4" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW3" mask="8">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="8" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="256"/>

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