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parodiusj: MAME ROM Information.


Parodius Da! - Shinwa kara Owarai e (c) 1990 Konami.

Created as a parody of Konami's own superb and challenging "Gradius" series of shoot-em-ups, Parodius Da! acquired its own identity and would spawn sequels of its own. It maintained the same intuitive power-up system of "Nemesis", "Salamander" et. al. but adopted a graphical style that was entirely its own; something that becomes evident at the very start of the game when players can chose to pilot either a penguin or an octopus rather that the traditional Gradius ship. Parodius' eccentricity and unique humour is further demonstrated soon after the game begins; as players face such enemies as a giant belly-dancing woman and a half-cat/half-boat creature.


Game ID : GX955


Sound CPU : Z80

Sound Chips : YM2151, K053260

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick

Buttons : 3


Released in April 1990.

The title of this game is a combination of two words : Parody + "Gradius" = Parodius. The subtitle of this game translates from Japanese as 'From Myth to Joke', which is a homage to the "Gradius III" subtitle : 'From Legend to Myth'.

During the game's attract mode, potential players are presented with a short history tour of the Nemesis series, as the title screen of each of Parodius's prequels are introduced'; watched, in typical Parodius style, by a crowd of blue and pink penguins.

Pentarou is from the MSX game "Antarctic Adventure".

The second boss (Patrotic Eagle) is similar to the first boss of "Gradius 2" (phoenix). This boss is often coined as a reason why Parodius was never released in the U.S.

The Vegas dancer near the end of the second stage is similar to the robot spider near the end of "Gradius 2". She appears in other Parodius games as well.

Stage 1 crucial part music is a remix of 'Symphony No.9 4th Movement', by Beethoven.

Stage 1 boss music is a remix of 'The Flight of the Bumble Bee', by R. Korsakov.

Stage 2-1 music is a remix of 'Op.71a the Nutcracker', by P. Tchaikovsky.

Stage 2-2 music is a remix of the music from "Gradius III".

Stage 2 boss music is a remix of the music from "Gradius II".

Stage 3 music is a megamix of 'Op.71a the Nutcracker', by P. Tchaikovsky. And 'Overture to William Tell', by G. Rossini.

Stage 3 boss music is a remix of 'Orphée aux enfers', by J. Offenbach.

Stage 4 music is a remix of 'Danse du sabre', by A.I. Khachaturyan.

Stage 5 music is a remix of 'L'Arisienne suite No.2', by G. Bizet.

Stage 6 music is a remix of 'from Gunkan March', by Japanese Martial Song.

Stage 6 boss music is a remix of the music from "Gradius".

Stage 7 music is a remix of 'Op.71a the Nutcracker Valse des Fleurs', by P. Tchaikovsky.

Stage 8 music is a megamix of 'Violine Konzert e moll', by F. Mendelssohn. And 'Unter dem Doppeladler', by J. F. Wagner.

Stage 9 music is a megamix of 'Peer Gynt Suite', by E. Grieg. And 'Swan Lake', by P. Tchaikovsky.

Stage 9 boss music is a remix of 'William Tell Overture', by G. Rossini.

Stage 10 and Stage 10 boss music are remix of music from "Gradius".

King Records released a limited-edition soundtrack album for this game (Parodius Da! Original Game Soundtrack - KICA-1011) on 21/07/1990.


1. Parodius - Tako wa Chikyuu o Sukuu [Model RC759] (1988, MSX)

2. Parodius Da! - Shinwa kara Owarai e [Model GX955] (1990)

3. Gokujyou Parodius! - Kako no Eikou wo Motomete (1994)

4. Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius (1995, Nintendo Super Famicom)

5. Sexy Parodius (1996)


Main programmers : Chichibinta, Tsukasa

Sub-programmer : Tyuken

Character designers : GaKincho, Touyou Syoutarou, Takemasa.M, Mory-Wandyu, Mikachan

Sound : -Cameo- Matano, -Dokuo- Umeno

Hard designer : Dendou Konishi

Tool designers : Au Toshimi, Kanton Ten


* Consoles :

Nintendo Game Boy (1991)

NEC PC-Engine (1992)

Nintendo Famicom (1992)

Nintendo Super Famicom (1992, "Parodius Non-Sense Fantasy")

Sony PlayStation (1994, "Parodius Deluxe Pack")

Sega Saturn (1995, "Parodius Deluxe")

Sony PSP [JP] (Jan. 25, 2007; "Parodius Portable [Model ULJM-05220]")

Sony PSP [JP] (Mar. 13, 2008; "Parodius Portable [Konami the Best] [Model ULJM-05324]")

* Computers :

Sharp X68000 (1991)


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.71u3 [Brian Troha]

0.36b3 [Nicola Salmoria]


- 0.144u7: Kanikani updated Parodius DA! dipswitches. Changed 'Unknown' dipswitch to 'Unused'.

- 0.140u3: Corrado Tomaselli and The Dumping Union added clone Parodius DA! (World, set 2). Changed parent description to 'Parodius DA! (World, set 1)'.

- 11th December 2010: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Parodius DA! (alt).

- 0.139u2: Phil Bennett added save-state support to the K053260 sound core. This fixed Parodius DA! freeze or reboot when using -autosave/save state.

- 0.136u1: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct and save states to Parodius DA!.

- 0.135u4: Fabio Priuli updated Parodius DA! to use the new Konami video devices.

- 0.133u1: Renamed (parodisj) to (parodiusj).

- 0.131u1: Angelo Salese merged memory maps in Parodius DA!.

- 0.129u1: R. Belmont fixed RAM/ROM check fails.

- 0.119u4: Mike Green fixed SERVICE1 mapping.

- 0.97u2: Mamesick fixed wrong mapped buttons (power-up, shoot and missile).

- 0.71u3: Brian Troha added Parodius DA! (World). Renamed (parodius) to (parodisj).

- 25th July 2003: Brian Troha added new a versions of Parodius DA!.

- 0.37b2: Ernesto Corvi fixed adpcm decoding in the K053260, this improves several Konami games.

- 0.36b4: Ernesto Corvi fixed a Konami CPU bug which caused problems with Parodius. Changed description to 'Parodius DA! (Japan)'.

- 0.36b3: Nicola Salmoria added Parodius (Japan) (Konami 1990).

- 11th August 1999: Nicola sent in a driver for Parodius, and added two new opcodes to the Konami CPU (needed for Parodius).

ARCADE RELEASE: Parodius DA! (Konami) - 1990/Apr/25


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Romset: 2880 kb / 8 files / 1.28 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="parodiusj" sourcefile="parodius.c" cloneof="parodius" romof="parodius">
              <description>Parodius DA! (Japan)</description>
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                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="224"/>
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