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rockna: MAME ROM Information.


Rock'n Tread (c) 1999 Jaleco.


Main CPU : 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YMZ280B (@ 16.9344 Mhz)

Players : 1

Control : 8-way Joystick

Buttons : 2


Released in July 1999.

In 2000, Jaleco was sued by Konami (Konami claimed 'Rock'n Tread' is too similar to the 'beatmania' series). Jaleco lost, so all boards were withdrawn from the arcade market. This led to Jaleco going bankrupt. They were then acquired by a Hong Kong-based company called PCCW.


1. Rock'n Tread (1999)

2. Rock'n Tread 2 (1999)

3. Rock'n 3 (1999)

4. Rock'n MegaSession (1999)

5. Rock'n 4 (2000)

6. Rock'n MegaStage (2000, Sony PlayStation 2)


* Sound Staff :

Sound producer : Teruyuki Mori

Arrange & Composition : Tetsuya Yoshikawa

Sound director : Hiroshi Tanabe, Naoki Takehana

Coordinaor : Yuji Ohno

Recording engineer : Osamu Konishi

Sound programmer : Nobuya Tanaka

Guitarist : Shin-ichi Iwai

Vocalists : Kazuyo (from SPY), Paul Keymour, Steven Wolf, Shin-ichi Ishihara, Kyouka G, Yumi Ohki, You-U, Naoko Townsend, Shige, Kaori Yano

Cooperation : Tatsuya "ANIE" Nishimura

* Hardware Staff :

Hardware designers : Katsuaki Takita, Nobuyuki Arai

Mechanical designers : Hirofumi Henmi, Yasuo Yamazaki, Yoshinori Harada

Industrial & Graphic designers : Kazuto Ikegami, Kouji Ikenoue

* Software Staff :

Game programmers : Natsuo Seki, Satoru Arai

Graphic designers : Yusuke Yoshida, Kayuna.S, Onihei Hasegawa

Assistant director : Masaru Yokota

Game directors : Hiroyuki Makino, Kazuhiro Kurihara

Executive producers : Hiroyasu Ichizaki, Teruo Yoshikawa

Producer : Hiroyuki Makino


Game's rom.

MAME Info:

0.77u2 [Takahiro Nogi]

0.57 [?]


- 0.122u8: Fixed rom names.

- 0.103u5: Changed description of clone 'Rock'n Tread 1 (Japan, bootleg)' to 'Rock'n Tread (Japan, alternate)'. Renamed (rocknb) to (rockna).

- 0.103u2: Justin Lee Turner added clone Rock'n Tread 1 (Japan, bootleg). Added 15x missing sound1 roms to parent set.

- 0.77u2: Takahiro Nogi added Rock'n Tread (Japan) (Jaleco 1999).

- 27th November 2003: David Haywood added a partial dump of Rock'n Tread to the Tetris Plus 2 driver.

- 0.57: Added Rock'n Tread 1 (Japan) (Testdriver).

- 11th December 2001: Takahiro Nogi added the Rock'n Tread series to the Tetris Plus 2 driver, although some ROMs need redumping.


Recommended Games:

Rock'n Tread

Rock'n Tread 2

Rock'n 3

Rock'n 4

Rock'n MegaSession

Romset: 70144 kb / 22 files / 49.5 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="rockna" sourcefile="tetrisp2.c" cloneof="rockn" romof="rockn">
              <description>Rock'n Tread (Japan, alternate)</description>
              <rom name="rock_n_1_vj-98344_1" size="524288" crc="6078fa48" sha1="e98c1a1abf026f2d5b5035ccbc9d412a08ca1f02" region="maincpu" offset="1"/>
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              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="32768"/>

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