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timesold1: MAME ROM Information.


Time Soldiers (c) 1987 Romstar, Inc.

Travel throughout various time periods to save your fellow comrades in this vertically scrolling shoot'em up. Collect power-ups to help you defeat a variety of enemies and end-bosses.


Game ID : Alpha-68K96II 'BT'

Main CPU : 68000 (@ 8 Mhz)

Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 7.15909 Mhz)

Sound Chips : YM2203 (@ 3 Mhz), YM2413 (@ 8 Mhz), DAC

Screen orientation : Vertical

Video resolution : 224 x 256 pixels

Screen refresh : 60.00 Hz

Palette colors : 2048

Players : 2

Control : 8-way joystick (rotary)

Buttons : 2


Licensed to Romstar for US distribution (September 1987).

This game is known in Japan as "Battle Field".

The game contains a horrible original bug : when you select 'Japanese language' in the dipswitch settings, the title screen is totally broken.

Default high-score table (ranking) :

1 90000 M.I.

2 80800 OK .

3 70900 A.U.

4 60600 UCL.

5 50500 UCC.

6 40400 SOS.

7 30300 SUN.

8 20200 GO .

9 10100 SSS.

10 7700 YES.


In "Battle Field", the highscore table contains different name entries than Time Soldiers.


To accomplish the missions here requires going through time warp machines that appear on all stages. But when you're on a stage where one of your fellow time soldiers who need to be rescued is located, you should avoid entering the time warp machines, otherwise, it'll take longer to complete the missions, as you'll need to access more time machines on other stages until you get back to the specific stage where you need to find the captive. For example, if one of the captive soldiers is located on the Age of Rome stage, remain on that stage until you've reached and defeated the main boss enemy. The captive soldier will then materialize and the game will tell you that 'you destroyed the boss monster and rescued one warrior'. Then, you'll proceed to the next mission to rescue another captive soldier.


Director : Kyuko Ozutumi

A.D & design : Tomoharu Takahasi

Designers : Shinji Moriyama, Row Ushizawa, Kenichi Sakanishi, Kathue Konbe, Takashi Hatono

Music programmer : Satoshi Hagitani

Music : Yuka Watanabe

Programmers : Hideo Kamera, Hiroyuki Ryu


* Consoles :

Sega Master System (1989)

* Computers :

Commodore C64 (1989)

Commodore Amiga (1989)

Atari ST (1989)


Game's rom.

Machine's picture.

MAME Info:

0.36b1 [Bryan McPhail]


- In attract mode, only for a frame, there's a sprite misplacement. Robiza (ID 01428)


- 0.140u2: Stephane Humbert fixed coins are not reacting correctly (MCU problem) in Time Soldiers and clones.

- 0.138u2: SftiKDL0 fixed input in Time Soldiers and clones (DIAL was used instead of rotary joystick).

- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Time Soldiers. Renamed (timesol1) to (timesold1) and (btlfildb) to (btlfieldb).

- 0.130u4: Derrick Renaud converted Time Soldiers use IPT_POSITIONAL.

- 0.128u6: Phil Bennett reduced all Alpha68k YM2413 clocks from 8MHz to 3.579545MHz.

- 0.97u1: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added clone Battle Field (bootleg).

- 4th June 2005: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Battle Field (bootleg).

- 0.61: Changed 'Unknown' to 'Unused' dipswitch.

- 0.59: Acho A. Tang fixed priority in Time Soldiers.

- 18th March 2002: Acho A. Tang submitted a massive update for the Alpha68k driver, fixing a few graphics problems in Sky Adventure and Time Soldiers, and making Paddle Mania, Super Stingray and Kyros playable.

- 0.37b2: Changed description to 'Time Soldiers (US Rev 3)' and clones '(Rev 1)' to '(US Rev 1)' and 'Battlefield (Japan)' to 'Battle Field (Japan)'.

- 0.36b16: Renamed (timesol2) to (timesol1).

- 0.36b1: Bryan McPhail added Time Soldiers (Rev 3) (SNK / Romstar 1987) and clones (Rev 1) and Battlefield (Japan). The Time Soldiers title screen is corrupt when set to 'Japanese language', the real board does this too! Make the Time Soldiers ROM writable and the game will enter a 'debug' kind of mode, probably from the development system used.

- 17th July 1999: Bryan McPhail sent in drivers for Time Soldiers, Sky Soldiers, Sky Adventure and Gang Wars.

- 6th June 1999: Bryan McPhail has gotten a nice new shiny computer science degree, and for a nice celebration he almost finished some drivers. Here are some pics of Gang Wars, Gold Medalist, Sky Adventure, Sky Soldiers and Time Soldiers, but don't expect to see these before 0.36b1.


Recommended Games (Army Fighter 2):


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Romset: 2048 kb / 21 files / 870.0 zip

MAME XML Output:

       <game name="timesold1" sourcefile="alpha68k.c" cloneof="timesold" romof="timesold">
              <description>Time Soldiers (US Rev 1)</description>
              <manufacturer>Alpha Denshi Co. (SNK/Romstar license)</manufacturer>
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