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mspacmnf: MAME ROM Information.


Ms. Pac-Man (c) 1981 Midway.

In this, the first proper sequel to Namco's legendary pill eating maze game, players must once again run around a number of mazes, eating all of the pills that are scattered throughout. The ever-present ghosts (Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Sue) return to hamper the player's progress. The infamous 'Power Pills' are also present and correct, with four appearing in each maze.

Namco introduced a number of changes and enhancements over the original game. The first difference is in the main character. For the first time in video-game history, the game's lead character was female. Ms. Pac-Man is almost identical to the original character with two main differences; she wears a bow in her 'hair', and is also wearing lipstick.

Another change from the original is that the bonus fruit items are no longer static but now move randomly around the mazes.

Ms Pac-Man features 4 different maze layouts, which alternate every 2 to 4 screens :

The 1st maze is only encountered in Rounds 1 and 2, and has 220 dots and 4 Power Pills. There are 2 sets of tunnels in this maze equidistant from the center of the maze. You must clear this maze 2 times before moving on to the next maze.

The 2nd maze is only encountered in Rounds 3, 4, and 5, and has 240 dots and 4 Power Pills. There are 2 sets of tunnels in this maze; one set in the lower half, and the other set at the very top. You must clear this maze 3 times before moving on to the next maze.

The 3rd maze is first encountered in Round 6 and has 238 dots and 4 Power Pills. Unlike all other mazes, there is only 1 set of tunnels in this maze, slightly above the center of the board. You must clear this maze 4 times before moving on to the next maze.

The 4th and final unique maze is first encountered in Round 10 and has 234 dots and 4 Power Pills. There are 2 sets of tunnels in this maze, directly next to one another in the middle of the maze. The turns at the entrance to the tunnels change the usual immediate accessibility of the tunnels and should be taken in to account. You must clear this maze 4 times before moving on to the next maze.

After Round 13, the game alternates every 4 rounds between the 3rd and 4th mazes.

Finally, the ghosts' movement patterns are also completely different to those of the original game.

As in the original game, intermission scenes will be played after certain rounds. Ms. Pac-Man's intermissions tell the story of how Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man met, fell in love, and had a baby. Ms. Pac-Man's intermissions are also preceded by a sign and a title. 3 intermissions are present :

1) Act I - They Meet : Pac-Man, the star of the original game, enters the screen being chased by Inky while Ms. Pac-Man enters from the other side being chased by Pinky. As the 2 of them are about to collide, they quickly move upwards, causing Inky and Pinky to collide. Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man face each other at the top of the screen, and a heart appears above them. This intermission is played after Round 2.

2) Act II - The Chase : Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man are seen giving each other a playful chase. One chases the other in one direction, and they take turns alternating who chases who and in what direction. After three turns, they chase each other twice more at a faster speed. This intermission is played after Round 5.

3) Act III - Junior : Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man anxiously await the arrival of a stork, who flies overhead with a bundle. As the stork is about to pass over them, he releases the bundle, which drops to the ground in front of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, and opens up to reveal a baby Pac. This intermission, which is played after Rounds 9, 13, and 17, would later serve as the introductory sequence to "Jr. Pac-Man".

No intermission is present between rounds after the 18th one.


[Upright model]

[No. 595]

The upright model came in the standard Namco/Midway cabinet. This is the same 'swoopy' cabinet that "Galaxian", "Galaga", and "Pac-Man" came in as well. These featured painted side-art of Ms. Pac-Man and the ghosts, along with some pink accent lines. The last 10,000 or so Ms. Pac-Man machines to roll off the assembly line had sticker side-art instead, it was the same basic scene, but the colors were brighter, and there were a few minor differences in the layout of the graphics. The marquee showed an image of Ms. Pac-Man lounging on her own logo, with a ghost off to the side. The exact colors used on the marquee varied a bit over the production run (as did the paint codes used on the side). The control panel and monitor bezel had a single design that covered both of them, that of a blue background with a pink or maroon stripe going around it, with a few game instructions printed upon them.

Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 Mhz)

Sound Chips : Namco 3-channel WSG (@ 96 Khz)

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 224 x 288 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.61 Hz

Palette colors : 16

Players : 2

Control : 4-way joystick


Having won their enhancement kit lawsuit against Atari, General Computing went to Bally Midway and showed them an enhancement kit that they were working on for Pac-Man called Crazy Otto. Crazy Otto was a character similar to Pac-Man with the exception that he had legs. GCC was going to bluff Midway into letting them release their enhancement kit by telling them that they won their lawsuit against Atari, and that they just wanted Midway's blessing. Midway suggested that they create a sequel to the original "Pac-Man" instead of an enhancement kit, and GCC got to work on Ms. Pac-Man. Ms. Pac-Man had two prior names before settling on the one that everyone knows. 'Mrs. Pac-Man' was the original, but some of the women employees at Midway had a problem with that, so it was changed to 'Miss Pac-Man'. When someone pointed out the third intermission, where Pac and Ms. Pac welcome "Jr. Pac-Man" (or Baby Pac-Man) into the fold, they changed it to the final name of 'Ms. Pac-Man'. Midway released "Baby Pac-Man" as a pinball/video hybrid, and General Computing sued the company, claiming they had created the concept of a Pac Family. They won the suit and were awarded royalties from Pac Family merchandise.

In its initial run 110,000 units were produced in the U.S. making it the best selling domestic arcade video game of all time.

The game added a few improvements over the original :

* Non-deterministic artificial intelligence for the ghosts, making it harder for enthusiasts to follow set patterns through levels.

* A variety of different mazes used through the game.

* Bonus items (such as cherries and pretzels) entered the maze and bounced through it, rather than appear in a set location as in the original, making the player go out of his way to attain it.

* Brand new sound effects, including a new 'death' sound and opening theme.

It was also one of the more successful of early arcade games in the female demographic, which has been attributed to 'Ms. Pac-Man' being a girl - although the Ms. Pac-Man sprite was little more than "Pac-Man" with eyelashes, a bow, lipstick and a dimple.

After the 255th level, the maze (including dots) disappears. The game becomes unplayable, since there are no more dots to eat.

Chris Ayra holds the record for this game on 'Regular' settings with 920,310 points on August 16, 1998.

Victor Kunisada holds the record for this game on 'Speed-Up' settings with 922,810 points on June 16, 2001.

Vancouver, Canada (Reuters) - Little seven year old, Al Nagac attained the Guinness World Record for Ms. Pac-Man v.2.97 with a score of 18,976,048. Al was exhausted and dehydrated and asked for several glasses of skim milk after shattering the longtime record of 11,056,736 set by Faith deRivera, who was onhand to congratulate the victor with a kiss on the cheek.

A Ms. Pac-Man unit appears in the 1983 movie 'WarGames', in the 1983 movie 'Joysticks', in the 1984 movie 'Tightrope' (the cab appears in the background of the bar scene), in the 1990 movie 'The Grifters' , in the 1999 movie 'Man In The Moon' and in the 2002 movie 'Van Wilder'.

Milton Bradley (MB) released a board game based on this video game in 1983. Up to 4 players can play. The maze is divided into four colored areas, representing each player; the object of the game is to clear all the dots in your colored area. Only one player at a time controls Ms. Pac-Man; the other players control the ghosts. Once a ghost catches Ms. Pac-Man, the player controlling that ghost takes over control of Ms. Pac-Man.

Michael Jackson used to own this game (Midway upright). It was sold at the official Michael Jackson Auction on Apr. 24th, 2009.

Official products:

Ms. Pac-Man [Upright model] [No. 595]

Ms. Pac-Man [Cocktail model] [No. 599]

Ms. Pac-Man [Mini-Myte model] [No. 602]

Unofficial products

Ms. Pac-Man Plus

Ms. Pac Attack

Ms. Pac-Man Champion Edition



Dot : 10 points

Power pill (energizer) : 50 points

Ghosts : 200, 400, 800, 1600 points

Cherry : 100 points

Strawberry : 200 points

Peach : 500 points

Pretzel : 700 points

Apple : 1000 points

Pear : 2000 points

Banana : 5000 points


* The most dangerous section of the first maze is the long path at the very top. It is safest to clear it when the ghosts are blue, or at least 3 of them occupy the bottom half of the maze.

* There are a couple of dangerous sections in the second maze. The pathways above and below the T section at the top of the maze can be particularly easy to get trapped in. It is easiest to clear these when all 4 ghosts are close on your tail, or after eating one of the top two power pellets. The two sections directly above the lower escape tunnels on either side should also be cleared with caution.

* The most dangerous section of the 3rd maze is the center of the bottom, directly below where you begin. It is advisable to clear it out as early as possible before the ghosts can organize and trap you. The top section of the maze presents the ghosts with many pathways to reach you, so use caution.

* The most dangerous sections of the 4th maze is the section that you begin in, and the section directly above the ghosts' den. The very top section of the maze should also be cleared with caution.

* Secret Message : the message 'GENERAL COMPUTER CORPORATION Hello, Nakamura!' is buried at the end of the Ms. Pac-Man ROM image (Masaya Nakamura was head of Namco).

* There's a fairly well-known glitch in the game - if you put a coin in when the Ms. Pac-Man marquee title first appears but before Blinky appears then the first board will be blue instead of pink and will remain blue until you either finish the board or lose a life, after which the board will return to its normal color.


1. Pac-Man (1980)

2. Ms. Pac-Man (1981)

3. Super Pac-Man (1982)

4. Pac-Man Plus (1982)

5. Jr. Pac-Man (1983)

6. Pac & Pal (1983)

7. Pac-Land (1984)

8. Pac-Mania (1987)

9. Pac-In-Time (1994, Nintendo SNES)

10. Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (1994, Nintendo SNES, Sega Mega Drive)

11. Pac-Man VR (1996)

12. Pac-Man World (1999, Sony PlayStation)

13. Pac-Man - Adventures in Time (2000, PC CD-ROM)

14. Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness (2000, Sony PlayStation)

15. Ms. Pac-Man - Quest for the Golden Maze (2001, PC CD-ROM)

16. Pac-Man All-Stars (2002, PC CD-ROM)

17. Pac-Man Fever (2002, Sony PS2)

18. Pac-Man World 2 (2002, Sony PS2, Nintendo GameCube, and Microsoft XBOX; 2004, PC CD-ROM)

19. Pac-Man vs. (2003, Nintendo GameCube)

20. Ms. Pac-Man - Maze Madness (2004, Nintendo GameBoy Advance)

21. Pac-Man World 3 (2005, Sony PSP, Sony PS2, Nintendo GameCube, Microsoft XBOX, PC CD-ROM, Nintendo DS)

22. Pac'n Roll (2005, Nintendo DS)

23. Pac-Pix (2005, Nintendo DS)

24. Pac-Man Championship Edition (2007, Xbox Live)

25. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (2010, Xbox Live & PSN)

26. Pac-Man Battle Royale (2010)


Co-Creator: Steve Golson


* Consoles :

Atari 2600 (1982)

Atari 5200 (1983)

Atari 7800 (1984)

Atari XEGS

Atari Lynx (1990)

Nintendo Famicom (1990) : features 36 different mazes (including the original 4) and allows 2 players to play simultaneously.

Sega Master System (1991)

Sega Game Gear (1993)

Nintendo Game Boy (1993)

Nintendo Super Famicom (1996) : features 36 different mazes (including the original 4) and allows 2 players to play simultaneously.

Sega Mega Drive (1996) : features 36 different mazes (including the original 4) and allows 2 players to play simultaneously.

Sony PlayStation (1996, "Namco Museum Vol.3")

Nintendo Game Boy Color (1999, "Ms. Pac-Man - Special Color Edition")

Nintendo 64 (1999, "Namco Museum 64")

Sega Dreamcast (1999, "Namco Museum")

Nintendo Game Boy Advance (2001, "Namco Museum")

Sony PlayStation 2 (2001, "Namco Museum")

Nintendo GameCube (2002, "Namco Museum")

Microsoft XBOX (2002, "Namco Museum")

Sony PlayStation 2 (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")

Microsoft XBOX (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")

Nintendo GameCube (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")

Nintendo Game Boy Advance (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")

Sony PSP (2005, "Namco Museum Battle Collection")

Microsoft XBOX 360 (2007, Xbox Live Arcade)

Microsoft XBOX 360 (2008, "Namco Museum Virtual Arcade") : as an Xbox Live Arcade game

* Computers :

Apple II (1983)

PC [Booter] (1983)

Commodore VIC-20 (1983)

Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (1983)

Tandy Color Computer (1983, "Miss Gobbler")

Tandy Color Computer (1984, "Ms. Maze")

Commodore C64 (1984)

Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1984)

PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (1998, "Microsoft Revenge of Arcade")

PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2000, "Microsoft Return of Arcade 20th Anniversary")

PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2005, "Namco Museum 50th Anniversary")

* Others :

VFD handheld game (1981 - Coleco)

LCD handheld game (1992 - MGA (Micro Games of America))

Mobile Phones (2003)

Ms. Pac-Man TV Game (2004 - Jakk's Pacific)

Ms. Pac-Man TV Game Wireless Version (2005 - Jakk's Pacific)

Android Market (2011 - Namco)


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.

MAME Info:

0.37b16 [Dave Widel]

0.01 [Nicola Salmoria, Allard van der Bas]

Artwork available


- Sometimes the colours on the first level appear incorrect until you either die or finish the level. The original game does this as well, although it doesn't happen very often. It appears that this is triggered by insert a credit and pressing start at a certain point in the attract mode. Because most people add credits shortly after the game has finished booting up, this feature is more likely to appear in MAME than on an actual arcade machine.


- Ghost tunnel behavior different than arcade. jpittman (ID 04251)

- Clone mspacmab: Number of maximum level. dwidel (ID 00823)


- 0.146: Jim Skilskyj and MisfitMAME added clone Ms. Pac-Man II (Orca bootleg set 1). Corrado Tomaselli and MisfitMAME added clone Ms. Pac-Man II (Orca bootleg set 2).

- 0.145u7: GCC sold Crazy Otto to Midway, who then made minor modifications and turned it into Ms. Pac-Man [hap]. Changed manufacturer to 'Midway / General Computer Corporation'.

- 0.138u1: Andrew Welburn and The Dumping Union added clone 'Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Zola-Puc Gal'. Renamed (mschamp) to (mschamps).

- 0.128u4: More accurately describes the aux board behavior for Ms. Pac-Man [Steve Golson]. There is a thorough description of how the board works. mspacman is a more faithful emulation. In particular you can now enter service mode (F2) at anytime during game play.

- 0.126u3: David Haywood changed unmapped read for Ms. Pac-Man to see if it changes tunnel behavior (suggestion by dwidel).

- 0.126u2: Brian Troha added information on how to toggle the built-in speedup in Ms. Pac-Man.

- 9th July 2008: Mr. Do - When I "fixed" the colors on the Ms. Pac-Man bezel, I didn't do it right either (apologies to Ad_Enuff). I think I got it right this time. On the cocktail artwork, a piece on one of the A's was missing (wrong layer order in uploaded AI file). Also matched the colors on the cocktail to those of the upright.

- 17th June 2007: Mr. Do - Added the cabaret version bezel to Ms. Pac-Man.

- 11th March 2007: Mr. Do - Adjusted the colors on the Ms. Pac-Man upright to match more of what I see everywhere I go. Also made the same adjustments to the cocktail bezel.

- 10th December 2006: Mr. Do - Thanks to the loan by Vintage Arcade Superstore, Ms. Pac-Man artwork is finally, FINALLY, brought to Justice, thanks to cleanup by Addy.

- 24th August 2006: Mr. Do - Added Ms. Pacman cocktail artwork.

- 0.105u2: David Widel added clone Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, (encrypted)). The game is encrpyted by a 74298 sitting on top of the rom at 6f. The select line is tied to a2; a0 and a1 of the EPROM are are left out of socket and run through the 74298.

- 0.90u4: Dave Widel added full memory map to Ms. Pac Man, this should fix the game ending.

- 0.84u6: Aaron Giles added clone Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack). Removed existing speedup cheat hack from Pacman/Ms Pac Man as the way it was implemented in MAME is NOT how it was implemented in the arcades. I have added the hacked software ROMs as three separate sets for Puck Man, Pac Man, and Ms. Pac Man. These hacked ROMs do not let you control the speed of the game with a button; the game is always fast, and Pac Man is faster than the ghosts. Also added a fake dipswitch to control the equivalent of the hardware version of the speedup hack. It can be set to "Disabled", "Enabled Always", or "Enabled with Button". Note that this hack speeds up everyone, including the ghosts, as the original hack did.

- 0.55: Added clone Ms. Pacman Champion Edition / Super Zola Pac Gal.

- 0.37b16: Dave Widel decrypted the original Ms. Pac Man. Added Ms. Pac-Man (Midway) and clone Ms. Pac Attack. Renamed (mspacman) to (mspacmab) and (mspacatk) to (mspacpls).

- 0.35b11: Victor Trucco added clone Pac Gal (hack 1981).

- 0.34b1: Added sound and color proms ($0, 10).

- 0.33b5: Known issues: In Miss Pac Plus, use the 2 player start button to accelerate. This is a feature of the original game.

- 0.30: Nicola Salmoria and Aaron Giles completely rewritten the Namco waveform audio subsystem. This gets rid of some artefacts in Pac Man (eating a ghost) and Ms Pac Man (eating dots while a fruit is bouncing).

- 0.29: Changed description of clone 'Ms. Pac Man Attacks' to 'Miss Pac Plus'.

- 0.25: Added clone 'Ms. Pac Man Attacks'. In Miss Pac Plus the bonus fruits move through the maze walls. This is normal, the original does the same. Known issues: Speed cheat doesn't work in clone version. In clone version bonus (like cherry) moves over the maze. I think this is a rom bug and not a MAME one.

- 0.18: Sprite placement in Ms Pac Man should now be arcade perfect [Nicola Salmoria]. Thanks to Richard Davies who verified it on a real machine.

- 0.15: Nicola Salmoria added high score saving to Ms. Pac Man.

- 0.06: Nicola Salmoria fixed staccato notes in Pacman and other games using the same hardware. There are still some minor glitches (especially in Ms. Pac Man) but Pac Man tunes are now very close to the original.

- 0.01: Nicola Salmoria added Ms. Pac Man (bootleg 1981). Game is playable with accurate colors and sound. Control: Arrows = Move around, F1 = Skip level, F2 = Test mode and CTRL = Speed up cheat. Known issues: Blinky and Pinky seem to be shifted one pixel to the right. This is really annoying, but I can't seem to be able to understand why. Maybe there is an additional "sprite offset" register somewhere? Or did the original just behave this way? Note that we can't fix it by just moving sprites 0 and 1 one pixel to the left, because when Pac Man eats a power pill the sprites order is changed so that Pac Man is drawn over the ghosts. It becomes sprite 0, and Blinky becomes sprite 4.

Other Emulators:

* CottAGE

* FB Alpha

* HiVE


* JEmu

* JEmu2

* Mimic

* Raine

* Retrocade

* Sparcade

* Tickle


Recommended Games (Maze Pac-Man):

Pac-Man / PuckMan

Namco Classic Collection Vol.2 (Pac-Man)

Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition

Pac-Man Plus

Super Pac-Man

Pac & Pal


4 Fun in 1 (Ghost Muncher)

unknown Pac-Man gambling game

Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg)

Ms. Pac-Man

Ms. Pac-Man/Galaga - 20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion

Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Ms. Pac-Man)

Jr. Pac-Man

Hyper Pacman

XESS - The New Revolution (Hyper Pacman)


Funny Strip

Puckman Pockimon


Professor PacMan


Pac-Land (United Amusements PC Engine)

Puzzle Club


Romset: 35 kb / 13 files / 20.9 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="mspacmnf" sourcefile="pacman.c" cloneof="mspacman" romof="mspacman">
              <description>Ms. Pac-Man (with speedup hack)</description>
              <manufacturer>Midway / General Computer Corporation</manufacturer>
              <rom name="pacman.6e" merge="pacman.6e" size="4096" crc="c1e6ab10" sha1="e87e059c5be45753f7e9f33dff851f16d6751181" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="pacfast.6f" size="4096" crc="720dc3ee" sha1="7224d7acfa0144b681c71d7734a7337189835361" region="maincpu" offset="1000"/>
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              <rom name="82s126.3m" merge="82s126.3m" size="256" crc="77245b66" sha1="0c4d0bee858b97632411c440bea6948a74759746" region="namco" offset="100"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Z80" clock="3072000"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
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              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="2" coins="2">
                     <control type="joy" ways="4"/>
              <dipswitch name="Rack Test (Cheat)" tag="IN0" mask="16">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="16" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Service Mode" tag="IN1" mask="16">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="16" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Cabinet" tag="IN1" mask="128">
                     <dipvalue name="Upright" value="128" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Cocktail" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coinage" tag="DSW1" mask="3">
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="3"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="1" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="2"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Free Play" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Lives" tag="DSW1" mask="12">
                     <dipvalue name="1" value="0"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2" value="4"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3" value="8" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="5" value="12"/>
              <dipswitch name="Bonus Life" tag="DSW1" mask="48">
                     <dipvalue name="10000" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="15000" value="16"/>
                     <dipvalue name="20000" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="None" value="48"/>
              <dipswitch name="Difficulty" tag="DSW1" mask="64">
                     <dipvalue name="Normal" value="64" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Hard" value="0"/>
              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="512"/>

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