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smashtv3: MAME ROM Information.


Smash T.V. (c) 1990 Williams Electronics Games, Inc.

The year is 1999. Television has adapted to the more violent nature of man. The most popular form of television remains the game show. One show in particular has dominated the ratings. That show is SMASH TV. The most violent game show of all time. Two lucky contestants compete for cash and prizes. Each contestant is armed with an assortment of powerful weapons and sent into a closed arena. The action takes place in front of a studio audience and is broadcast live via satellite around the world. Be prepared. The future is now. You are the next lucky contestant!

Smash TV Game Rules :

1. Move with LEFT joystick to avoid enemies and gather prizes (cash and game show gifts).

2. Fire weapons with RIGHT joystick and collect power-up icons for increased firepower.

3. Advance to next game arena when enemies are gone.


The first series of cabinet was released with 19-inch monitors while the more common second series was fitted with 25-inch monitors.

Williams Y Unit hardware

Game No. 3044-U1

Main CPU : TMS34010

Sound CPU : M6809

Sound Chips : YM2151, DAC), HC55516

Screen orientation : Horizontal

Video resolution : 410 x 256 pixels

Screen refresh : 53.20 Hz

Palette colors : 4096

Players : 2

Control : Double 8-way joysticks


Released in April 1990.

A superb sequel to 1982's legendary single screen shoot-em-up, "Robotron - 2084". The Classic Robotron game-play is enhanced further with the addition of power-ups and imaginative and challenging end-of-level bosses. The two-player game introduced a very high level of competitiveness as both players try to beat each other to the power-ups, prizes and keys.

The game seems to be based, at least in part, on the sci-fi action movie, 'The Running Man', starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. This movie itself was based on a book of the same name by Stephen King (under the pseudonym 'Richard Bachman').

One of Smash TV's more memorable elements was the game show host; at random intervals, a garishly suited, grinning host would pop up and enthusiastically announce such memorable sound-bites as, 'Total carnage! I love it!', 'I'll buy that for a dollar!' (taken from the 1987 movie Robocop), 'I love it!', 'Big money! Big prizes! I love it!'.

A Smash T.V. sequel was planned, but the project never got past the planning stage and nothing more was heard of it. While Smash TV has yet to see a fully-fledged sequel, it WAS followed by a semi-sequel in the form of 'Total Carnage'; a military-themed scrolling shoot-em-up which was housed in a cabinet very similar to that of Smash T.V.s and shared the same dual joystick controls. Upon completion of Total Carnage's incredibly difficult first level, a message screen appeared stating that "all Smash T.V. players should quit and flee from this machine" before Total Carnage's already high difficulty level increased further. A solid follow-up to an already challenging game.

On the 2005 video game "Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories", there is a side-mission called 'Slash TV', which parodies this game, where the player's character is surrounded by enemies, and is awarded cash for eliminating waves of them. The camera angle changes from the game's traditional third-person to a slightly angled overhead view so it looks like the original.


Revision 1 :

* Software version 3.01.

Revision 2 :

* Software version 4.00.

Revision 3 :

* Software version 5.00.

* Added the 'Reset secret warp' (see 'Tips And Tricks' section for more info).

* Reduced difficulty (Factory setting : 3 (easy) instead of 5 (medium)).

Revision 4 :

* Software version 6.00.

Revision 5 :

* Software version 8.00.

* Added the famous 'Pleasure Dome'.

* Changed some 'in-game texts'.


* Secret Warp (Works on 5.00 and Up) : when you start a game of Smash T.V. on the first level, reset the machine, it'll take you to the 'Secret Warp 3' and take you to the third boss stages.

* Difficulty : the game is known to adjust its difficulty by the daily high score list. If the high scores are too high, making the game too hard, just reset the machine :).

* Don't try to conserve ammo. Your shots should be efficient and kill as much as possible, and you won't have time to think about conserving shots (especially in the latter stages). The pattern of moves you should follow at the end of each board to reach the easiest boards is :

Level 1 : right, up; and then you have no choices.

Level 2 : up, right; and then again, no choices.

Level 3 : right, right, down; and then you have no choices.

* When playing with 2 people, if one player finishes the level near an exit, the other will 'walk through the wall' to the next room. Can be useful on some levels.


Smash TV Design Team: Mark Turmell (MJT), John Tobias (JON), Tim Coman (TIM), Eugene Jarvis (DRJ), Todd Allen, George N. Petro, Larry DeMar, Jack E. Haeger, Cary Mednick, Glenn Shipp (GWS), Al Lasko, Sheridan Oursler, Ray Gay, Mark Loffredo, Ray Czajka, Greg Freres, Jim Nichols, Tim Elliot (TJE), Rob Ashworth

Music and Sounds: Jon Hey (JON) (HEY)

Voice of the MC: Ed Boon

Others from High Score Table: (LIP), (MLZ), (ALT), Brian Schmidt (BLS), (DJT), (NLN), (MTN), (TLC), (FAW), (FOO), (BAT), (MAN)


* Consoles :

Nintendo Famicom (1991)

Nintendo Super Famicom (1991, "Super Smash T.V.")

Sega Game Gear (1992)

Sega Master System (1992, "Super Smash T.V.")

Sega Mega Drive (1992)

Sony PlayStation (2000, "Arcade Party Pak")

Sony PlayStation 2 (2003, "Midway Arcade Treasure")

Nintendo GameCube (2003, "Midway Arcade Treasure")

Microsoft XBOX (2003, "Midway Arcade Treasure")

Microsoft XBOX 360 (2005, "Xbox Live Arcade") [Retired in 2010]

* Computers :

Sinclair ZX Spectrum (1991)

Commodore C64 (1991)

Amstrad CPC (1991)

Commodore Amiga (1991)

Atari ST (1991)

PC [MS Windows, CD-ROM] (2004, "Midway Arcade Treasure")

* Others :

LCD handheld game (1991) : released by Acclaim.


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.

MAME Info:

0.34b7 [Alex Pasadyn, Zsolt Vasvari, Kurt Mahan]


- Music sputters/lags when doors open. Yonah (ID 03297)


- 0.145u7: Added 'Williams CVSD Sound Board' sound.

- 0.137: Brian Troha and The Dumping Union added clone Smash T.V. (rev 3.01).

- 9th March 2010: Smitdogg - Brian Troha got Smash TV (Rev. 3.01). It's the oldest version dumped.

- 0.133u1: Fixed rom names.

- 0.122u6: Changed TMS34010 CPU1 clock speed to 40MHz and M6809E CPU2 to 8MHz.

- 0.122u4: Replaced M6809 CPU with M6809E. Changed YM2151 clock speed to 3579545 Hz.

- 0.114u1: Changed TMS34010 CPU clock speed to 5MHz, visible area to 399x253 and VSync to 27.407585 Hz.

- 0.77u2: Added dipswitches 'Service Mode', '1-8', '2-8' and 13x 'Unknown'.

- 0.63: Changed visible area to 410x256.

- 0.37b5: Changed visible area to 400x255 and palettesize from 65536 to 4096 colors. Added 'Service Mode' dipswitch.

- 17th June 2000: Hans de Goede fixed a small bug in the Smash TV driver.

- 0.36b16: Added Custom sound and changed VSync to 53.204948 Hz.

- 0.36b9: Changed visible area to 396x256.

- 13th November 1999: Aaron Giles sent in a TMS34010 update with accurate timing, more functionality and he also sent in a Smash TV sound hardware speedup.

- 0.36b7: Rewritten the HC55516 CVSD decoder [Aaron Giles]. This affects Sinistar, Joust 2, Arch Rivals, Pigskin, Tri-Sports, Smash TV, Trog and Narc.

- 0.35b13: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Smash T.V.'.

- 0.35b4: Zsolt Vasvari added clones Smash TV (rev 4.00) and (rev 6.00).

- 26th February 1999: Zsolt Vasvari has added several clones (for Smash TV, Galaxian, Rampage, Satan's Hollow, Bosconian).

- 0.35b2: Replaced the 3x DAC sound with HC55516 and 1x DAC.

- 0.34b8: Alex Pasadyn added Smash TV (rev 5.00). Changed parent description to 'Smash TV (rev 8.00)'.

- 0.34b7: Alex Pasadyn, Zsolt Vasvari and Kurt Mahan added Smash TV (Williams 1990).

- 18th November 1995: Dumped Smash T.V. (rev 8.00).


- The year is 1999. Television has adapted to the more violent nature of man. The most popular form of television remains the game show. One show in particular has dominated the ratings. That show is Smash T.V. The most violent game show of all time. Two lucky contestants compete for cash and prizes. Each contestant is armed with an assortment of powerful weapons and sent into a closed arena. The action takes place in front of a studio audience and is broadcast live via satellite around the world. Be prepared. The future is now. You are the next lucky contestant.


Recommended Games (Maze 2):



Wizard of Wor



Warp & Warp

Black Widow



Naughty Boy






Mazer Blazer

Screw Loose

Inferno (Williams)

Wiz Warz

Alien Arena


Smash T.V.

Dynablaster / Bomber Man

Bomber Man World

Neo Bomberman


Nitro Ball

Ultraman Club

Last Fighting

BnB Arcade

Romset: 1600 kb / 14 files / 678.2 zip

MAME XML Output:

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