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timepltc: MAME ROM Information.


Time Pilot [Upright model] (c) 1982 Centuri, Inc.


Manufactured and released in December 1982 by Centuri under license from Konami. Please read the Konami entry for more information about the game.

Original products:

Time Pilot [GX393] (Konami)

Licensed products:

Time Pilot [Upright model] (Centuri)

Time Pilot [Cocktail model] (Centuri)

Time Pilot (Atari)

Unofficial products:

Space Pilot (Unknown manufacturer)


Game's ROM.

MAME Info:

0.12 [Nicola Salmoria, Mike Cuddy, Alan J. Mccormick]


- 0.144u7: Kanikani updated Time Pilot dipswitches.

- 16th April 2011: Mr. Do - Time Pilot was a real group effort. Aaron Giles first purchased and scanned this over three years ago. Ad_Enuff took care of the background and color matching, Zorg vectored all the vehicles, Jcroach vectored all the clouds, and thanks to my job laying me off for a week, I was able to finish up the asteroids to complete it.

- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli added common driver data struct to Time Pilot driver.

- 0.122u8: Changed palettesize to 384 colors.

- 0.93: Added 6x RC_Filter.

- 0.79u1: Chris Hardy added clone Time Pilot (Atari).

- 20th January 2004: Chris Hardy added an Atari version of Time Pilot.

- 0.37b12: Accurate emulation of sprite multiplexing in Time Pilot [Nicola Salmoria].

- 22nd August 1999: Nicola fixed Time Pilot graphics.

- 0.35b8: Implemented the RC filters in early Konami games (Time Pilot, Pooyan, etc.) [Zsolt Vasvari]. Changed Z80 CPU clock speed to 1.789772 MHz.

- 18th March 1999: Zsolt Vasvari has added RC filter functions to all the games which use the Time Pilot sound board (early Konami games like Time Pilot, Pooyan, etc).

- 12th March 1999: Nicola Salmoria converted Time Pilot to tilemap system and fixed a few bugs along the way.

- 0.34b7: Nicola Salmoria added clone Time Pilot (Centuri).

- 0.34b1: Added color proms ($0, 20, 40, 140 - 2x palette, sprite and char lookup table).

- 0.33b7: Changed description of clone 'Space Pilot (bootleg Time Pilot)' to 'Space Pilot'.

- 0.31: Jim Hernandez fixed music tempo and pitch in Time Pilot.

- 0.29: Clouds in Time Pilot are correct [Edward Massey].

- 0.27: Changed description of clone 'Space Pilot' to 'Space Pilot (bootleg Time Pilot)'.

- 0.22: Time Pilot has now 100% correct colors (thanks Alan J. McCormick!).

- 0.18: Some changes to music tempo in Time Pilot [Nicola Salmoria].

- 0.16: Nicola Salmoria solve the problem with garbled text messages in Time Pilot, modified the GameDriver structure replacing letters_start and numbers_start with the array charset[36].

- 0.15: Sound support in Time Pilot [Nicola Salmoria]. All these require -frameskip 1 on my 486/100. I have no idea how accurate the tempo and pitch is. If you can compare it with a real machine, please let me know what's wrong. Added audio CPU rom tm7.

- 0.14: Nicola Salmoria added high score saving to Time Pilot.

- 0.12: Nicola Salmoria added Time Pilot (Konami 1982) and Space Pilot (bootleg). The games runs on the same hardware as Pooyan. Colors come straight from Mike Cuddy's emulator. Game is playable with wrong colors and no sound. Control: Arrows = Move around and CTRL = Fire. Known issues: The ROM copyright message and the dipswitch menu are unreadable. Time Pilot doesn't have consecutive letters in the graphics ROms, I'll have to modify my text routines to handle that. This game uses double-width sprites for the clouds, but I haven't yet figured out they are selected. The code is currently a hack - just double the sprites which I know are used for clouds. The memory mapped read port at c000 puzzles me.

ARCADE RELEASE: Time Pilot (Konami) - 1982/Nov

LEVELS: 5 (endless)

Other Emulators:

* HiVE

* Retrocade

Recommended Games (Dog-Fight):


Sky Skipper

Time Pilot

Dog Fight

Acrobatic Dog-Fight

Two Tigers

Sky Kid

Sky Kid Deluxe

Vs. Super SkyKid

Wing War

Romset: 53 kb / 11 files / 27.4 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="timepltc" sourcefile="timeplt.c" cloneof="timeplt" romof="timeplt">
              <description>Time Pilot (Centuri)</description>
              <manufacturer>Konami (Centuri license)</manufacturer>
              <rom name="cd1y" size="8192" crc="83ec72c2" sha1="f3dbc8362f6bdad1baa65cf5d95611e79de381a4" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="cd2y" size="8192" crc="0dcf5287" sha1="c36628367e81ac07f5ace72b45ebb7140b6aa116" region="maincpu" offset="2000"/>
              <rom name="cd3y" size="8192" crc="c789b912" sha1="dead7b20a40769e48738fccc3a17e2266aac445d" region="maincpu" offset="4000"/>
              <rom name="tm7" merge="tm7" size="4096" crc="d66da813" sha1="408fca4515e8af84211df3e204c8776b2f8adb23" region="tpsound" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="tm6" merge="tm6" size="8192" crc="c2507f40" sha1="07221875e3f81d9def67c57a7ccd82d52ce65e01" region="gfx1" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="tm4" merge="tm4" size="8192" crc="7e437c3e" sha1="cbe2ccd2cd503af62f009cd5aab73aa7366230b1" region="gfx2" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="tm5" merge="tm5" size="8192" crc="e8ca87b9" sha1="5dd30d3fb9fd8cf9e6a8e37e7ea858c7fd038a7e" region="gfx2" offset="2000"/>
              <rom name="timeplt.b4" merge="timeplt.b4" size="32" crc="34c91839" sha1="f62e279e21fce171231d3139be7adabe1f4b8c2e" region="proms" offset="0"/>
              <rom name="timeplt.b5" merge="timeplt.b5" size="32" crc="463b2b07" sha1="9ad275365eba4869f94749f39ff8705d92056a10" region="proms" offset="20"/>
              <rom name="timeplt.e9" merge="timeplt.e9" size="256" crc="4bbb2150" sha1="678433b21aae1daa938e32d3293eeed529a42ef9" region="proms" offset="40"/>
              <rom name="timeplt.e12" merge="timeplt.e12" size="256" crc="f7b7663e" sha1="151bd2dff4e4ef76d6438c1ab2cae71f987b9dad" region="proms" offset="140"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Z80" clock="3072000"/>
              <chip type="cpu" tag="tpsound" name="Z80" clock="1789772"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="mono" name="Speaker"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="timeplt_audio" name="Time Pilot Audio"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="ay1" name="AY-3-8910A" clock="1789772"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="ay2" name="AY-3-8910A" clock="1789772"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="filter.0.0" name="RC Filter"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="filter.0.1" name="RC Filter"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="filter.0.2" name="RC Filter"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="filter.1.0" name="RC Filter"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="filter.1.1" name="RC Filter"/>
              <chip type="audio" tag="filter.1.2" name="RC Filter"/>
              <display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="90" width="256" height="224" refresh="60.000000" pixclock="3932160" htotal="256" hbend="0" hbstart="256" vtotal="256" vbend="16" vbstart="240" />
              <sound channels="1"/>
              <input players="2" buttons="1" coins="2">
                     <control type="joy" ways="8"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin A" tag="DSW0" mask="15">
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="2"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="5"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="8"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/2 Credits" value="4"/>
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/3 Credits" value="1"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="15" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/4 Credits" value="3"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/3 Credits" value="7"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="14"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/5 Credits" value="6"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="13"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/4 Credits" value="12"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/5 Credits" value="11"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/6 Credits" value="10"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/7 Credits" value="9"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Free Play" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Coin B" tag="DSW0" mask="240">
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/1 Credit" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/1 Credit" value="80"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/1 Credit" value="128"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/2 Credits" value="64"/>
                     <dipvalue name="4 Coins/3 Credits" value="16"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/1 Credit" value="240" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3 Coins/4 Credits" value="48"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/3 Credits" value="112"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/2 Credits" value="224"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2 Coins/5 Credits" value="96"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/3 Credits" value="208"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/4 Credits" value="192"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/5 Credits" value="176"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/6 Credits" value="160"/>
                     <dipvalue name="1 Coin/7 Credits" value="144"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Free Play" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Lives" tag="DSW1" mask="3">
                     <dipvalue name="3" value="3" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="4" value="2"/>
                     <dipvalue name="5" value="1"/>
                     <dipvalue name="255 (Cheat)" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Cabinet" tag="DSW1" mask="4">
                     <dipvalue name="Upright" value="0" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="Cocktail" value="4"/>
              <dipswitch name="Bonus Life" tag="DSW1" mask="8">
                     <dipvalue name="10000 50000" value="8" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="20000 60000" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Difficulty" tag="DSW1" mask="112">
                     <dipvalue name="1 (Easiest)" value="112"/>
                     <dipvalue name="2" value="96"/>
                     <dipvalue name="3" value="80"/>
                     <dipvalue name="4" value="64" default="yes"/>
                     <dipvalue name="5" value="48"/>
                     <dipvalue name="6" value="32"/>
                     <dipvalue name="7" value="16"/>
                     <dipvalue name="8 (Difficult)" value="0"/>
              <dipswitch name="Demo Sounds" tag="DSW1" mask="128">
                     <dipvalue name="Off" value="128"/>
                     <dipvalue name="On" value="0" default="yes"/>
              <driver status="good" emulation="good" color="good" sound="good" graphic="good" savestate="supported" palettesize="384"/>

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