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ribbit: MAME ROM Information.


Ribbit! (c) 1991 Sega.

Ribbit! is a one or co-operative two-player abstract arcade game and is an unofficial sequel to Konami's seminal 1981 release, "Frogger".

Unlike its legendary prequel (in which players had to guide a frog to his home at top of each screen without being killed) the aim here is to guide a toad around a screen, eating benign insects - such as Ants and Dragon-flies - while avoiding harmful ones - such as Spiders and Rats. A level is only complete once a set amount of insects have been eaten.

Ribbit's stages take place over a number of different locations, including a sandy desert, a beach and - in tribute to the original game - on a fast flowing river with logs and turtles acting as platforms.

Bonus points are awarded if a stage is completed within 60 seconds - with the amount earned dictated by how quickly the stage is completed. A bonus round also appears after every third stage, in which players must run over as many of either flowers or mushrooms as possible to make them bloom.


Sega System C2 hardware

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 8.948862 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM3438 (@ 7.670453 Mhz), SN76496 (@ 3.579545 Mhz), UPD7759 (@ 640 Khz)

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick


Released in March 1991 in Japan.

This game is known in Japan as 'Ribbit! - Gana no Sono' (translates from Japanese as 'Ribbit! - Toad Garden').


* Extra lives feature : In the first game, ensure that you get a high-score (the music will change on the time bonus screen if you achieve this); then lose all of your lives and chose the 'continue' option. On the next game You will now show as having 0 toads; get killed and again press continue. You now have have 99 toads, which comes in very handy on the later and extremely difficult 'conveyor belt' levels.


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.65 [David Haywood, Aaron Giles]


- Game freezes on later levels. Smitdogg (ID 02343)


- 0.100u2: Aaron Giles cleaned up Ribbit protection implementation.

- 0.65: David Haywood added Ribbit! (Sega 1991).

- 4th February 2003: Aaron Giles fixed the protection in Ribbit! so it works fully now.

- 27th January 2003: David Haywood added Ribbit! to the Sega System C driver but it has some unemulated protection so it doesn't work.

LEVELS: 49 (endless - after 49th level, the game restarts from level 46)

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Frog & Spiders


Lady Frog


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The Return of Lady Frog

Ripper Ribbit

Romset: 1664 kb / 5 files / 671.0 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="ribbit" sourcefile="segac2.c">
              <rom name="epr-13833.ic32" size="262144" crc="5347f8ce" sha1="b95b99536157edfbf0d74a42f64235f47dca7ee1" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="epr-13832.ic31" size="262144" crc="889c42c2" sha1="0839a50a68b64a66d995f1bfaff42fcb60bb4d45" region="maincpu" offset="1"/>
              <rom name="epr-13838.ic34" size="524288" crc="a5d62ac3" sha1="8d83a7bc4017e125ef4231278f766b2368d5fc1f" region="maincpu" offset="100000"/>
              <rom name="epr-13837.ic33" size="524288" crc="434de159" sha1="cf2973131cabf2bc0ebb2bfe9f804ad3d7d0a733" region="maincpu" offset="100001"/>
              <rom name="epr-13834.ic4" size="131072" crc="ab0c1833" sha1="f864e12ecf6c0524da20fc66747a4fa4280e67e9" region="upd" offset="0"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="68000" clock="8948862"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="ymsnd" name="YM3438" clock="7670453"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="snsnd" name="SN76496" clock="3579545"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="upd" name="UPD7759" clock="640000"/>
              <display tag="megadriv" type="raster" rotate="0" width="256" height="224" refresh="60.000000" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="2" coins="2" service="yes">
                     <control type="joy" ways="8"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin A" tag="COINAGE" mask="15">
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="7"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="8"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="9"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" value="5"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" value="4"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="15" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" value="3"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" value="2"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" value="1"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/3 Credits" value="6"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="14"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="13"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/4 Credits" value="12"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/5 Credits" value="11"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/6 Credits" value="10"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Free Play (if Coin B too) or 1/1" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin B" tag="COINAGE" mask="240">
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="112"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="128"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="144"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit, 5/3, 6/4" value="80"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit, 4/3" value="64"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="240" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 5/6" value="48"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 4/5" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit, 2/3" value="16"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/3 Credits" value="96"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="224"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="208"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/4 Credits" value="192"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/5 Credits" value="176"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/6 Credits" value="160"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Free Play (if Coin A too) or 1/1" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Credits to Start" tag="DSW" mask="1">
                     <dipvalue name="1" value="1" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Demo Sounds" tag="DSW" mask="2">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="2"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0" default="yes"/>
              <dipswitch name="Lives" tag="DSW" mask="12">
                     <dipvalue name="1" value="8"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2" value="12"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3" value="4" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="5" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Difficulty" tag="DSW" mask="48">
                     <dipvalue name="Easy" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Normal" value="48" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Hard" value="16"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Hardest" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW" mask="64">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="64" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Unused" tag="DSW" mask="128">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="128" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0"/>
              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="unsupported" palettesize="2048"/>

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